Especialización Gerencia de Proyectos de Construcción
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Transformación del espacio público sobre la avenida Universitaria por medio de la intervención urbana en pro de una movilidad segura(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Vargas López, Derlyn Lorena; Mesa Monroy, Marlon Armando; Castro Bohorquez, Carlos Alfredo; Universidad Santo TomasThis project explores an urban intervention aimed at improving pedestrian mobility and sidewalk design in the city of Tunja, specifically along the section of Avenida Universitaria between 45th and 47th Streets. The research highlights the significance of urban interventions and traffic signage in the efficient planning and management of cities, which are fundamental elements for ensuring road safety and enhancing urban quality of life. Traffic signage guides traffic in an orderly manner, prevents accidents, and facilitates mobility. Concurrently, urban interventions in public spaces aim to enhance accessibility, promote sustainability, and foster community interaction. These interventions may include the creation of pedestrian areas, such as promenades, the incorporation of green spaces, and the reconfiguration of streets and sidewalks; these elements have been considered in the design and management of this project. In Tunja, the section of Avenida Universitaria exhibits problems with urban design and inadequate sidewalks, which negatively impacts the comfort of citizens, especially in high-traffic areas such as the campus of the Universidad Santo Tomás and health centers. The combination of effective traffic signage and well-executed urban interventions can positively transform the landscape and urban mobility, making it safer, more efficient, and accessible for both pedestrians and vehicles. The proposal of this thesis includes a comprehensive design that incorporates colors, textures, and tactile paving surfaces to improve mobility and reduce risks, as well as planning and management for the future implementation of the project. The goal is to provide an urban intervention that optimizes mobility conditions and overall experience in the study area, contributing to the well-being of the community.Ítem Diseño del salón comunal para la vereda Quebrada Arriba, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Boyacá(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-10-04) Vargas Silva, Anderson Stiven; Ballesteros Diaz, Angie Gabriela; Reyes Vargas, Alexandra; Universidad Santo TomásThis work focuses on the formulation of an architectural project for the execution of a community hall in Santa Rosa de Viterbo, which highlights the importance of community spaces in the development and integration of rural communities, as fundamental spaces to promote community participation. The project addresses the planning, design and management stages. In which the phases of approaching the community are analyzed as a starting point for the architectural design, prioritizing the functionality and sustainability of the space. Additionally, it examines efficient resource management and budget planning as key inputs to the construction process. The proposal seeks to integrate the design, with the objective and feasibility of creating a communal hall that is functional and promotes social and community development in the region, generating a meeting point that promotes social cohesion and improves the quality of life of the residents. inhabitants of Santa Rosa de Viterbo.Ítem AUDITORIA EN PROYECTOS Y PROCESOS CONSTRUCTIVOS(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-17)Ítem Salón Comunal San Jorge(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Universidad Santo Tomas Seccional Tunja; Universidad Santo Tomas Seccional TunjaIn the context of commitment to community development and social well-being, this project focuses on addressing the infrastructural deficiencies of Barrio San Jorge in Duitama. Evolved from a settlement to a residential area, this neighborhood lacks a suitable communal space, negatively affecting social cohesion and the comprehensive development of its residents. The objective is to design and construct a communal hall that not only meets the needs for social and cultural activities but also promotes community integration. The methodology is based on Participatory Action Research, facilitating continuous interaction with the community to identify their needs and priorities. A comprehensive analysis of the local context was conducted, employing qualitative techniques such as interviews and focus groups. Survey results revealed unanimous demand for a communal hall with bathrooms, a kitchen, areas for children's play, and spaces for sports activities. The main contribution lies in providing a versatile and functional physical space that strengthens social fabric and enhances residents' quality of life. The design of the communal hall should adhere to principles of sustainability and adaptability, significantly contributing to community development and overall well-being in Barrio San Jorge.Ítem Aplicación de Concreto Reforzado con Fibras de Vidrio y Aglomerados en Muros de Contención: Un Estudio Basado en la NSR-10(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-15) Barva Peinado, Deives José; Universidad Santo TomásThis project seeks to evaluate the efficiency and regulatory compliance of glass fiber-reinforced concrete and agglomerates in retaining walls, with the goal of optimizing costs. To achieve this, a comprehensive literature review, an analysis of the NSR-10 standard, a collection and analysis of cost data, and a regulatory compliance assessment will be conducted. This study is expected to contribute significantly to the field of civil engineering by providing a viable, corrosion-resistant alternative to steel for the construction of retaining walls. The expected results include a comparative analysis of the costs of constructing retaining walls using traditional reinforcing steel and glass fiber-reinforced concrete and agglomerates, as well as an assessment of the compliance of the use of these materials with the NSR-10 regulations. This study has the potential to have a significant impact on the construction industry by providing a more efficient and durable alternative to steel in the construction of retaining walls. Furthermore, the findings of this study are expected to be applicable in the Colombian context, taking into account factors such as climatic and geological conditions, as well as local construction regulations. At the end of this research, we will provide a detailed evaluation of our findings and discuss the implications of our results for the construction industry.Ítem COMPARATIVA NORMATIVA Y MEJORES PRÁCTICAS EN PROYECTOS DE INGENIERÍA CIVIL: NRS10 VS. NBR 6492, CON ÉNFASIS EN GESTIÓN Y ADAPTACIÓN DE PROYECTOS CONSTRUCTIVOS(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-26) Galindo Soler, Andrea Estefani; Urrutia Piragua, Julian Ramiro; Rojas Cely, Oscar David; Universidad Santo Tomas - TunjaCivil engineering and project management have become fundamental drivers for global economic development and growth, promoting large-scale projects, such as the construction of road infrastructure, buildings, bridges and large-scale engineering works; To achieve projects that generate significant impacts at a technological, social and economic level, organizational and administrative models must be implemented in each of the stages of the project. From the above arises the need to unify the technical and administrative components that allow civil projects to be carried out efficiently and of quality, for this reason the importance of complying and creating standards. Brazil is one of the leading countries in the development of infrastructure in Latin America, due to the regulatory, organizational and administrative system that it implements in the development of its construction projects. For this reason, it is important to investigate its regulations and the differences that exist with Colombian regulations and apply relevant and important aspects that make a difference in Colombian construction projects in terms of safety at work, management, planning, execution and obtaining results. . Likewise, this research project aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the differences between workplace safety regulations and quality control in the management of civil works projects between Colombia and Brazil. In order to obtain conclusions and results that in the development of a civil project allow making decisions, optimizing processes and meeting objectives satisfactorily. Furthermore, it is expected that this research will help improve aspects of the organization and performance phases of a project, as well as promote tools that allow Colombia to complement the systems and methodologies that are currently implemented.Ítem Guadua, Viviendas Sostenibles: una Perspectiva desde la Gerencia de Proyectos en la Vía al Llano(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-30) Ortiz Florián, Laura Daniela; Sánchez Pérez, Laura Camila; Pérez Cuervo, Juan Ricardo; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Diagnóstico y Presupuesto, Vereda Río de Piedras, Puente Tuta –Boyacá(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-05-28) Vargas Simijaca, Andres Felipe; Sosa Gómez, Nelson Andres; Toledo Castellanos, Miguel Ángel; Universidad Santo TomásTo carry out a project, not only in the construction field but in any domain, it is necessary to have a planning process that aligns with the procedure to connect the purpose with the lifespan of what is executed. For this, there are tools to obtain a certified guide that allows the fulfillment of both the scope and objectives. In the specific case of this project we call "DIAGNOSIS AND BUDGET, RIO DE PIEDRAS PATH, TUTA – BOYACÁ," the PMBOK 6ED guide is implemented. The project shows an analysis of the structure in which we determine the impacts to which the elements composing the bridge are subjected, supported by the inspection manual of INVIAS. On the other hand, we propose a budget based on technical support, community needs, quotations from different entities, and the feasibility of the project. Likewise, a field visit was conducted to inquire about the sector's development possibilities, analyzing material availability, labor force availability, construction time, accessibility to the execution point, successfully breaking down technical, social, and management issues to minimize any risk or impact on the purpose of completing the proposal for the development of pedestrian mobility in the municipality of Tuta in its Río de Piedras area through a management plan covering stakeholders, budget, schedule, and risks. Furthermore, our research has been grounded in providing solutions to mobility issues in the municipality of Tuta, where we propose a study developed according to community needs, conducting a diagnosis and budget based on the structural, physical, and deterioration conditions it presents for its utility using the managerial methodology outlined in PMBOK 6th edition. The purpose of our project has been to study the development conditions of the bridge, the characteristics of a structure, material properties in line with strength, material availability, load capacity, and the climatic conditions to which the bridge will be subjected. Therefore, in this project, a (Box Culvert) type bridge is considered viable among the best options to implement; because these structures help minimize natural erosion processes, reduce environmental impact in terms of construction waste, and in a certain way, aid in the protection of existing structures or constructions. It also helps in reducing the time for project execution and contributes to cost reduction. Keywords: Management plan, PMBOK, social projection, Box culvertÍtem Estructuras de Madera, Diferencias y Similitudes entre Brasil y Colombia(Universidad Santo Tomás) Duitama Parra, Jose Andres; Orjuela Garzón, Luis Alejandro; Jiménez Roa, Diego Eduardo; Universidad Santo TomásWood in Colombia is used in construction in the field of reinforcement of stretchers that will fulfill the objective of serving as a base for assemble and cast a plate with concrete, it is also used according to NSR-10 Title G for the structural design serving as a coffer covered with canvas empty wooden beam in the middle of two concrete beams. Wood is also widely used as a structural element, often in roofs and even beams and columns for open spaces, balconies or ornaments, their use. Also in lattices and other decoration elements or details architectural.Ítem Auditorías en Seguridad Vial, caso de estudio Avenida Universitaria de la ciudad de Tunja.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-30) CASTELBLANCO PRECIADO, DANIEL FELIPE; SANTACRUZ CHINOME, EMMANUEL; JIMENEZ ROA, DIEGO EDUARDO; Universidad Santo TomásÍtem Dejando huellas en la arquitectura social.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-25) Ortiz Escovar, Julieth Karyna; Muñoz Rincón, Stephany Dayana; Albarracín Cabral, Ivan Leonardo; Pérez Cuervo, Juan Ricardo; Universidad Santo TomásThe architecture and design are elements that aim to provide tools for orientation and solutions to the needs of the assisted population, with the purpose of creating a social contribution benefiting the city or a specific population of the same, becoming an element of design support to provide decent access to housing or generate spaces for recreation and sanitation of the community that receives the work. Object that was followed for the development of this work and for which, on the part of construction project management, is provided, proposed and advised in the development of deliverables necessary to meet the proposed objective of the design of a space for storage and reorganization of a laundry area that is required.Ítem Plan de gestión gerencial aplicada a la construcción del paradero urbano en la av. universitaria, Tunja.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-24) Muñoz Arias, Lorena Cristina; Camargo Pinzón, Astrith Alejandra; Universidad Santo Tomas TunjaThe management plan is a fundamental guide for monitoring and setting limits at all stages of a project, ensuring that benefits, requirements and requests are met. In the specific context of the urban whereabouts project on Av. University, the multiple methods provided by the guide PMBOK 6th Edition and Project Management based on the 6th Edition PMBOK will be applied. Addressing technical, social and human aspects in order to meet standards, ensure viability, emotional feeling, well-being, quality, safety and prevent risks associated with the project. The document will address the following stages: the scope plan, the timeline for estimating the optimal time to build the whereabouts, the cost baseline for determining the total cost of the project and ensuring its effective implementation, and the risk management plan that will identify and evaluate risks, implementing plans to minimize and anticipate them.Ítem BENEFICIOS APLICACIÓN DE METODOLOGÍA LEAN CONSTRUCTION A LA PLANEACIÓN Y CONSTRUCCIÓN DE INFRAESTRUCTURA VIAL(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-15) Rojas Cruz, Javier Antonio; Benitez Camargo, Ana Maria; Rojas Cely, Oscar David; Universidad Santo TomasAt present, it is of great importance to incorporate the LEAN methodology into project management. CONSTRUCTION which through agile and effective actions to reduce time, resources and investment, allows optimize the performance of work and logistics activities that guarantee high yields, high quality, sustainability and efficiency in problem solving; that is why these previous planning activities and during work interventions allow the executor and contractor of road infrastructure projects to have access to a high effectiveness in the materialization of the works through the sequential forecast of articulated actions allowing to minimize the affectations in the projects by increase in the duration of these, cost overruns and Variations to Initial Project Scheduling ConsiderationsÍtem Análisis comparativo de costos del concreto reciclado y su incorporación en el sector de la construcción.(2019-05-06) Alvarado Martínez, Hollman Alirio; Diaz Bello, Sandra Consuelo; Universidad Santo TomásThe main purpose of construction of civil works is to satisfy the basic needs of the population, improving the environment and significantly improving the quality of life. In spite of this, this benefit is overshadowed by the environmental liability that comes from the inadequate management of waste, product of the different stages in the construction processes; mainly demolition debris, since in many cases they are given an inadequate final disposition, ending, deposited without a control on lands that are not suitable for this activity, causing an environmental, visual and social impact for the city. For this reason, the possibility of using and incorporating recycled concrete technology in the construction sector was proposed, as through the process of crushing, separating and classifying debris (concrete); it is possible to obtain substitute materials for using as aggregates, be coarse or fine in the mixture of new concretes with low loads; reducing to a large extent the use of aggregate objects of the substitution, and possibly investment costs in the purchase of these materials, thus opening the possibility of generating a synthesis of final incorporation, in a new use and exploitation of this type of waste.Ítem Que sucede en la contratación pública colombiana. ¿Acaso los pliegos van amarados?(2020-06-17) Escobar Chinome, Marlon Alirio; Fuquén Guerrero, YefferThis article aims to analyze whether the solicitation documents in the Colombian public procurement processes have become a system for the benefit of only proponents, using the type of quantitative research and documentary analysis, since, despite all the recruitment systems available in the country, corruption rates have not decreased, all due to the continuing intensification of the recruitment processes in abbreviated or direct recruitment, by the very short terms of the proposal.Ítem Implementación del PMBOK En la especialización de Gerencia de proyecto de la Construcción(2020-06-05) Molano Gutiérrez, Laura FernandaThe Santo Tomás Seccional Tunja University, through its academic line of Postgraduates, seeks to grant the professional and occupational profile in the area of Construction Project Management, to students who are part of the aforementioned specialization. The purpose of this article is to offer a general perspective of the current state of the specialization in question in this country, regarding the academic, methodological, practical and theoretical development of the Construction Project Management Specialization; The aforementioned analysis will be based on the guidelines given by PMI, in conjunction with the general principles regarding Project Management enshrined in the PMBOK Guide. In addition, the need to generate practical spaces for the correct execution of the theory provided in the specialization will be addressed, depending on the lines of knowledge that are generally handled within the postgraduate course, as Engineering and Architecture. This space is given to thoroughly analyze the approach with respect to what is stipulated by PMI, in addition to the management approach in the area of Construction Systems and its application in the national territory of Colombia. Through surveys, applied to students of the aforementioned specialization, it will be sought to delimit the main academic and theoretical problems that currently exist within the development of the specialization, taking into account the professional level of the students, their objectives and expectations in relation to the that specialization currently produces and offers. The foregoing by virtue of the fact that, the main problems that are presented within this specialization, are the lack of inclusion in the academic pensum, of unified international regulations, that exists around project management; guidelines that are binding worldwide and that meet broad quality standards. We will seek to propose improvement actions that best meet the needs of the PMBOK study implementation for the development of project management.Ítem Políticas públicas contextualizadas al proyecto de vivienda “Estancia el Roble” en la ciudad de Tunja(2019-08-22) Echeverría Pulido, Manuel Alberto; Díaz Bello, Sandra; Lesmes, Fabián Andrés; Lesmes, Fabián CamiloThe need to formulate public policies focused on improving the conditions of life quality of the population, is an inherent issue to the use of right measures in terms of technical quality and the expectation fulfillment of the target population. The housing project “Estancia el Roble” is an example of implementation of public policies, which represents a series of deficiencies because of technical characteristics, social responsability and political control, which generates effects that go against the quality of the project, the expectations of users and the due monitoring by the territory entities. For this reason, the goal of this article was to make an anlysis from the technical, social and political perspective, with the aim of evaluating if the implemented public policies in social housing are efficient. Within the obtained results the coordination, planification, execution, monitoring, and evaluation, were found to have failures in their development, which generates problems in the construction project. In addition, it was made evident that the implementation of public policies has not a monitoring and evaluation, which creates inconviniences, and therefore the fulfillment of the policies are incomplete. From the results, it was found that the inclusión of accurate and responsable engineering elements allows to the public policies a greater integrity and support when facilitating the guaranty in the project execution. This research was developed during the attendance of courses in the academic programme Specialization in Building Project Management in the Saint Thomas University.