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Ítem Las Relaciones Interpersonales en el Desarrollo de las Competencias Socio Emocionales de los Niños y Niñas del Grado Transición de la Institución Educativa Gabriel García Márquez en el Municipio de Corozal-Sucre(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-25) Atencia Salcedo, Mary; Barrios Diaz, Katy Milena; Ramos Posada, Daniela; Vargas Rodríguez, Germán Rolando; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;; in boys and girls is the fundamental basis for the socialization processes of the present, but also for future scenarios, which allows them to adopt ways of being, acting and living in certain situations. Given this, the participation of all is necessary. and each of the people who are part of the children's social environment. That is why this research work will be carried out in order to strengthen the interactions between the students of the transition degree of the Gabriel García Márquez Educational Institution in the Municipality of Corozal-Sucre, which are framed by aggressive and exclusionary behaviors; seeing itself reflected in actions that constantly seek to attack, criticize and go against the other.Ítem La Música Como una Estrategia Pedagógica para Estimular el Aprendizaje Significativo en el Área de Inglés(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-29) Melo León, Joaquín Sneyder; Rolando Vargas, German; Universidad Santo Tomás;;; project shows how musical compositions are a great source for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes of reflection, generating the exchange of ideas, organization of collective action, allowing the student to put his creative intelligence into play, which is feasible for him to use. in improving their learning. Musical composition is a pedagogical tool for strengthening the dimensions of human development, therefore, in this project we show the importance of generating changes in the strategies for student learning and in the development of the educational process for improving the understanding of competencies in the area of English. During the observation carried out, some difficulties that arise in the teaching-learning process have been internalized, such as scattered attention, lack of interest; which make it difficult to understand some competencies in the area of English. Based on this evidence, it has been proposed to use music as a recreational pedagogical tool to improve learning, through meaningful musical compositions that are articulated with the process of internalization of knowledge. , to achieve the competencies.Ítem La Música Como Estrategia para Fortalecer el Proceso Comunicativo en un Estudiante con Tea(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-22) Pérez Silva, Claudia Amparo; Pérez Álvarez, Duberlys del Carmen; Paternina Navarro, Luis David; Sánchez Rueda, Humberto; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;Ítem Estudio andragógico en la educación de los instructores de la Escuela Antidrogas.(2022-09-16) Lozano Ramos, Luis Manuel; Martínez Rodríguez, Jorge; Universidad Santo Tomás;; research stems from the need to improve the education of instructors and police officers who arrive at the Anti-Drug School of the National Police, from the intention of transforming traditional pedagogy with contributions from andragogy, which can only be possible at the time of deepening in the theories of andragogy, analyze the police educational model and ground it to the experience of the instructors of the police educational center.Ítem Empoderamiento y comunicación efectiva: estrategias pedagógicas para mejorar la enseñanza - aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios de pregrado.(2022-08-23) Palacin Arevalo, Kelly Johana; Sánchez Rueda, Humberto; Murcia Arregocés, María Victoria; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;; present investigation is directed from the qualitative paradigm, this empowers the obtaining of knowledge and behaviors through the interaction with the investigated or participants of the investigation, which are manifested in the social reality studied. The main characteristic of qualitative research is its interest in capturing social reality "through the eyes" of the people being studied, that is, from the subject's perception of their own context. (Bonilla & Rodriguez, 1997, p.84) In this research, the data will be collected from the perspective of the participants; teachers, students and researcher, referencing the relevant techniques, assuming the categories and instruments, respectively: concept of the teachers of the department of self-learning techniques of the Popular University of Cesar, around empowerment and effective communication. Initially, the characterization of the empowerment tools that are developed in the students and the main obstacles will be carried out, in which they prevent assertive communication and that are presented in the undergraduate university students of the Popular University of Cesar. observation of a class session, focused on the teacher-student interaction in order to know the tools that both have for the development of empowerment, and the development of a semi-structured interview to establish what are the main obstacles that students and teachers consider that prevent assertive communication; this interpretation consists of the precise description and interpretation of what individuals build, the dialectical thing is to compare the construction of reality of all the actors, both participants and the researcher, both immersed in the interaction, so that this confrontation will allow the construction of a new reality agreed by the individuals immersed in the study phenomenon Flores, (2004), (cited by Ramos, 2015) This through an unstructured observation guide and field diary, in reference to this Bonilla, E and Rodriguez, P (1997) highlight the following "qualitative research tries to make a global approximation of situations to explore, describe, and understand them inductively. That is, based on the knowledge that the different people involved in them have” p.119.According to the results obtained in the class session and the unstructured interview, we will proceed to co-design, together with students and teachers, didactic strategies that allow the use of affective communication and empowerment to facilitate the learning process, taking into account the characteristics of the students, likewise it is intended to develop communication and empowerment skills, in order to generate in the students a position of prominence in their educational process, which allows them to use these tools for learning in the different areas of knowledge. Taking into account the above, this paradigm is considered relevant for the investigation since it is planned to create the didactic strategy based on the knowledge of those who participate in the investigation, taking into account the point of view of the students. Well, the qualitative paradigm allows knowledge to be acquired through interaction with the participants. For Hernández Sampieri, Fernández Collado, & Baptista Lucio, (2014) This approach is based on data collection methods that are not completely standardized or predetermined. Such collection consists of obtaining the perspectives and points of view of the participants (their emotions, priorities, experiences, meanings and other rather subjective aspects), (p. 9). Another characteristic of this approach is that the researcher enters the experiences of the participants and builds knowledge, always aware that it is part of the phenomenon studied, (p. 10) This is essential because students and research professors provide unique and personal data based on their beliefs, emotions, interpersonal relationships, experiences, social and cultural context, which are finally translated into concepts.Ítem Necesidades De Aprendizaje De Los Estudiantes De Inglés Transversal I De La Facultad De Educación De La Usta Con Relación A Las Competencias Comunicativas En Inglés Como Lengua Extranjera, English As A Foreign Language – Efl(2021-02-03) Cruz Novoa, Adriana Paola; Quintero Vallejo, Daniela Alejandra; Pusil Pacichana, Anyelo Giovanny; Gómez Hernández, Mario Orlando; Hernández Márquez, Armira; Vergara, MarioThis research work arises from the statement of the problem based on the learning needs of the students who are part of Transversal English I at Universidad Santo Tomás, CAU Bogotá in the faculty of education. Additionally, in the Theoretical Framework both communicative competences and students' learning needs are directly related. In the same way, the document offers the methodological description of the qualitative paradigm, which is interested in knowing the opinion and point of view of the interviewee. Furthermore, it has an interpretive approach which takes into account the interpretation and understanding of the problems, in order to know the reality of the subjects from their perceptions, conceptions and practices. Moreover, the script of questions given to both students and teachers is presented as a selected instrument to collect the information. The document closes with the conclusions of this research from the personal, educational, and labor aspects and its contributions to the program and the faculty.Ítem Características del currículo en las políticas de educación inicial en Colombia(2021-02-04) Álvarez Mestra, Mónica Milena; González González, Jeison Alexander; León Rodríguez, Ana MaríaThis presentation releases a documentary research that seeks to account for the characteristics of the curriculum that are part of the initial education policies in Colombia. Briefly presents some of the main problems and the rise of curricular characteristics, their notions and concepts in initial education policies. Since, with the archaeological methodology, a historical tour of the characteristics is visible with an emphasis on their ordering, functioning and transforming, which shows the tensions and discontinuities that presented the presented in the face of the processes of change and the improvement of the initial education for children during their early childhood.Ítem El diseño curricular del Seminario Mayor “Los Sagrados Corazones”: retos y desafíos para la formación integral de los seminaristas de la diócesis de Pasto(2019-06-08) López Villota, Luis Carlos; Ortega, Alexander GuillermoResearch work on the situation of the academic formation in the Major Seminary "The Sacred Hearts" of the diocese of Pasto, to investigate to what extent it responds to the expectations of its students and, with a vision of the future, to the challenges and demands that the present world poses a Catholic priest. In the work the past of the presbyteral formation is visited where the seminarians were given the necessary tools to contribute to the improvement of the society and the academic reality of the institution is analyzed, taking into account the educational community, by means of a sample population The study and its analysis, is carried out assuming, as a foundation, the documents of the Church, the necessary bibliography from the pedagogical approach and the civil norms that correspond to it. In the end, there is a need for a curricular revision and renewal, and a scheme is proposed that can be used by the institution to fulfill its mission of forming an appropriate minister, according to the orientations of the Church and current educational standards, that responds to the desires and demands of today's society.