Doctorado Filosofía

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    El concepto de Libertad Surgido del Movimiento Dialectico Presente en la Tercera Antinomia Kantiana y su Lectura en los Rasgos Más Sobresalientes del Pensamiento Latinoamericano sobre la Libertad y Liberación
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-25) Mendoza Beltrán, David; Rámirez Téllez, Alberto Rene; Soto Urrea, Wilson Hernando; Universidad Santot Tomás;;;;;
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    Marcuse y la Razón Sensual: la Estética Como Posibilidad de Renovación Sensible para el Hombre Contemporáneo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-07-19) Moriano Basante, Jesús Renán; Vallejo Molina, Rubén Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
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    ¿Metaforosofar? Metáfora y Filosofar hacia una(s) Estética(s) de la (Des)obediencia: Erraticidad por las Trochas Colombianas en el Pensamiento de Fernando González Ochoa.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-07) Moncada Cardona, Mauricio; Vallejo Molina, Ruben Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    Poder y Saber: Genealogía del Pensamiento Económico y la Enseñanza de la Economía Durante las Reformas Neoliberales en Colombia.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-03-08) Ariza Ruiz, Efrén Danilo; Laverde Rodríguez, Carlos Alfonso; Roberto Alba, Nelson Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;;;
    This research focuses on unveiling the relationship between power and knowledge existing in economic thought and the teaching of economics in Colombia during the period of implementation of neoliberal reforms. This objective is developed through a systematic literature review, applying the hermeneutic and genealogical methodological approaches in the framework of a process tracing analysis strategy with a deductive input that seeks to arrive at causal inferences with the intention of identifying how the frameworks that allowed the implementation of neoliberal reforms were structured, their academic and public trajectories and the way in which they structured a technocratic discourse with pretensions of truth, of technical, responsible knowledge, which is self-recognized as legitimate to design economic policy in Colombia. The results show that the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad de los Andes, together with the think tanks FEDESARROLLO and ANIF, have consolidated a hegemony in the field of economic thought in Colombia and have constituted a circle of power in the formulation of economic policies in the country, limiting the debate and discussion around economic alternatives and development models that can be more inclusive and sustainable in the long term. The cadres have played an important role in the training of new generations of economists, through their participation in the development of curricula and the direction of undergraduate and graduate theses in many of the country's economics programs, contributing to the homogenization of the teaching of economics, the mathematization of the economic discipline and the use and abuse of textbooks. Finally, the values of the neoliberal generation have been transferred to the educational field, through the concept of quality and scient metrics, which has become a tool for controlling and disciplining the academic body. This situation requires modifying classroom practices to contribute to the consolidation of alternatives that allow fostering a plural and critical view of economics, promoting the analysis of the social and environmental impacts of economic policies, encouraging research in critical and alternative economics and integrating the teaching of economics with other disciplines.
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    Sobre las Ideas de Ver y Oír en los Sistemas Filosóficos de Emmanuel Levinas y de Enrique Dussel
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-19) Cueto Vanegas, Danis De Jesús; Lozano Suárez, Luz María; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This work is the result of a doctoral research on the idea that Emmanuel Levinas and Enrique Dussel have about seeing and hearing. Since Aristoteles, these two senses have been grouped around Being, the foundation of Western philosophy, therefore, it is interesting to reflect on them from the philosophical systems of two of the thinkers who have assumed the task of leaving Being and going beyond their own horizon. Beyond Being, Levinas and Dussel, manage to create the there is and the creative Novelty, respectively, non-places, non-Greek, and pre-ontological places with which they create a new ethical subjectivity that we have here called alterative intentional subjectivity. In this new subjectivity, seeing and hearing, Being, non-Being, Nothingness, even the ontological language proper to philosophy, have no possibility. Therefore, both Levinas and Dussel inaugurate the grammar of meanings, an original language through which the tensions and approaches between both philosophers can be observed. Although this work is a hermeneutic investigation, the truth is that it is written in three voices, making use of the fruitful, useful and positive dialogical form that Dussel announces in his analytic method. It is, therefore, a polyphonic text encrypted in the ethical moment of the analectic in which the voices of Levinas, Dussel and the writer appear in dialogue. Finally, it is divided into two large sections: one Ethical and the other Metaphysical. This one is written in ontological language, close to Heidegger and represents a short theoretical framework on seeing and hearing; the other is dialogical and thinks the revealing word from the novelty of the Other.
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    La Relación Convivencial Illichiana: una Apuesta para una Sociedad Digital Inclusiva y Equitativa
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-21) Monroy Sánchez, Carlos Alberto; Soto Urrea, Wilson Hernando; Hernández Barriga, Fabiola Inés; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;;
    Through this thesis we aim to support an Illichian convivial relationship for an inclusive and equitable digital society, taking as a starting point the change in the ethos of society: from a Promethean ethos to an Epimethean ethos. Hence, initially a description and analysis of the different versions of the myth of Prometheus in both antiquity and modernity is carried out. Through this thesis, the positive impact that the rebirth of the epimethean man could have will be shown in the formation of a society in which other values prevail (solidarity, cooperation, empathy, fraternity, etc.) other than those that predominate today (egoism, individualism, greed, pride, etc.). The positive aspects derived from assuming an epimethean ethos will be taken up, which will contribute to the digital society in which humanity is entering becoming inclusive and equitable, but not before having tried to found the Illichian coexistence relationship taking the ethical guidelines formulated as a central axis by Martín Buber in his book Me and You. Thus, to carry out the dissection of the epimethean human being, it is necessary to take a series of contrasting categories such as convivial relationship and industrial relationship, convivial society (epimethean society) and technocratic society (promethean society), epimethean ethos and promethean ethos, which, Although they may appear to us as antagonistic at first glance, they are not, because through them we can achieve complementarity and the unity of the multiple. The anthropological, ethical, ontological and philosophy of technology aspects that come together here constitute the foundations under which it is feasible to build a philosophy of education whose epicenter is the passage from a Promethean ethos to an Epimethean ethos.
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    El Olvido del Maestro: el Problema de la Relación Maestro-Discípulo en el Último Michel Foucault
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-05) Beltrán Castellanos, Andrés Santiago; Triana-Moren, Diana Paola; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    Antropología tomista: hacia una nueva comprensión psíquica holística del hombre como Unidad Substancial, frente a la comprensión tradicional occidental biologicista y funcionalista contemporánea.
    (2023-04-21) Rodríguez Ruiz, Germán Arnold; Jaramillo Moreno, Ricardo Arturo; Triana Moreno., Diana Paola; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    The work presented below considers the anthropological understanding of man in the unity between soul and body suggested by St. Thomas Aquinas as a substantial unit. It tries to be a philosophical contribution so that both philosophy and psychology can appropriate Aquinas’s thought, who presents man as a “being” in Substantial Unity. His substantialist anthropological vision of an ontological nature can favour an enriching dialogue with the various psychological postures that explain a part of man and his behaviour. The place that St. Thomas assigns to man in the universe is central. Man is the microcosm, he is neither only body nor single soul, but rather a body informed by the spiritual soul as its substantial form. From this theory, an understanding of man is achieved that surpasses dualism and pluralism, perspectives of current anthropological explanation. The psychoanalytic, behavioural, constructionist proposal and other positions in psychology have sought an anthropological understanding mediated by its postulates, without generating a unitary understanding of man and linking him directly with the search for his identity having as an articulating element psychism as a concept that integrates internal and external elements of man. The proposal establish a dialogue between Thomistic posture and current currents around man’s psychic understanding.
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    Horizontes de comprensión del concepto de comunidad en el multiculturalismo y el diálogo intercultural
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-20) Cárdenas Arias, Julián; Cepeda, Juan; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    The rise of radical nationalism, undermining of democracies, and presence of physical, epistemic, and symbolism exclusion - in varied forms - portrayed through ethnocentrism are some of the political, social, and cultural problems of humanity these days. Moreover, false recognition is emphasized by speeches and unambiguous practices of dominating cultures using derogatory labels towards what is different. Reflection about these issues has taken place from different currents and authors of political and moral philosophy finding a diversity of productions that somehow have contributed to the search of dignifying, fair, and solidary relationships among individuals and cultures, among which we find the work of Charles Taylor. Therefore, the statement to support in this doctorate thesis is as follows: The concept of community is of prime importance in the thought of Charles Taylor. Around it, hermeneutically and dialectically, weigh the horizons of moral ontology, ethics of authenticity, and politics of recognition as a reply to what the Canadian philosopher calls the diseases of modernity. This significance and dialogue are conditions of possibility for conflict resolution from the position of multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue towards the construction of scenarios where the “me” and “us” work together in common projects in benefit of the humanity.
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    Foucault Antes de Foucault: de la Conciencia Fenomenológica al Descubrimiento de lo Arqueológico en Michel Foucault
    (2022-09-22) Pacheco Villegas, Carlos Eduardo; Castro-Gómez, Santiago; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
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    La parresia como heterotopía en el último Michel Foucault: otro modo crítico y específico de ser, (im)pensar, decir y vivir.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018-09) Borda-Malo Echeverri, Santiago María; Sopó, Ángel María Ph. D.
    This philosophy doctoral thesis deals with the problem of Parresia as Heterotopia -another critical and specific way-, a possible place in the Last Foucault, especially in his final trilogy of courses at the Collège de France (1981-1984): La hermeneutica del sujeto, El gobierno de sí y de los otros and El coraje de la verdad, complementing his philosophical itinerary on this topic with the Foucaultian prehistory of the parresia and the conferences that, simultaneously, the philosopher gave on this subject in some European and American universities. This problem displayed in those last courses constitutes -as a working hypothesis and in coherence with his last two books: El uso de los placeres and El cuidado de sí (1984) - the tripod of his other critical and specific way of being, (im)thinking, saying and living, not as a simple speculation of the philosopher but as a spiritual exercise, a philosophical art of living and an aesthetics of existence centered on the care of oneself, thus constituting a triad within which parresia will fill these themes with unsuspected intuitions, still today in process of articulation within the polyhedral corpus foucaultiano.
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    Las emociones en la política. Una visión crítica de la teoría de Martha Nussbaum desde la visión postfundacional de Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-09-17) Pérez Jiménez, Jhon Alejandro; López López, Edgar Antonio;;;;;;
    The research approaches critically to Martha Nussbaum’s theory about emotions, in its relationship with Rawlsian political liberalism. Nussbaum´s vision of emotional life in the public sphere is a moral vision, not a political one, so it produces a moralization unable to recognize the antagonistic nature of emotions in the political milieu. The framework offered by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe enables a critic from the antagonistic nature of politics, in its passionate and popular bases. The dissertation recovers the main role of emotions in political life because, instead of seeing them as blind and irrational impulses, it conceives them as a rich source of thought and reason. The sentient intelligence is a perspective that allows to rightly understand the role of emotional antagonism in a democracy.
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    Wittgenstein: lenguaje, acción y filosofía política
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-07-09) Jiménez Ardila, Carlos; Santamaría Velasco, Freddy Orlando;;;
    The purpose of the present investigation is to demonstrate that language and action constitute the politics meaning framework, for which the Wittgenstein's thinking conceptual tools allow to make a philosophical description of politics like an activity based on linguistic practices aimed at the common, inside of life forms. This led to describe the grammar that governs the institutionalization and the meaning of political facts; to establish the political role that grammatical propositions have as conditions of meaning in the constitution of the common, and to describe the normative nature of the policy insofar as it institutes the norms that must govern in a community and manages them.
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    La Concepción Antropológica de John Dewey: El Hombre como un Ser Pluridimensional
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-07-19) Parada Silva, Juan Alexis; Eslava Castañeda, Edgar Gustavo;;;;;
    The subject of this research was the anthropology of John Dewey; developed from the question: can a conception of man be identified in Dewey's work? And, if you get an affirmative answer, answer some subsidiary questions, fundamentally, what is man for the American thinker? What are the characteristic dimensions of this conception? In addressing such questions, the main problem encountered was the absence of a systematic explanation of his anthropological conception. Hence, the purpose of this research was to make explicit and systematize Dewey's concept of man. Seeking to achieve the general purpose of this research, the first step was to describe some of Dewey's experiences that, in our view, contributed to forging his anthropological thinking. In fact, after going through various educational, labour, cultural and union experiences, it was possible to appreciate that Dewey was a son of his time as a person, a social being and a thinker, which led us to say that his anthropological conception takes as nutritious soil life itself, that is to say, takes as its starting point the problems and resolutions that it lived in its historical moment. This first step made the second opportune, that is, deepening its theoretical references, so the second chapter of the work concentrated on the analysis of the discussion that Dewey established with his main intellectual teachers, in order to identify inheritances and critical distances that are going to be key in the development of his anthropological perspective. The results of this discussion were relevant insofar as they allowed a further step to be made in explaining and systematizing deweyana anthropology. After analysing these theoretical references, it was necessary to take the definitive step towards the explanation and systematization of Deweyana anthropology: to see how the biographical experiences described and the theoretical references analysed contribute to the conception of man as a being that dynamically integrates the identified dimensions: impulse , habit, sociality, creativity, temporality, freedom, reflection and excellence. This step came to constitute the third chapter of the document that accounts for this research, the objective of which was to explain and systematize Dewey's anthropological conception in order to answer the central question: What is man according to Dewey? The development of the chapter provided sufficient elements to answer it from our fundamental thesis: Dewey conceives of man as a multidimensional being, who articulates its different dimensions taking experience as epicentre. The different dimensions that make up progressive man lead to education, responsible for man cultivating and reaping its best fruits, and it is this that makes school a "social laboratory" in which authentic experience is formed, which will give its definitive results in progressive society. And since they lead to education, the purpose of the fourth and final chapter was to show the progressive school as an institution that, based on its anthropological conception, describes, reflects and even articulates it.
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    Aspectos filosóficos del pragmaticismo y su proyección a la planeación estratégica publicitaria
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2019-03-26) Sánchez Riaño, Vladimir; Pongutá Puerto, César Fredy Noel;;;;;;
    This doctoral thesis carries out an analysis of the philosophical postulates of Charles Sanders Peirce. Especially the concept of belief in pragmaticism and its development in the normative sciences. The foregoing, in order to establish theoretical and conceptual elements that can be projected to strategic advertising planning. As a consequence, the thesis develops three chapters. First, some pragmatism historical aspects; second, pragmaticism and belief in strategic advertising planning; third, a consideration of advertising rationing in pragmaticist key. Finally, the conclusion tries to collect what has been said and translates it into the semiotic model of strategic advertising planning (Semiotic Planning), accompanied by a final discussion. In the first chapter three aspects are treated. The first one offers a semiotic, genetic-linguistic, and foundational panorama, based on some reflections about language problem on Plato and Aristotle. The second one traces the use of the practical and pragmatic in modernity about the Kant's philosophical positions; Finally, the vision of classical pragmatism from William James and John Dewey is presented. The second chapter works about the pragmatic idea of ​​belief from 1887 Peircean perspective, from 1903 mature version, and the late version (1907); from this, the thesis propose keys for strategic planning in advertising. The third chapter works on sign thinking, the division of signs, and the vision of normative sciences. Likewise, this chapter proposes three interpretant's trichotomies. With the above, the thesis poses an evaluation path of the different phases of the semiotic model of strategic planning (Semiotic Planning).
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    Ideología y praxis como crítica a la escuela inmediata: Una filosofía marxiana de la educación
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Ramírez Angarita, Claudio; Pérez Villamarín, Diego Germán;;;;
    Marx's thought and the approach of some Marxian guidelines to take into account when thinking about education as a social phenomenon, lead to the rescue of the concepts of alienation and alienation, of praxis and ideology within the educational event, which are still valid; they deserve to be rethought at the beginning of the XXI century in the regional school. Those theoretical elements will be material manifestations that obey the system of things; they will be a threat to a socio-critical conception of education, but they will be erected as an opportunity, in a dialectic way. Thus, they will be discovered in the immediate school, in the measure that its immediacy is treated, whose objective is to obey the predominant system that creates it, and which obeys the mercantilist and immediate vision of the environment.
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    L´El Dorado e il mito dell´eterno ritorno. Eziologia della guerra e prospettive di pace in Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Serra, David Jonathan; Montanari, Massimo; Jourdan, Luca; Antolinez Camargo, Rafael Antonio;;;;;;;
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    La ontología de Rodolfo Kusch: mandala ontológico de la filosofía latinoamericana
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Cepeda H., Juan; Fornet-Betancourt, Raúl;;;
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    “El camino en el campo” de Martin Heidegger: “lo sencillo” como una posibilidad de comprensión del sentido del ser.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2015) Crespo Vargas, Angélica Natalia; Sopó, Ángel María;;;
    This thesis aims to explore the phenomenon of "the simple" which Heidegger describes in his 1949 text, Der Feldweg, and stands as a possibility of understanding the meaning of Being. To follow this road, Heidegger proposes to implement the steps of the phenomenological method: Destruction, Reduction and Construction. This tour will be unveiling new ways of thinking, looking and interpreting beings, so that from them, is revealed to the Dasein, all the ontological value that "the simple" displays as access to Being.
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    Francis Bacon: de la reforma del saber al “imperio humano sobre el universo”. una lectura a partir del concepto de forma.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2017) Pachón Soto, Damián; Antolínez Camargo, Rafael; Kasahara, Javier T;;;;;;