Pregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía, Ética y Valores Humanos

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  • Ítem
    Desafíos y Posibilidades a Nivel Formativo en Educación Desde las Humanidades Digitales en Latinoamérica Estado del Arte
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-06) González Arteaga, Cristian Camilo; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This project presents a state of the art on digital humanities in Latinoamérica in the period 2015 - 2021 and the challenges and possibilities generated at the training level in education, which are visualized from them. For this, it presents a brief history of its origins, the characteristics of this field in Latinoamérica, three conceptual frameworks from which it can be understood, an analysis of the challenges and possibilities of these and finally some proposals about the opportunities identified for educational training. It emphasizes the lack of consensus that exists when defining what digital humanities are and the notion of this as an interdisciplinary, open and collaborative field that uses computational strategies fundamentally to seek new models of interpretation of the world, in order to reformulate and re problematize the certainties of culture, history and humanities.
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    Consideraciones sobre pedagogía, didáctica, evaluación y filosofía de la educación en la educación filosófica
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-19) Hernández Núñez, Dainer Alberto; Obando Urueña, Wilman Tomas; Rincón Murcia, Ángela Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;
    Through this essay some considerations are exposed that result from the development of a compendium of readings in different fields of study of education in philosophy, such as pedagogy, didactics, philosophy of education and evaluation. In this sense, it seeks to conceptualize these aspects in their most significant sense, which involved delving into some thematic nuclei that derive from these study topics, in the same way a conceptual approach to Teaching and Learning Centers (CEA) is promoted. and research on literacy. Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to offer a reflective critical look through a series of very circumspect conceptions of different writers on the subject, in order to bring the reader closer to the understanding of the meaning of education, from education in philosophy.
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    Ética del cuidado ambiental, en relación con la comprensión gnoseológica de algunas familias ribereñas frente a la contaminación del río Tobal.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-11-26) Alarcón Pérez, Gerardo Antonio; Gómez Rivera, Gustavo Adolfo; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This research is focused on describing the epistemological understandings of some riverside families of a sector of the Tobal village of the Aquitania - Boyacá municipality, which influence the polluting behavior of the Tobal river, a tributary of Lake Tota, in relation to an ethic of care environmental, to have a diagnosis of perception, of the polluting behavior of the same families that is confronted with the principles of the ethics of environmental care and thus contributes to the understanding of the problem. It shows the importance of the ethos of environmental care from a holistic perspective in the context of the community's relationship with the Tobal river. The study was carried out with an ethnographic methodological design, in which a semi-structured interview and a field diary were implemented; instruments that allowed to conclude the rational capitalist individual conception by these same families in their relationship with the river, which revealed the need for an ethical training in environmental care from a holistic perspective from a community setting, which allows them to become new ecological families.
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    El Cine Foro una Estrategia Didáctica para Centrar la Atención en el Desarrollo de la Clase de Filosofía del Grupo Undécimo-Tres de la Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Chiquinquirá.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-12-14) Urbano Ortiz, Luis Felipe; Ferro Maldonado, Sonia Johanna
    This research project was carried out with a group of 10th grade students from the Técnico Commercial Sagrado Corazon de Jesus High School in Chiquinquirá, Boyacá, which aimed to implement the movie-forum as a pedagogic strategy to make students get interested in philosophical topics, taking into account that during philosophy classes, students used to be reluctant to participate actively mainly because they couldn't see the importance of this subject for their real lives. Once the problem was identified, the data was gathered using instruments such as surveys, non-participant observation and focus groups. The findings show that the movie forum can make students feel more interested in philosophical issues and thus, enhance their writing works.
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    Propuesta de una herramienta didáctica para apoyar la estructuración del proyecto de vida del estudiante de educación media.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-09-29) Hurtado Socha, Luis Orlando; Gutierrez Alvarado, Erick; Universidad Santo Tomas
    This research wants to show the difficulty that high school students of the Reyes Patria educational institution of the city of Sogamoso, Boyacá have in the construction and projection of their life project, is developed around the theoretical foundation and diagnosis according to the perception that young people have about the subject. The document focuses on the need that young people have when building their life project, before which it is urged to propose a formative support so that a guide is elaborated where ethics and values will be the foundation to that lack that students present when visualizing and deciding what to do with their lives. With the findings found and evidenced the need and emptiness of the student on life project, the design of a didactic tool is proposed so that the young person can plan his life project in the clearest and simplest way, and that the didactic tool developed "The Story as an Ethical Training Tool", manages to support the structuring of the life project of high school students.
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    Resiliencia en menores de edad víctimas del conflicto armado: plan de apoyo integral en la comuna 8 de Villavicencio y en el ETCR, vereda Buenavista de Mesetas.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-03-07) Florián Delgadillo, Henry Ferrer; Rubio Pardo, Diana Milena; Castellanos Triviño, Héctor Rafael
    This text gives an account of the results in the pedagogical sphere, of an investigation carried out with minors, victims of the Colombian armed conflict, within the framework of a comprehensive support plan in the pedagogical, psychological and legal fields that responds to the SDGs prioritized in the regions and involves the referred population, from the strategy of university social projection. The work was developed in the AETCR of the village Buenavista de Mesetas and in the commune 8 of Villavicencio, focusing the investigation on the resilience in the face of adversities that occurred in the midst of the armed conflict in the south of the department of Meta.
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    Resolución de conflictos en las familias del barrio san cristobal sector san rafael, del municipio de rio oro, cesar
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Quintero Pérez, Norida Johana; Moncada, Yohan Alexis; Duran Celón, Maria Teresa; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Education today faces great challenges; one of them is to educate for peace and promote behavioral learning in families, placing it at the center of relationships. behavioral learning in families, placing it at the center of human and social relations. social and human relationships, which must be approached from the construction of respectful and non-violent relationships. conflict in general should be seen as a factor of growth and individual and collective strengthening. individual and collective strengthening. For this reason, the research is aimed at determining the social factors that influence conflict resolution in the families of the San Cristobal neighborhood in the San Rafael San Rafael sector of the municipality of Rio de Oro, Cesar, as a strategy to improve the behavior and interaction of the inhabitants. behavior and interaction of the inhabitants.
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    Diseño pedagógico transversal para fortalecer la educación en valores a estudiantes técnicos auxiliares en salud oral y enfermería de la escuela mecánica dental del Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2011) Osorio Rivera, Hector; Arias, Jose Eleano; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The last fifty years have been a time in history when man has grown rapidly in terms of technical rapid growth in technical advances but this situation has led to an unlimited dehumanization of the dehumanization of today's man and especially in adolescents who will be the future citizens. adolescents who will be the future citizens. The current crisis is so high that behavior is confused with conduct and discipline or human value with current fashion or easy money. with current fashion or easy money. Today, adolescents are the biggest criminal offenders in Colombia. offenders in Colombia.
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    El Aprendizaje Como Acto Creador
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-10-04) Narvaez Argoty, Edgar Patrocinio
    The idea of learning provided by Fernando Bárcena Orbe in the current context presents the opportunity to think about education from a creative horizon. Since, learning would not be to adapt to something already given, but to generate new visions of the encounter with the other and with the world through knowledge. For this purpose, this text addresses the concept of learning from the collective nature of knowledge, the idea of a one-dimensional culture and the current transformations of teaching practices. In this sense, Bárcena appraisals regarding education as a market object and teaching work in the contemporary sphere are also considered. Finally, the importance of dialogue in learning processes and the construction of knowledge from the cultural and historical vision in relation to training is highlighted.
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    Propuestas en Enseñanza de la Filosofía Para la Formación del Pensamiento Crítico
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-11-22) Jurado Balaquera, John
    This article aims to propose the teaching of philosophy as an educational tool. Therefore, it first contains a proposal for teaching philosophy to children where it is offered to develop reasoning skills through the implementation of the phases of a didactic oriented to foster critical and creative thinking. Secondly, it contains a succinct description of critical thinking and its relationship with Socratic dialogue. Subsequently, a thematic axis on Philosophy and didactics by competencies is shown. At the end of this document, it is concluded that although philosophy begins its reflective work within the classroom, this reflection extends beyond this.
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    El desarrollo humano como resignificación del contractualismo en la construcción de justicia social educativa en Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-06-16) Romero, Dario Miguel; Nieto Bravo, Johan Andrés
    When investigating social justice in Colombia, it is necessary to indicate that this conception is permeated by contractualism, understood as a doctrine based on the principle of equality that has provided the rational and philosophical foundation for the constitution of modern states and their public policies. However, these ideas have been rethought from a growing differential approach, called human development, which focuses on people and the formation of their capacities, in order to lead them to the construction of true social justice, in a context where the most unequal conditions between individuals are present and it is necessary to redefine the idea of equality, since this does not determine an egalitarian social justice. In the present historical moment, it is necessary to strengthen human capacities with an approach that seeks to improve people's possibilities and opportunities, understanding economic development as a means and not as an end, clarifying that the priority in the development process is not the accumulation of capital and economic growth, but the human subject.
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    Proyecto de Vida: Apuntes para una educación ética
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-09-30) Montes Peñaloza, Wilson Eduardo; Huertas, Joaquín Dario
    This work proposes a reflection on the importance of training in values at all levels of education, in order to provide students with the axiological bases to face phenomena such as transvaluation and transculturation in a society where moral ambiguity prevails and relativism. Likewise, the family, the school and the relationship with society like a fundamental scenarios for the choice of ethical values in each person, for an authentic personal fulfilment. The difference established between the moral and ethical treatment of values in basic education, which is important for the realization of a solid assimilation of values and their exercise in specific situations where daily life requires it. This writing concludes that to specify the formation in values and its ethical exercise it is necessary to assume the construction of a life project as planning for personal fulfilment. This training not only makes the realization of a project in an individual but also helps to consolidate society as a solidarity and democratic collective, in this way; it will bring advantages both for the subjects and for the communities.
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    La ética del cuidado como componente pedagógico para mejorar la convivencia en los estudiantes del grado décimo de la institución educativa concejo de Medellín
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-07-16) Jaramillo Espinal, Jensen Daviú; Montero Bermúdez, Geiner Alexander;
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    Lectura crítica una competencia básica para el siglo XXI
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-07-01) Vásquez Moreno, Paula Catalina; Benítez Cortés, Aliria Edelmira
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    Potenciar las competencias específicas de la filosofía a partir de la discusión dirigida
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-07-01) Almanza Gómez, Cristián José; González, Héctor
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    El amor : Términos y condiciones de uso. Reflexión del amor en el capítulo de “Hang the DJ” de la serie Black Mirror.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-03-04) Cardenal Casas., Kimmel Noarli; Huertas, Joaquín Darío
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    Incidencia ética del fraude en los procesos formativos para los estudiantes de undécimo grado en la sede a de la institución educativa el castillo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-01-20) Zapata Padilla, Marcela; Rangel De Vanegas, Rosalba
    It is a fundamental task of the educational institution to train graduates with ethical sense. Academic fraud can be understood as the action that goes against the lack of legitimacy in the academic works prepared by the students of an institution, this can happen in an unconscious or conscious way, due to this situation the present work shows the results of the ethical impact of fraud in the training processes of eleventh-grade youth in the El Castillo Educational Institution in Barrancabermeja, which started from the pedagogical model of the institution, (Vygotsky, Ausubel and Rogers), the coexistence manual, observer registration and the perception of speakers and teachers about fraud, in relation to the concepts of Piaget and Kohlberg on cognitive and moral development, to know the reality of these students in the field of ethics. So that, the research methodology is a systematic and interpretive reading of the context, which allows findings that polarize students and professors to act more consistently between what is said and done; urging the route taking that modifies the correction of the problem found.
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    Política y pedagogía en la educación popular
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-11-20) Lemus Velásquez, Francy Elena; Nieto Bravo, Johan Andrés
    Popular education has been an incentive in repressive times in Latin America because of its foundation in the critical reading of a real environment that looks for an empowered nation of its justice process and equity. In this practice, education takes an important role due to the leadership that comes up and the different leaders who are able to recognize their own realities through their desires of creating strategies that leads the emancipation, looking for breaking the contractual practices towards the oppression. In the following essay, it is pretended to give an answer to , what is the relationship between politics and pedagogy in the popular education taking into account, the human recognition and his unceasing Pursuit of Happiness as an individual coming from virtues and (Aristotle) or communal (Moro) being the state what improves the human being. The human being is mean to be a political animal demands to be educated, on this sense, education and in particular, popular education contributes to critical awareness allowing the political and civic rights recognition that lead the political participation. On this line is developed the document, giving an approaching to the popular education history focused on Colombia. Popular education remains as an alternative in Latin America in the pursuit of emancipation, since it is reinvented from its own practices, allowing the context recognition and the search for alternatives for change.
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    El papel de la Orden de Predicadores -dominicos- en la evangelización de la ciudad de los Reyes del Valle de Upar durante los siglos XVI a XVIII
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-11-30) Liñan-Pitre, Carlos Luis; Cortés, Eliana
    Much and little has been written about the history of Valledupar. The theme has been approached from such different perspectives as folklore, anthropology or anecdotes and experiences of some renowned and important local people. At the same time, most of the time, historians have forgotten that the genesis and development of the region are closely linked to the missionary and evangelizing activity of the Catholic Church. This work addresses the Dominican mission in the King´s City - today Valledupar - during the 16th to 18th centuries and, from the postulates of the philosophical reflection of history, tries to discover its impact on the society of the 21st century.