Grupo de Investigaciones en Recursos Biológicos y Naturales de Colombia - GRINBIC

URI permanente para esta colección


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Mostrando 1 - 20 de 27
  • Ítem
    Composición y abundancia de macroinvertebrados en un rio del piedemonte llanero
    (2016-06-30) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Castellanos Morales, Cesar Augusto;;;;;;;
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    Fomento de la innovación tecnológica y de la investigación aplicada en la formación de vocaciones científicas desde las ciencias básicas en el contexto de la educación superior
    (2021-11-30) Sánchez Useche, Jorge Mauricio; Ortega Sánchez, Beatriz Alejandra; Jimenez Martínez, Fabian Steven; Díaz Valencia, Giovanni; Alberto Alfonso, Villarraga Baquero; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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    Biología reproductiva de tres especies de la subfamilia stevardinae en rios del piedemonte llanero colombiano
    (2018-12-06) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Pinilla Agudelo, Gabriel Antonio; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
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    B-learning y aplicaciones en calculadoras graficas
    (2021-11-30) Rojas Jovel, Dina Luz; Aristizábal Bossa, William Alejandro; Díaz Bermeo, Manuel Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;;;
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    Evaluación de la calidad de suelos y sus servicios ecosistémicos en sistemas productivos agrícolas en el Municipio de Barranca de Upia- Meta (Colombia).
    (2021-11-30) Ortega Sánchez, Beatriz Alejandra; Ariza Marín, Leidy Johana; Ospina Henao, Paolo Andrés; Bautista Rodríguez, Sandra Cecilia; Vallejo Quintero, Victoria Eugenia; Martínez Molina, Saúl; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;
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    Informe de gestión Ciencias Básicas 2018-2021
    (2021) Valdés Alvarado, Eduin Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
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    Capitulo: Ubicación y características generales de los ambientes subterráneos de La Paz
    (2021-08-24) Castellanos Morales, Cesar Augusto; Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Universidad Santo Tomás;; Castellanos, Cesar; Moreno, Fabian;;;
    Obligate subterranean fauna as well as many other categorical subterranean species (troglophiles and trogloxens) rely heavily on subterranean habitats and thus are highly vulnerable to threats that result in environmental change and habitat disturbance and degradation. These threats vary with respect to scope, source, severity, and timing among species, karst regions and continents. Some threats, such as climate change and groundwater pollution, are global in scope (Culver & Pipan 2009). However, effects of climate change and sources of groundwater pollution vary at regional and local scales. Other threats affect subterranean populations and species at a local or regional scale, for instance mining and quarrying, groundwater extraction, and amateur and scientific collection could severely damage these habitats. Several life history traits are common to many troglobionts, and to some extent, are associated with increased risk of extinction, including low reproductive rates and limited dispersal ability. Thus, population rescue is often much slower and risk of extinction much greater relative to populations of related Surface species. Besides, many troglobionts may be particularly sensitive to small fluctuations in abiotic variables such as temperature, humidity, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of heavy metals, among others. Consequently, any disturbance during hibernation or when females are raising their breed can have long-lasting damaging effects on recruitment and survival of local populations. In South America there are at least three cave systems with high diversity of troglobionts (Deharveng & Bedos 2012). More recently, four cave systems have been identified as spots of troglobitic fauna in Brazil: Areias Cave System (24+ troglobionts), Alambari Cave System (16 species), Parede Vermelha Cave (12+ species) and Olhos Dágua Cave (11+ species) (Trajano et al., 2016). Despite these biological factors and many documented and suspected threats, only a small fraction of subterranean biodiversity receives any direct protection under international, national, or regional legislation. Compared to vertebrates, subterranean invertebrates and other organisms have largely been neglected in conservation studies, assessments, and policy decisions, despite their significantly greater diversity, roles in groundwater and subterranean ecosystem services, sometimes higher in levels of endemicity and benefits to mankind.
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    Capitulo: Clasificación de los ambientes subterráneos en La Paz
    (2021-08-24) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Castellanos Morales, Cesar Augusto; Fernández, Alexander; Universidad Santo Tomás;; Castellanos, Cesar; Moreno, Fabian;;;
    Obligate subterranean fauna as well as many other categorical subterranean species (troglophiles and trogloxens) rely heavily on subterranean habitats and thus are highly vulnerable to threats that result in environmental change and habitat disturbance and degradation. These threats vary with respect to scope, source, severity, and timing among species, karst regions and continents. Some threats, such as climate change and groundwater pollution, are global in scope (Culver & Pipan 2009). However, effects of climate change and sources of groundwater pollution vary at regional and local scales. Other threats affect subterranean populations and species at a local or regional scale, for instance mining and quarrying, groundwater extraction, and amateur and scientific collection could severely damage these habitats. Several life history traits are common to many troglobionts, and to some extent, are associated with increased risk of extinction, including low reproductive rates and limited dispersal ability. Thus, population rescue is often much slower and risk of extinction much greater relative to populations of related Surface species. Besides, many troglobionts may be particularly sensitive to small fluctuations in abiotic variables such as temperature, humidity, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of heavy metals, among others. Consequently, any disturbance during hibernation or when females are raising their breed can have long-lasting damaging effects on recruitment and survival of local populations. In South America there are at least three cave systems with high diversity of troglobionts (Deharveng & Bedos 2012). More recently, four cave systems have been identified as spots of troglobitic fauna in Brazil: Areias Cave System (24+ troglobionts), Alambari Cave System (16 species), Parede Vermelha Cave (12+ species) and Olhos Dágua Cave (11+ species) (Trajano et al., 2016). Despite these biological factors and many documented and suspected threats, only a small fraction of subterranean biodiversity receives any direct protection under international, national, or regional legislation. Compared to vertebrates, subterranean invertebrates and other organisms have largely been neglected in conservation studies, assessments, and policy decisions, despite their significantly greater diversity, roles in groundwater and subterranean ecosystem services, sometimes higher in levels of endemicity and benefits to mankind.
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    Capitulo: Municipio de la Paz. Aspectos Generales
    (2021-08-24) Castellanos Morales, Cesar Augusto; Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Fernández, Alexander; Malagón Escobar, Luz Miryam; Pardo Buitrago, Diego David; Universidad Santo Tomás Villavicencio;; Castellanos, Cesar; Moreno, Fabian;;;
    Obligate subterranean fauna as well as many other categorical subterranean species (troglophiles and trogloxens) rely heavily on subterranean habitats and thus are highly vulnerable to threats that result in environmental change and habitat disturbance and degradation. These threats vary with respect to scope, source, severity, and timing among species, karst regions and continents. Some threats, such as climate change and groundwater pollution, are global in scope (Culver & Pipan 2009). However, effects of climate change and sources of groundwater pollution vary at regional and local scales. Other threats affect subterranean populations and species at a local or regional scale, for instance mining and quarrying, groundwater extraction, and amateur and scientific collection could severely damage these habitats. Several life history traits are common to many troglobionts, and to some extent, are associated with increased risk of extinction, including low reproductive rates and limited dispersal ability. Thus, population rescue is often much slower and risk of extinction much greater relative to populations of related Surface species. Besides, many troglobionts may be particularly sensitive to small fluctuations in abiotic variables such as temperature, humidity, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of heavy metals, among others. Consequently, any disturbance during hibernation or when females are raising their breed can have long-lasting damaging effects on recruitment and survival of local populations. In South America there are at least three cave systems with high diversity of troglobionts (Deharveng & Bedos 2012). More recently, four cave systems have been identified as spots of troglobitic fauna in Brazil: Areias Cave System (24+ troglobionts), Alambari Cave System (16 species), Parede Vermelha Cave (12+ species) and Olhos Dágua Cave (11+ species) (Trajano et al., 2016). Despite these biological factors and many documented and suspected threats, only a small fraction of subterranean biodiversity receives any direct protection under international, national, or regional legislation. Compared to vertebrates, subterranean invertebrates and other organisms have largely been neglected in conservation studies, assessments, and policy decisions, despite their significantly greater diversity, roles in groundwater and subterranean ecosystem services, sometimes higher in levels of endemicity and benefits to mankind.
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    La investigación en la USTA, Sede Villavicencio: capacidades CTeI desde los grupos de investigación - Grupo de Investigación en Recursos Biológicos y Naturales de Colombia(GRINBIC)
    (2021-08-17) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabián; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;; Ramírez Martínez, Jorge Enrique; Suárez Sandoval, María Carolina;;;;;;;
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    Informe de Investigación "Composición y abundancia de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en el río Acacias departamento del Meta, Colombia."
    (2021-08-17) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    Benthic macroinvertebrates are important within aquatic ecosystems because they intervene in the transfer of energy in trophic networks, being an important resource for continental fish communities. Measurements of physicochemical variables were carried out in situ, the individuals were collected by means of surber networks, later they were conserved in alcohol for their identification to the lowest possible taxonomic level. A total of 278 individuals represented in 10 families were collected, of which Leptophlebiidae and Perlidae stand out, 17 genera were identified, the most important being Farrodes, Anacroneuria, Americabaetis and Camelobaetidius. The registered genera are common in ecosystems of the plains foothills, these ecosystems characterized by their clear waters and oligotrophic conditions, show favorable conditions for these communities in the composition of macroinvertebrate fauna.
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    Acta de cierre e informe Técnico final proyecto de investigación FODEIN "Composición y abundancia de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en el rio Acacias, departamento del Meta, Colombia."
    (2021-08-17) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
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    Articulo "What is the Finding Dory movie effect?"
    (2021-08-17) Moreno Rodríguez, Fabian; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
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    Estrategia didáctica para el diseño de redes en ingeniería hidráulica
    (2021-08-17) Jiménez Martínez, Fabián Steven; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    A didactic strategy was developed for the solution of hydraulic engineering network problems specifically drinking water distribution networks, the execution of this strategy had two phases, the first studied the physical phenomena related to fluid mechanics, equations for Design verification of open, closed, serial and parallel networks. In the second phase, the code in Visual Basic is debugged with the respective troubleshooting for each of the designs mentioned above, each problem has its statement and the relevant iterations so that the load losses and design errors are insignificant. This program can be used by both students and teachers, the aim is to enable an improvement in the teaching-learning process in the academic spaces of materials physics and fluid mechanics.
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    Semillero de Investigación SFIC
    (2021-06-02) Jiménez Martínez, Fabián Steven; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The SFIC Seedbed (Seedbed of Applied Physics in Civil Engineering) which belongs to the GRINBIC research group, follows the inspired line of the humanist and Christian thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, through which our students acquire the necessary elements to develop the research training focused on the application of mathematical physics in civil engineering, in such a way that our students can respond creatively and critically to the current demands of society and the environment, to be able to contribute, from their research training, solutions to the problems and needs of society and the country. The seedbed seeks to awaken investigative skills in students, through data mining, since this is of vital importance for any research to be carried out, then with the students it is sought to analyze related physical systems in the field of civil engineering and thus observe physics applied to reality. Subsequently, enable the generation of useful Excel programs that allow an improvement in the teaching-learning process of students who take academic spaces in the area of ​​physics.
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    Semillero de Investigación ECOWAT
    (2021-06-10) Rojas Torres, Oscar Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomás;; Moreno Rodríguez, Fabián;;;
    As a research hotbed for energy recovery (ECOWATT), it is attached to the GRINBIC research group belonging to the Basic Sciences unit, following the humanist and Christian thought of Santo Tomas de Aquino, through which it seeks to acquire knowledge requirements that allow them, through formative research, to contribute to the detection and solution of the problems caused by environmental contamination resulting from vehicular traffic in the tunnels of the> Bogotá-Villavicencio road. Initially, the seedbed will allow its members to consolidate their interests in research through data mining, which supports results and conditions of similar processes, developed over time in different parts of the world together with the analysis of the operating conditions inside. of the tunnels, will help to select the most viable process in the region for the conversion of CO2 / CO to C and O2.
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    Semillero de Investigación FRARI
    (2021-06-01) Sánchez Useche, Jorge Mauricio; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    FRARI is characterized by the use of fractal geometry to address various research processes according to the interests of each line attached to the seedbed.
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    Semillero de Investigación ESPED
    (2021-06-01) Rojas Jovel, Dina Luz; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    One of the most obvious problems when starting undergraduate studies is related to mathematics, specifically in the conceptual bases, generating difficulties during the semester, which is why it is intended to apply a pedagogical proposal at the levels of basic education and medium, using b-learning methods and calculator applications, comparing the results obtained in university academic spaces with those registered from three schools in the region. It is expected that the aforementioned techniques allow obtaining possible pedagogical solutions for the understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures, from the resolution of application problems. This project will strengthen the pedagogical line of the Basic Sciences Unit and the ESPED research group.
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    Semillero de Investigación INBIOLLANOS
    (2021-06-01) Ortega Sánchez, Beatriz Alejandra; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    INBIOLLANO, is a research hotbed that seeks the development of the plains region through biodiversity research, mainly characterizing native fruits that have the potential to be used in nature or processed. Finally, it also aims to train students from the research field.
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    Semillero de Investigación ADEFUR
    (2021-06-01) Villarraga Baquero, Alberto Alfonso; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The ADEFUR research seedbed is a space created to stimulate and promote research in students of the Santo Tomas University, Villavicencio headquarters. Within this context, the seedbed works on issues of Renewable Energies and their efficient use, extension proposals, events on other issues related to management and research in the field of basic sciences are also adopted.