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    XVIII Congreso Internacional de Humanidades: "América Latina y El Caribe 2020: Desafíos de los saberes humanistas en tiempos complejos". Memorias Mesas Temáticas
    (2020-11-11) Castañeda Lozano, Yebrail; Suarez Barajas, Lizeth Tatiana; Acosta Salazar, Liliana; Romero Rodríguez, María Cristina; López Guzmán, Fabián; Fajardo Pascagaza, Consuelo; Rodríguez Saldaña, Danna María; Martínez Molina, José Alfonso; Plazas Rodríguez, Luis Michael; Joya Jiménez, Edna Lucía; Cardona Ospina, Roberto Alonso; Rodríguez Torres, Dénix Alberto; Fuentes Nieto, Diana María; Bonilla Neira, Laura Cristina; Serrano Frattali, Juan Pablo; Reyes Bernal, Lili Jhoanna; Peña Quimbay, Guillermo Armando; Estévez Pedraza, Olga Lucía; Serra, David Jonathan; Rivera Gómez, Andrés Felipe; Fajardo Pascagaza, Ernesto; Navajas Barrera, Diego Alain; Agredo Sierra, Yuliana Andrea; Calderón Aponte, Diego Francisco; Aldana Rojas, Javier; Parada Jáuregui, Richard Alexis; Zaffalon, Tobia Olomo; Rubio Villamizar, Rosario del Pilar; Parada Silva, Juan Alexis; Vargas León, Jairo; Torres Trujillo, María Paula; Cortes Ortiz, Brigette Taryn; Calderón Villamizar, Marcos Alfonso; Franco Fernández, Milton Javier; Galán Henríquez, Marco Aurelio; Rodríguez Valencia, Lina María; González-López, Mariela; Blanco Ríos, Marylin; Cárdenas Corzo, Iván Darío; Herrera Porras, Andrés Julian; Luna Quiñones, Tabata Gissel; Sáenz, Diana Paola; Moreno Lugo, Miguel; Mina Urrutia, Maritza Bibiana; Acevedo Gómez, Angélica Johanna; Palacio García, Luis Alejandro; Vargas Daza, Maria del Pilar; Núñez Rueda, Silvia Nathalia; Rada Ortiz, Loredana; Cabeza Herrera, Oscar Javier; Plazas Lara, Carlos Arturo; Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda; Cáceres Borrero, Andrea Juliana; Gutiérrez Pacheco, Yuly Andrea; Cáceres González, Adriana Ximena; Lozano Jaimes, Carlos Augusto; Jiménez Lizarazo, Erik Camilo; González Mendoza, Yuly Andrea; Díaz Contreras, Gustavo Adolfo; Arenas Almeida, Orlando José; Barreto Becerra, Mike William; Mantilla Contreras, Monica Andrea; Moreno Mateus, David Eduardo; Cornejo, Luis Carlos; Labarrera Armenteros, Rubén; Hernández, Julián; López, Natalia; Marín, Tatiana; Landinez, Camila; Hurtado, Roxana; Leyton, Daniela; Triana, Julio; Cáceres, Cristian David; Arias, Estéfani; Rodríguez Díaz, Rodiel; Rueda Rueda, Fabián Leonardo; Useche, Liuba; Toloza Sarache, Martín; Ospina Arias, Diego Fernando; Rodríguez Olaya, Cristian Camilo; Flórez Pabón, Campo Elías; Ortega Ortega, Jesús María; León Cárdenas, Lezly Maritza; Bonilla Sánchez, Gilberto; Gelves Ordóñez, José Jacinto; Rubiano Castillo, Carlos Andrés; Andrés Mauricio Rozo Gamboa; José de Jesús Herrera Ospina; Jorge Alberto Castro Hernández; Oscar Mauricio Pabón Serrano; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001538545; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001450086; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000252042; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001414180; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001513853; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000112785; 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https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001582396; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000893625; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000048362; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001553861; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001367912; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000615641; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001754546; Pabón Serrano, Oscar Mauricio; Rozo Gamboa, Andrés Mauricio; Castro Hernández, Jorge Alberto; https://scholar.google.com.co/citations?hl=es&user=NVD715cAAAAJ; https://scholar.google.com.co/citations?hl=es&user=xBB66L8AAAAJ; https://scholar.google.com.co/citations?hl=es&user=nknoEA0AAAAJ; https://scholar.google.com.co/citations?hl=es&user=3_lmYyEAAAAJ; 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    The eighteenth version of the International Congress on Humanities focused its reflection on the main challenges that Latin America and the Caribbean face at a time in history characterized by complexity. This circumstance is expressed in phenomena and dynamics such as: the expansion of a pandemic; the tension between global and glocal dynamics; the search for a peaceful solution to armed conflicts that demands clarification of the truth, respect for human rights and reparation for the victims; the implementation of alternative development proposals that confront the hegemonic model; the gradual environmental crisis on the verge of a point of no return; the importance of combining youth dynamics with social movements; the need to resignify educational practices around emerging pedagogies; and the urgency of demonstrating an ethical and moral action that confronts the practices of corruption and the crisis of values ​​that bleeds the collective life of Latin Americans and the Caribbean. In this context, the XVIII International Congress of Humanities: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020: Challenges of humanist knowledge in complex times became a privileged virtual space to debate and publicize the progress and results of various research works , which from the human and social sciences seek to provide approaches to the needs of our Latin American context. Today more than ever, these "complex times" demand from the humanities a critical reading of reality that addresses, with a clear and truthful intention, the importance of building a fraternal society that has been characterized by the decrease in practices. humanists in the daily individual and social work. For this reason, the International Congress of Humanities of the Santo Tomás University is conceived as an encounter with our academic and investigative identity, whose starting point is the concrete reality that permeates the life of each individual. The so-called social and human sciences focus their reason for being on the fact of having as object and subject of study the human being as such, that is, the thousands of faces that play their existence in these complex times, and that demand from the academy the approach of ethical references, the construction of humanizing scenarios and the realization of collective alternatives for development and peace.
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    (2017-04-20) Universidad Santo Tomás, Seccional Tunja; SEGURA PEÑA, SULLY; TORRES PÉREZ, YOLANDA; SOTELO CARREÑO, ANDREA
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    II Coloquio Internacional de Investigación y Administración 2021
    (2021-04-29) Universidad Santo Tomás; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Memorias VII Encuentro de Investigación Alberto Magno
    (2020) Parra Camacho, Luis Carlos; Rodríguez Bayona, Andrés Fernando; Martínez Reyes, Diana Carolina; Gómez Arciniegas, Carlos Humberto; Salazar Marín, Dayanna Marcela; Lizcano Prada, Fabio Andrés; Salazar Marín, Dayanna Marcela; Hernández Daguer, María Camila; Hernández, Luis Felipe; Tapias Uribe, Sergio Alberto; Pinilla Rodríguez, Nicolás; Rodríguez, Diosa Caryna; Blanco, Ana María; Gómez Fonque, Rafael; Acuña, Fabian José; Hernández Lamprea, Hernán Josué; Ardila Gelvez, Erika Nathalia; Niño Pineda, Angie Natalia; Miranda Moreno, Laura Vanessa; Sevilla Torres, Diana Carolina; Benigno Zea, Edwin Byron; Zabala, Sergio Andrés; Amaya Guío, Ximena; Neila González, Javier; Eraso Checa, Francisco; Díaz, Ricardo Andrés; Rodríguez, Andrés José; Sarmiento Matera, Nathalia Andrea; Gómez Menjura, Mauricio Andrés; Carreño Granados, Juan Diego; Rodríguez Olaya, Gabriela; Díaz Jaimes, Pedro Pablo; Monroy Hernández, José Leonardo; Mantilla Baquero, Juan David; Morales Maná, Andrés Felipe; Arada Jaimes, Kevin Samir; Ruiz Harker, Javier Enrique; Abreu Plata, Eneyda; Rengifo Martínez, Indira; Vega Villalba, Carlos Nicolás; Caballero, José Luis; Peralta, Fabián Andrés; Rojas, Cristian Fabián; Ramírez, Darío; Chaparro Tarazona, Andrea Carolina; Jones, María Alejandra; Sánchez, Jenifer Dayana; Ocaciones Jiménez, Isabel Cristina; Sandoval, Mónica Viviana; Sanabria Ospino, Alfredo Enrique; Pinto Suárez, Carlos Javier; Valencia Niño, César Hernando; Navarro León, Andrés Américo; Gómez Olejua, Carlos Arnulfo; García Niño, Laura Milena; Maldonado Vargas, Angie Juliana; Candela Soto, Angélica María; Bautista Betancur, Martha Lucía; Contreras Gómez, Alix Estela Yusara; Pedraza Rueda, Gabriela; Leal Fuentes, María José; Becerra Ávila, Luis Alejandro; Ardila Pinto, Tilcia Yanetn; Mejía Díaz, Fabian Alexis; Flórez Cuadros, Gilberto Andrés; Contreras Pinzón, Iván Antonio; Mancilla Flórez, Luis Rodrigo; Ospina Henao, Paolo Andrés; Mora Pérez, Zuly Alexandra; Becker, Marcelo; López-Suspes, Framsol; Estacio Quiroz, David Fernando; Cárdenas Ruiz, Raúl Fernando; Talero Sarmiento, Hernando Alfonso; Linares Rodríguez, Erick Leandro; Olaya Benítez, Emerson Jassan; Dávila Landinez, Laura Carolina; Coral Vásquez, Laura Nathalia; Ariza Viviescas, Andrés Mauricio; Carrizales Sánchez, Aura Nathalia; Duarte Hernández, Hedilberto; Sánchez Delgado, Juan Carlos; Arias, Karen Natalia; Oviedo, María del Pilar; Yepes, María del Rosario; Montoya, Patricia; Medina Fajardo, Luis Eduardo; Aguirre Rueda, Diana Marcela; Manjarres Campo, Christian David; Díaz Vargas, Elian Andrés; Hernández Roa, Silvia Juliana; Estupiñán, Dulcey; Tiga Loza, Diana Carolina; Rangel Caballero, Luis Gabriel; Palomino Bustos, María Camila; Jaimes Quiñones, Juan Sebastián; Méndez Ayala, Leidy Xiomara; Arias Velasco, Alexis Ariel; Fabra López, Angélica María; Barreto Becerra, Mike William; Mantilla Contreras, Mónica Andrea; Rodríguez, Martha Juliana; Camargo, Diana Marina; Concha-Sánchez, Sonia Constanza; Díaz-Ramírez, Leidy Carine; Acuña-Vesga, Andrea Patricia; Almario-Barrera, Andrea Johanna; Castellanos-Domínguez, Yeny Zulay; Rueda Cáceres, Liliana; Garcés Bravo, Camilo Andrés; Sanabria Salcedo, Angélica Viviana; Cano Castro, Ginna Paola; Farrés Delgado, Yasser; Osorio Corredor, Johan Sebastián; Sánchez Ortiz, Francisco Javier; Blanco Comas, Hadad Fabricio; Rodríguez Ortiz, Said; Díaz, Gustavo Adolfo; Urbina, Carlos Duban; Gómez Pradilla, María Camila; Muñoz Vásquez, Alejandra; Torres Delgado, Yolein Xiomara; Rangel Quiñonez, Henry Sebastián; Murillo López, Alba Liliana; Almarales, Juan David; García, Mónica Andrea; García, Lewis Herney; Barros Lozano, José Fernando; Páez Guerrero, Katerine; Oviero, Andrés; Vega, Carlos; Ramos Gómez, Carlos Steban; Jarro Sisa, Mauricio; Vásquez, Santiago; Tapias, Eymer; Noriega, Amy; Corredor, Edwar; Páez Casas, Deisy Carolina; Rojas González, Nikcolas; Caballero Oviedo, Wilmer Alexis; Oñate Pérez, Laura Camila; Tapias Pava, William Andrés; Tibaduiza Silva, Carlos Iván; Mancilla López, Luis; Carantón Marín, Daniel Estiven; Durán Álvarez, Juan Felipe; Ramírez Rivero, Laura Alejandra; Flórez Olachica, Angélica; Meza Ariza, Lucelly Carolina; Cárdenas Torres, Jacson Ferney; Jiménez Delgado, Kevin Johan; González Angarita, José Ignacio; Ojeda Peña, Fabián José; Moros Solano, Pablo Andrés; Núñez Quintero, Camilo Andrés; Dueñas Mora, Janncy Tatiana; Nieto Vega, María Camila; Angarita Luna, Andrés Felipe; Castro Benavides, Narlyn Yiseth; Hernández Soto, Laura; Renoga Sánchez, Martin Elián; Prada, Jorge Gregorio; León Sánchez, Maryi Paola; Buitrago Núñez, Diana Astrid; Quintana Triana, Luis Harol; Fernández, Nelson Hernán; González Escobar, Jimmy; Aparicio Trujillo, Karen Marianella; Suárez Navarrete, Lizeth Fernanda; Barbosa Barajas, María Paula; Gómez Parada, Edgar Javier; Caraballo, Leonardo Javier; Páez Ardila, Diana Carolina; Brokate, Beatriz Eugenia; Plazas Rodríguez, Luis Michael; Martínez Molina, José Alfonso; Cortés, Brigette Taryn; Rozo Gambo, Andrés Mauricio; Minorta Nova, Danna Lucía; Franco Fernández, Milton Javier; Hernández Cáceres, Javier; Duarte Duarte, Wendy Daniela; Melo Quintero, Karol Yineidy; Méndez Carreño, Juan Carlos; Parra Chía, Martha Isabel; Rojas Gómez, Jessica Dayana; Sánchez Granados, Oscar Emilio; Zullian Albarracín, Cinzia Lorena; Pacheco Durán, Juan Sebastián; Rivera Villamizar, Milton Mauricio; Hernández, Marly Daniela; Erazo Patiño, Lorena Andrea; Garay Torres, Natalia; Navas Ardila, Karoll Daniela; Maldonado Jaimes, Zielo Biviana; Díaz Díaz, Silvia Juliana Rocío; Acosta Pinzón, Bryan Steven; Agredo Sierra, Yuliana; Vargas Zambrano, Sara Tatiana; Navajas Barrera, Diego Alain; Orduz Espinosa, Daniel Felipe; Calderón Aponte, Diego Francisco; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001359761; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001475519; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001610739; Flórez Ordóñez, Yudy Natalia; González Cabanzo, Hilda Luz; Palacio Osorio, Gloria Judit; https://scholar.google.com.co/citations?hl=es&user=cCYFBBIAAAAJ; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000002805; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000003220; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000003086; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000012485; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000015524; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000012089; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000012582; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000009175; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000000197; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000003478; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000010999; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000012163; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000011573; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000007715; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2142-904
    The VII Alberto Magno Research Meeting is a space for the dissemination of research projects developed by young researchers, students and tutors of seedbeds and researchers, within the framework of internal research calls. It is these actors who make it possible through their experience, knowledge, dedication, to carry out the different formative investigations and in the strict sense within each of the programs. This is the result of this academic exercise, that even with the conditions that have arisen this year, due to the contingency caused by COVID-19, the creativity and ingenuity of our scholars have allowed the investigations to advance. The different inquiries carried out have been organized into six main pillars that contribute to the country's competitiveness: Infrastructure and equipment; Environmental sustainability; Health; Education; Innovation and business dynamics and, Governance. In each of these pillars it will be possible to observe how the interdisciplinary dialogue between the different seedbeds and research groups contributes to each of these.
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    V Encuentro Ciencia, Mujer y Tecnología - 2019
    (2019-10-03) https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000497576; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000555177; Torres Perez, Yolanda; Segura Peña, Sully; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=C_CNvBIAAAAJ&hl=es; https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=c8W4JM4QKKEC&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3526-8491; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3758-8229
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    Factores de satisfacción e insatisfacción en los docentes administrativos de instituciones de educación superior: Un estudio exploratorio en periodo de COVID-19
    (2020) Guiñez Cabrera, Nataly; Jeldes Delgado, Fabiola; Mansilla Obando, Katherine; Ganga Contreras, Francisco; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=MRfSnJcAAAAJ; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=p3KzpKsAAAAJ; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=ATFF7ikAAAAJ; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6109-8457; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2219-7337; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4273-4259
    The COVID-19 pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) a public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020. This global health contingency caused major changes in many areas and higher education was no exception. The massive migration from face-to-face to online education challenged the work of many, including administrative staff in higher education institutions (HEIs). The objective of this study was to explore the main factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the administrative teachers of IES that are facing the great challenge of administering the institutions remotely at a distance, for the health protection of the population in times of COVID-19, with the purpose of generating information that makes it possible to improve decisions when they have to face similar contingencies. For this purpose, a qualitative research was carried out with 26 administrative teachers of IES using the technique of critical incidents to collect and analyze the data, collecting a total of 181 critical incidents. The critical incidents were analyzed with the theory of the two factors of Herzberg (1959) and the theory of the situational events of the work satisfaction of Quarstein et al. (1992) to analyze the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the administrative teachers of IES in light of three categories: "institutional budgets", "time and work load" and "physical work conditions". The results of this study show that the satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the work at a distance of the administrative teachers of IES in times of pandemic are heterogeneous according to gender, age and institution to which they belong. The limitations related to the specific sector of the IES and the transversal nature of the data are addressed.
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    La metaevaluación como proceso de innovación para la gestión universitaria
    (2020-11-19) González Gil, Fray Eduardo; Martá, Julia Fernanda; Lozano, Mayra Alejandra; Velásquez, Nadie Verónica; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001448002; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001140701; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4tERbJwAAAAJ&hl=es; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=hOFlzbAAAAAJ; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=sqQAh9cAAAAJ; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000018902; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7692-1020
    Within the framework of the Institutional Quality Assurance System, the Universidad Santo Tomás – USTA – implemented in 2014 its Self-Assessment Model, from which results are derived such as multicampus institutional accreditation, national accreditation of 23 undergraduates and 3 master's degrees, international accreditation with ARCUSUR of 2 undergraduates (Architecture of the Sectional Bucaramanga and Engineering of Electronics of the Bogotá Main Headquarters) , and the international certification with CACSLA of the Accounting Program of the Bogotá Headquarters. In 2019, the USTA considered it important to make a meta-assessment process (the evaluation of the model of institutional self-assessment and academic programs), in order to make the necessary adjustments for the qualification of the process, from internal and external needs, including the new regulations issued by the Ministry of National Education through Decree 1330 of 2019 and Agreement 02 of the CESU of 2020. In this context, the following addresses the conceptual and theoretical foundations from which the USTA conceives self-assessment and meta-assessment as necessary strategies inherent in the transformation and improvement of management, and in turn, promote the fulfillment of the promise of quality declared before the State, society, community and enterprise. Likewise, institutional experience is presented in the face of the design of the metaassessment process, its development and results.
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    Estructuras organizacionales de gobiernos universitarios y su máxima autoridad. Estudio comparado Universidad de Guayaquil-Ecuador y Universidad de Concepción-Chile
    (2020-11-19) Virgili Lillo, Mariol; Cedeño Tapia, Stefanía Johanna
    This study aims to make a comparison of the university governments of two Latin American universities, the University of Guayaquil (Public University of Ecuador) and the University of Concepción (private University of Chile), placing special emphasis on the specific aspects of the figure of the maximum university authority (Rector) and the functional organizational structure in the context of the formation of the government of their institutions. The topic addressed is not only important because of the incipient interest it has awakened in the research field, but also because it is a topic that has been scarcely researched in Latin America, since only countries such as Mexico, Argentina and Chile have developed research oriented towards the maximum university authority, but scarcely related to the subject of the organizational structures of their corporate governments, since most of the existing studies are related to university government from a theoretical perspective and reflection on it, of elements such as power and legitimacy, among others, so the results of this research will provide new knowledge on the subject. The results of the Study show the main differences and similarities of the object of study of these two institutions.
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    Universidad y gobernanza: la política de los saberes
    (2020-11-19) Bravo León, Luis Fernando
    These are some notes on the university and governance. To address these reflections, we have used the concept of the politics of knowledge. We understand the politics of knowledge to be the central role that the university plays in the organization and management of societies and national states from the very origin of the university to the planetary challenge of preserving life. For this reason, we present its characteristic notes, missionary and academic culture, in the case of the Universidad Santo Tomás, in the perspective of the definition of its nature as a university of general studies: a teaching university that develops research with a social orientation.
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    Análisis de los resultados de los procesos de evaluación externa para acreditación de alta calidad de los programas de la Sede Principal Bogotá de la Universidad Santo Tomás
    (2020-11-19) Carrillo, J; Marta, J; Velásquez, N; González, E; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001140701; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001448002; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000331180; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hOFlzbAAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4tERbJwAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000018902; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000018902; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000018902; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000018902; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8293-8171; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7692-1020
    The high quality accreditation processes are part of the evaluative component of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Universidad Santo Tomás, as a result of the advancement of the evaluation and self-regulation components, the accreditation of 18 academic programs of the Bogotá Headquarters is evidenced, of which fifteen (15) are undergraduate and three (3) are master's degrees. For the good practices resulting from these processes and considering the opportunities for improvement, an analysis was carried out in light of the institutional model of university management in order to detail the convergence of the results and take them into account for decision-making at the institutional level, and the development of the new accreditation processes for undergraduate and graduate programs and the renewal of institutional accreditation.
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    Atributos de gobiernos corporativos universitarios y predicción de los niveles de divulgación de información: una aplicación de árboles de regresión
    (2020-11-19) Mancilla, Claudio; Abello-Romero, Juan
    In the area of university governance and management, Abello (2018), Abello et al. (2018) and Abello et al. (2019) have shown that on average the level of information disclosure by Latin American universities is low and very heterogeneous; they have also shown that the attributes of university corporate governments or maximum collegiate bodies (MCC) are determining factors in the disclosure of information. Although the data from more than two hundred universities that were used in this work represent a high number of observations, they are only a proportion of all Latin American universities; likewise, the collection of information to determine the levels of information disclosure could become complex, the need to predict and estimate what would be the expected level of disclosure from other universities emerges. In view of the above, this work aims to predict the levels of information dissemination of Latin American universities considering the attributes of their corporate university governments or top collegial bodies (MCC). To achieve the above objective, it is introduced with a technique used in other disciplines and for other purposes called regression trees. While there are other techniques, such as linear regressions, classification and regression trees are part of machine learning techniques to build predictive models from available data (Loh 2011). Thus, for the purpose of this work, regression trees may be an appropriate methodology to predict the levels of information dissemination in Latin American universities. The technique will generate nodes or branches according to the attributes of the CQI, which will allow typing the universities to later make a prediction of the level of information dissemination considering these attributes. The name of the technique derives from the common practice of describing the process of data partitioning by means of a decision tree and one of the advantages of regression trees is that they are easy to understand and interpret (Hernandez 2020). The results of this work indicate that the universities whose CQI are more diverse and more independent have the highest rates of information dissemination, while on the contrary, the universities whose CQI are less diverse, the number of members is 49 or less, and they are also less independent, are the institutions that have the lowest rates of information dissemination.
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    Rol de las universidades como promotoras de revistas científicas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza
    (2020-11-11) Ganga Contreras, Francisco; Viancos González, Patricio; San Martín, Walter Sáez; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ATFF7ikAAAAJ&hl=es; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b6DDNIoAAAAJ&hl=es; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=I61QOLIAAAAJ&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9325-6459; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4550-3608; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4346-2304
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    Retos para la Bioética, principios herramientas y procesos en el deporte, la recreación y la Actividad Física. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza
    (2020-10-11) García García, Gabriel Giovanny
    This essay talks about bioethics and the relationship that it has with the practice of sport and physical activity, bioethics is the reflection on the values and principles that guide our decisions, its most relevant principles and how they are directed to sport, regardless of whether its origin is in medicine and its entire field, in this way it can be observed as if looking towards a different field they fulfill the same function, without having to change those primordial principles worldwide, only looking for the way As these are integrated in this case in sport and physical activity, it is necessary to exercise the body and mind to have a more balanced life as long as it is within our possibilities and the options offered by the environment.
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    El Proyecto Scholas y la inclusión responsable: una reflexión sobre la inserción de migrantes y refugiados valorando la diversidad cultural. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza
    (2020-10-11) da Rocha Wurth, Cátia Rosane; Fossatti, Paulo; Antunes de Miranda, José Alberto; https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=-99NgKIAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR; https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=MF99iNIAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5944-6715; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9767-5674; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5338-4728
    The theme of our article addresses digital inclusion through language teaching, valuing the cultural diversity of migrants and refugees. The objective is to reflect on the good practices of digital inclusion of migrants and refugees and their integration, aiming at cultural diversity, in a Higher Education Institution in the South of Brazil. The methodology, a qualitative research, includes a bibliographic review on the subject in question, in addition to a case study based on an experience report of the activities carried out with these students. As a result, a) We identified the need for the inclusion of migrants and refugees in the online environment. b) The importance of the continuity of the activities developed and the reception in an environment of listening and humanized support, so essential in this moment of the pandemic. Final considerations The study made it possible to reflect on the need to continue good inclusion practices through language teaching for migrants and refugees in the online modality, developed through internationalization and University Social Responsibility.
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    La facultad de derecho investiga la gobernanza unviersitaria. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza
    (2020-11-11) Moya Vargas, Manuel Fernando; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000510955; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zSRmc98AAAAJ&hl=es; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4969-9310
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    Cibercultura y Educación Universitaria: Tensiones y posibilidades del humanismo cristiano tomista en la sociedad digital. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza
    (2020-11-06) Pineda Martínez, Edgar Oswaldo; Gracia Jara, O.P., Fray Rodrigo; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001584883; http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001444249; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=G3DF0f4AAAAJ&hl=en; https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=M-jQ4kEAAAAJ&hl=es; https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000014474; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6738-0237; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7096-7119