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  • Ítem
    Geronto Colonial - Centro y hogar geriatrico
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-23) Matheus Vega, Nicolas; Muñoz Cardenas, Felipe Andres; Universidad Santo Tomas
    The following document will deal with the problem found in the city of Tunja as the capital of the Department of Boyacá, which does not have a space intended to cover the specific needs of the elderly population, generating a project that covers with its respective needs. This in order to generate an excellent quality of life for said population. Being the elderly population, one of the most vulnerable, there are cases of violence, forgetfulness, neglect, among others, and in the capital of the department of Boyacá (Tunja) there are 2 homes specialized in the elderly, but These establishments do not have the optimal characteristics for their free development and development in daily life. Through the development of an architectural project which mostly meets the needs required by older adults, spaces are proposed for each of the activities that a geriatric home must contain; thus cushioning the amount of population found in the city of Tunja of older adults that the existing spaces have.
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    Valoración de las afectaciones producidas por las servidumbres de paso de proyectos eléctricos en zonas rurales en Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025-01-22) Guerrero Garcia, Liver Andrés; Orrego Usuga, Luis Alberto; Peraza Rodriguez, Cristhian Eduardo; Pinto Serrano, Álvaro
    The work titled "Impacts of Rural Properties by Electrical Easements in Rural Areas of Colombia" aims to analyze and quantify the impacts caused by electrical easements on rural properties and develop a practical guide for their valuation. The research involves a thorough analysis of current regulations, case studies, and consultations with experts in the field to establish criteria that ensure fair compensation for affected property owners. The study classifies the impacts into different categories, such as crops, pastures, fences, constructions, and palms, assessing their impact using quantitative methods such as market comparison, cost analysis, and income evaluation.
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    Análisis de la variación en el valor del terreno del centro industrial y logístico San Jorge, municipio de San Juan de Girón – Santander, debido al cambio de la clasificación del suelo rural a suelo de expansión urbana y sus implicaciones en el recaudo del impuesto predial
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-11-05) Pinzón Páez, Antonio José; Jáuregui Contreras, Naury Fadith; Alfonso Romero, Luis Alberto
    The municipality of San Juan de Girón has had an important transformation in the urban expansion areas due to the appreciation that the land has presented due to the change in land classification. With the application of the “Market Method” the aim is to establish the commercial value of a land and make comparisons between the values of commercial appraisals, updated and outdated cadastral appraisals, based on the established commercial square meter. Likewise, the analysis establishes the valuation of a land, acquired by the change of land classification in this municipality, specifically in the “San Jorge Industrial and Logistics Center.” The information obtained in this study seeks to establish the values that the municipality fails to receive for property taxes, generating large economic losses, affecting the quality of life of its inhabitants. The main objective of this research is to present a methodological alternative to carry out appraisals on land that suffers variations in its classification, carrying out an analysis of the results derived from the technical data present in this type of appraisals. Likewise, provide a preview of the panorama in similar situations and how territorial administrations are involved in this type of scenarios. Keywords: territorial planning, commercial appraisal, cadastral update, rural land, urban expansion land
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    Valuación de un bosque natural a través de un modelo metodológico de valuación ambiental; estudio de caso en el predio La Loma ubicado en Molagavita Santander
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-31) Hernández Ortiz, Jaime Alexander; Restrepo Villamil, Adriana Patricia; Lozano Botache, Ricardo
    The essence of this document is to carry out the appraisal of a forested property located in the municipality of Molagavita Santander, Potrero de Rodríguez, with real estate registration number 312-1618 and property code 684680001000000030433000000000, which will be supported by the cost valuation method. of replacement contemplated in resolution 620 of 2008 of the Agustín Codazzi geographical institute, this regulation being the one that establishes the procedures of the appraisals contemplated within the framework of law 388 of 1997. Among the gaps currently existing in the valuation regulations is the correct appraisal of areas with environmental potential, which is why carrying out the appraisal of a property that has this type of characteristic, applying conventional methods does not reflect its true value and potential. In this work, it is proposed to carry out the valuation of the referenced property by the replacement method at the same time as determining its value through the potential for mitigation of the carbon footprint, as a proposal to be an incentive for forest care when participating in the sale. of carbon credits.
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    La afectación de las variables intrínsecas y extrínsecas en el valor comercial del m2 en predios en P.H y en N.P.H en el barrio Lagos del Cacique en el municipio de Bucaramanga, Santander
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-20) Flórez Sánchez, María Fernanda; Pinzón Ortiz, Juan José; Pinto Serrano, Alvaro
    The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic variables on the commercial value of m2 in properties in P.H (Horizontal Property) and in N.P.H (Non-Horizontal Property) in the Lagos del Cacique neighborhood in the municipality of Bucaramanga, Santander is a monograph that aims to determine the percentage difference in the values ​​of the square meter in these two types of properties, based on the commercial value of the square meter in this sector of the municipality of Bucaramanga, obtained through the market technique and tested through a rating valuation matrix in which the different intrinsic and extrinsic variables of this type of properties are analyzed.
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    Valoración de servidumbre de hidrocarburos en el marco de la resolución 1092 del 20 de septiembre de 2022 IGAC – Caso de estudio predio rural del municipio de Barrancabermeja, Santander
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-16) Munoz Rosales, Juan Jacobo; Piñeros Quevedo, Juan Manuel; Diaz Ardila, Antonio Jose
    In the development of hydrocarbon exploration, exploitation and transportation projects, the installation of different infrastructures is required that permanently affects private properties, and even if they are works of public utility, companies in the hydrocarbon sector must guarantee compensation. fair and equitable for the damages taking into account crops, improvements and the payment of easements. In 2022, the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute IGAC established the procedures for the valuation of easements in Colombia through resolution 1092 of the same year, which seeks to establish norms, methods, parameters, criteria and procedures for the preparation of easement appraisals. legal and transitory effects on the development of works activities or projects declared of public utility and social interest. This work addresses the valuation of an easement in the hydrocarbon sector for a rural property in the municipality of Barrancabermeja, Santander, applying the methodology established by the IGAC in resolution 1092 of 2022, in addition to the application of a matrix that allows us to optimize the time when calculating compensation for oil easements, taking into account the type of infrastructure and the classification and/or category of the land.
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    Valuación rural de los predios objeto de imposición de servidumbre para la gestión predial dentro del trazado proyecto del sistema de acueducto y alcantarillado del centro poblado de Ricaurte y centro poblado el Suspiro, corregimiento de Palmarito, Municipio de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-03-20) Parra Angarita, Alvaro Enrique; Reyes Arias, Aura Liliana; Lozano Botache, Ricardo
    This monograph presents the rural valuation process of the properties subject to the imposition of easements for property management within the Project layout of the aqueduct and sewerage system of the Ricaurte towun center an d El Suspiro town center, Palmarito township, Municipality of Cúcuta (Norte de Santander), base don current Colombian regulations, base don the description of the área of interest and througt the concepts acquired in the especialization, develop the metodology that Will lead us to the appraisal result, an input for property management that in turn will be esential in the development of the Project that Will bring development to the región. Keywords: easement rural appraisal, aqueduct and sewerage, partial affectation, market approach.
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    Desarrollo valuatorio de una compensación causada por la afectación de servidumbre de línea de conducción de energía eléctrica en nivel de tensión 115kV en el marco de la Resolución 1092 de 2022 del IGAC - Caso de aplicación predio rural en el municipio de Vélez, Departamento de Santander, República de Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-05-24) Reatiguí Sierra, Carmen Andrea; Rincón Charry, Carlos José; Silva Baracaldo, Yonny
    The electric power projects need to build and install infrastructure on properties that are affected by electric easements, therefore, the companies must value and compensate the damages caused and ensure the right of way in favor of the electric provider either by negotiation agreements or judicial procedures. The recently adopted Resolution 1092 of 2022 made by the Colombian cadastral administration IGAC sets new rules in terms of easement valuation in the country. This thesis makes a compilation of the laws and norms related to electric easements from the Civil Code to the present days. A valuation exercise of an electric easement in a rural property in the municipality of Vélez Santander is carried out to observe the results of applying the new Resolution compared with methods previously used by valuators associations and electric companies. Finally, the authors analyze whether the approaches of the Resolution truly respond to the compensation needs in public utility and social interest projects.
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    Valoración de la incidencia del terreno en proyectos multifamiliares residenciales estrato medio-alto en zonas consolidadas de Bucaramanga, Santander
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-05-12) Rodríguez Velasco, Jhonnathan; Duarte Estupiñán, Sebastián Eduardo; Botero Agudelo, Juan David
    Within the development of multi-family housing projects in Bucaramanga there are different stakeholders who constantly require technical and arguable elements of judgment for decision making within the different dynamics present in the different stages of real estate development. In order to contribute to the solution of this problem, the present study seeks to provide technical support elements, obtained through different procedures, with the aim of identifying practices and criteria currently adopted by the qualified professionals who participate in these dynamics, in order to later contrast them with the results obtained from a series of technical approaches, thus being able to corroborate the agreement between them and consequently conclude about the different variables present in the developed topic. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the scenarios obtained through the technical approach of three (3) case studies largely coincide with the current criteria of different participants in real estate development in Bucaramanga, who have stated that they are suitable and experienced in the field. The proposed ranges for each of the variables worked on in the exercise are based on the results obtained from the technical approach, validated by the massive consultation.
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    Incidencia de las servidumbres de luces y vista en la valoración de inmuebles arquitectónicos aplicando el método analítico jerárquico AHP
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-17) Ortega Vera, Javier; Santoyo Ribero, Cesar Augusto; Penela Quintanilla, Alfonso Luis; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Easements are considered encumbrances imposed on a property for the benefit of another property of a different owner. Among the main easements, those of light and sight stand out, which are considered intangible, due to their qualitative measurement and in some cases subjective. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is a quantitative method that is applied to multi – criteria decision making that allows generating scales of properties, assigning values to variables of a qualitative nature. In this monograph, an estimate is made of the incidence of light and view easements in the valuation of an urban multi-family residential building, through the definition of explanatory variables, applying the AHP hierarchical analytic method. In the practical exercise, it can be seen that the multicriteria methods allow for a rational and mathematically supported analysis of the incidences and relationship of established variables, allowing the estimation of qualitative measurements in an accurate way.
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    Análisis de los efectos de la valoración comercial de inmuebles rurales afectados por proyectos de infraestructura de transporte, a causa de la decisión proferida por el consejo de estado de suspender la aplicación de la resolución 2684 de 2015 del Ministerio de Transporte
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-13) Galeano Osorio, Ahuris Juliana; Galvis González, Paula Andrea; Serrano Serrano, Ramiro; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This thesis will identify the most relevant changes in the regulations of the appraisal of rural properties affected by road infrastructure governmental projects. To this end, a comparative table will be made. Additionally, it will explore the social, economic and administrative implications of those changes. Furthermore, the document gathers experienced professionals' opinions about the practical application of the regulation. Finally, the document will present an analysis of the information found.
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    Modelo informático para la optimización de informes de avalúos urbanos en procesos hipotecarios mediante el método de mercado
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-12-14) Plata Martínez, Edison Fabian; Lozano Botache, Ricardo
    This project presents the design and development of a computer program, which allows the preparation of appraisal reports of residential properties, these are in horizontal property, within an urban perimeter, applying the comparison or market method, for mortgage processes. In this case has been implemented using Microsoft Excel Software through the Visual Basic programming language for applications, all of the above, in order to optimize the processes in the preparation of appraisals and reduce errors.
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    Valuación comercial de un inmueble especial. Caso de estudio Colegio Federico Ozanam, Provenza, Municipio de Bucaramanga
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-11-10) Albarracín Pérez, Dexy Damarys; Mora Navarro, Rafael Enrique
    The purpose of the monograph is a case analysis for the assessment of an educational institution in the municipality of Bucaramanga, Santander. The methodology for appraisal is based on national regulations, among which is resolution IGAC 620 of 2008, which establishes the procedures for appraisals ordered within the framework of Law 388 of 1997. Consequently, for the valuation of the land, the comparison or market method was used; finding that the incident factors in the value of this are of a physical, normative and socio-economic nature. On the other hand, for the valuation of the construction, the Replacement Cost method was used, starting from the new value of each of the existing typologies to apply the depreciation taking into account the useful life, current life, state of conservation and remaining life. It is concluded according to the results obtained, that the price per square meter of land for public use has a variation compared to other uses established according to the land use plan of the municipality, such as residential, commercial and mixed.
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    Análisis del Valor del Suelo de Expansión Urbano para el Municipio de la Calera en Cundinamarca. Caso de Estudio Plan Parcial “La Popa” Polígono 2 Denominado la Virgen (2018-2022)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-10-24) Dominguez Sierra, Andrea Katherine; Duarte Castro, Jaime Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    Law 388 of 1997 establishes Partial Plans as management tools to provide objectives, goals, strategies, and guidelines to distribute burdens and benefits in different territories. It sets an equitable distribution and development, potentiating infrastructure, public space, and quality of life, helping the national progress beginning in a local context. This research called "Value of Urban Expansion land for La Calera" is an example of this reality and, especially the study case for "La Popa" polygon 2 (La Virgen 2018 - 2022) shows how these Partial Plans are possible to establish a proper organization of the territories. Furthermore, this document includes a conceptual review of managing tools, value estimates, and contemporaneous state markers, facing the developers' interests in marketing relations.