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Ítem Developing Critical Thinking on Teenagers. A Challenge for English Teachers in High School(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-31) Díaz Amaya, Claudia Maritza; Lopez Urbina, Johanna Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomás;; current project involved the review and implementation of methodologies for fostering critical thinking skills in adolescents attending a private school in Bogota. This project is an action research project its approach on teaching and learning of English as a foreign language; focusing in Innovative practices in English teaching. The study focused on 11th grade students, started with class observation where was possible to identify the problem around critical thinking and reading skills in order to help to improve those deficiencies utilized data from tests, surveys, reading exercises, and journals to not only identify deficiencies in critical thinking development, particularly in inferences and assumptions but in enhance of those aspects that could help in the background of developing critical thinking skills, such as reading and linguistic abilities among the students. While inferences posed the greatest challenge, there was notable progress in assumptions and in the selection of options. The use of extensive reading and authentic materials facilitated the development of critical thinking skills, aiding in material selection and teaching skills These findings emphasize the need for ongoing efforts in teacher training to support this process. Keywords: authentic material, critical thinking, EFL, extensive reading, inferences.Ítem Análisis de Aspectos Matemáticos el Juego de Stop Callejero(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Castro Pacheco, Mayli Andrea; Peralta Guacheta, Blanca María; Universidad Santo Tomás;;; following work is investigative and descriptive, it will be carried out in the municipality of Ocaña Norte de Santander. This research work is based on the game known as ̈stop street ̈ but unfortunately there is no complete investigation about its origin, rules and perhaps language used for the guidelines of the game, because according to what has been researched it is called Bobby which is played mainly in the area of Santander, Cundinamarca, Boyacá and Tolima. Thanks to this game you can integrate children without making distinction between them and also manage to have a good afternoon. The main purpose of this work is for people to realize that mathematics is present in many aspects of our daily lives, including in games such as Street Stop. For this research it was necessary to follow a series of ordered steps, first of all it was to take a topic, in my case it was the traditional game in the municipality of Ocaña, then we made use of Some methods of data collection, as was the case of the interview, in order to know the background, the rules it has and even to know if with the passage of time it has been maintained or has had some modifications. Finally, it was done and we had a fun time learning, because without them they had to apply certain mathematical concepts such as measuring, counting and calculating the force with which they throwed. In this way we were able to take the data analyses and look at the way that this made a change in the children. Colombia is a country with a great demographic, gastronomic, social and cultural diversity, which allows there to be different ways of developing knowledge, because each culture has a traditional game or perhaps the same, but they have other names so it is a great tool; But this diversity affects tradition, since the student only receives concepts and nothing practical, a clear example is when we use problems out of context that we make it difficult to interpret the construction of logical notions.Ítem El Owaré juego típico afrodescendientes como táctica recreativa para animar la enseñanza de la etnomatemática, en los estudiantes del grado cuarto de la Institución Educativa Pablo VI.(2022-09-22) Ordoñez Torres, Jaime; Peralta Guachetá, Blanca María; Martínez Barragán, Miguel Alfonso; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem La Yupana, calculadora para niños. Un camino para aprender cálculo mental.(2022-10-19) Plata Díaz, María Alejandra; Universidad Santo TomásThis article shows how Yupana has become a great strategy to develop mental calculation skills in children with indigenous cultural roots. Being a sign of the recognition of ethnomathematics as a means that allows adaptation to an environment with special characteristics, likewise, it talks about the process on the construction of the primer that adapts to children who lack an accompanying teacher, providing them with the necessary guidelines and examples. so that they can implement and develop the proposed exercises of the Yupana. In the same way, it seeks to promote the use of the Yupana in different school environments, in which students manage to appropriate it and thus improve their learning process, since it has been designed for primary school students, which may be within the scope of your interpretation and understanding. Likewise, teachers will be able to access it to bring integrated learning to the classroom.Ítem Sabores, Saberes y Sentires; Huellas de las Comunidades Afrocolombianas(2022-09-22) Velásquez Montaño, Yadivis; Baez Peñuela, Marcela Carolina; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;Ítem Cultivando nuestros sueños : proyecto interdisciplinar para aprender matemáticas en una huerta comunitaria(2018) Bermúdez Fernández, MauricioSociety has begun to modernize its economical, political, social and legal models frequently in order to be global and to satisfy the modern world needs. To accomplish this it is necessary for institutions to modify their normative and operative structures; otherwise they will disappear through time due to a lack of competitive strategies to face today’s social demands. This article will expose those arguments of the legal theory that entail taking a practical, rational and legal response related to the science of the police in order to guarantee the respect of human rights and the humanitarian right, along with the constitutional parameters of Colombia.Ítem La medición de cultivos como propuesta pedagógica para el aprendizaje del sistema medición en estudiantes de 5 grado de primaria de la escuela urbana n°1 en el municipio de Aguachica, Cesar(2022-01-20) Vergel Galvis, Osmely Katerine; Durán García, Erika Patricia; Peralta, Blanca MaríaThis research work is based on agriculture as the main tool for learning the metric system that serves to develop a series of mathematical skills, as is the case of learning the metric system as a main axis that will develop skills in students who will be able to apply in a meaningful way to the reality of the environment in which they live. Therefore, the main purpose of this pedagogical proposal is to make a study of the different applications of mathematics in the crops of the municipality of Aguachica, Cesar; in which a relationship between agriculture and the teaching of mathematics in daily life is established, to make use of these as a strategy for teaching mathematics, applied in the established thematic contents, especially those related to measurement. In the first phase of the proposal, the aim is for students to recognize the main crops of the Municipality of Aguachica and the characteristics of each one of them, through the combination of teaching in the classroom and a tour of the field in an informal way. pedagogical Likewise, it is proposed as the main activity to make a garden that contains tomato, bean and watermelon crops in the educational institution to develop agricultural skills, mathematics and also establish a culture of healthy food consumption.Ítem Estudio del crecimiento del cultivo de la habichuela en las cuatro fases lunares; creciente, menguante, llena y nueva del corregimiento el gitano y la modelización matemática con respecto al comportamiento de este cultivo(2021-02-04) Chacón Chacón, Camilo Andrés; Peralta Guachetá, Blanca María; project was carried out in the Gypsy Township of the Río de Oro municipality, based on the study of the growth of the bean in the four lunar phases (waning, waxing, full and new) so that after data collection regarding the height of each plant week by week, the collected information will be graphed and a mathematical model will be made that will demonstrate the average height of the crop in x week, based on the logistic growth formula.Ítem ¿El maestro desde las matemáticas aporta a la construcción de nación?(2021-02-02) Rangel Hernández, Ruth Angélica; Moreno Fajardo, Paola Andrea; purpose of the following paper is to reflect on the role of the teacher from mathematics in nation building, taking as a fundamental basis the research of different proposals and authors, who contribute in the social and cultural field, in terms of classroom learning, teaching and teaching practice.