Maestría Calidad y Gestión Integral Bucaramanga

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    Diseño de un Plan de Armonización para la Apertura del Servicio de Cuidado Intensivo en la ESE Hospital del Sarare, en base a la interacción de los Requisitos de Habilitación de la Resolución 3100 de 2019, la NTC-ISO 9001:2015 y la Política de Fortalecimiento Organizacional y Simplificación de Procesos del Modelo Integrado de Planeación y Gestión (MIPG)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-10-25) Ruíz Guerrero, Ana María; Sierra Rubio, Diana Patricia; Suárez, Yenny Carolina; Almeida Espinosa, Alexander; Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana Alexandra
    The dynamic health environment, characterized by constant regulatory changes, technological advances and sociopolitical challenges, demands that health services, especially those of high complexity such as Intensive Care Units (ICU), adopt management approaches focused on continuous improvement. . ICUs, when caring for critically ill patients, play a crucial role in the well-being of the population and, therefore, are subject to strict quality and safety standards. In Colombia, Resolution 3100 of 2019 establishes the guidelines for the operation of ICU services, defining the necessary requirements to guarantee quality care for critically ill patients. However, the availability of ICU beds in the country, particularly in regions with challenging sociodemographic conditions such as Arauca, continues to be a significant problem. The main objective of this study was to evaluate compliance with the criteria established in Resolution 3100 of 2019 for the authorization of the Intensive Care Service of the Sarare ESE Hospital. A participatory exercise was carried out with the Quality Management Subprocess to identify the gaps between the current situation of the service and the required standards, in order to guide improvement actions and ensure a safe and efficient opening of the ICU. For this research, a quantitative approach with a descriptive and analytical design was adopted. Initially, an exhaustive review of current regulations and institutional documents related to quality management was carried out. Subsequently, an evaluation instrument was designed and implemented in an Excel spreadsheet, which made it possible to systematically and objectively record the status of compliance with each verification criterion of the seven qualification standards applicable to the Intensive Care Service. This instrument, developed specifically for the Sarare ESE Hospital, facilitated accurate and effective data collection, contributing to the evaluation and continuous improvement of the service.
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    Análisis Comparativo de las Normas de la NE001 de FEDEPALMA para la Producción Sostenible de Aceite de Palma en Colombia, con las Normas de RSPO para Pequeños Productores Independientes.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-10-02) Linares Ordoñez, Arely Jeaneth; Castañeda Sanchez, Tatiana Alexandra
    The oil palm agricultural sector is advancing more every day in Colombia, for this reason a correlation analysis mechanism is established between the RSPO and NE001 standards where four stages are proposed, initially the methodologies established for the comparison exercise are studied and correlation analysis of both standards, followed by the exploration and decomposition of the structures of the NE001 FEDEPALMA references, and the standard of small independent producers, where the correlation factors are identified for the third stage where the comparison tool of the criteria of the two study standards, to finally establish the quantitative and qualitative correlation of the corresponding standards, as a result the focus of each one is identified in which RSPO is oriented to control social impact and NE001 is oriented to environmental impacts, in conclusion, the analysis of both standards allows small producers to know more precisely the tools for applying the standards, improving agricultural practices in the African palm sub-sector.
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    "Metodología de implementación, evaluación y análisis de indicadores de gestión ambiental basados en la Norma ISO 14031 Clínica FOSCAL Bucaramanga”
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018-06-02) Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana Alexandra; Ribero Gutiérrez, July Vanessa; Morales Méndez, Jonathan David; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    “Diseño de una guía para la adopción de un sistema de gestión de calidad en la Institución Educativa los Laureles de Barrancabermeja integrando la norma NTC-ISO21001:2019 y el Modelo Integrado de Planeación y Gestión (MIPG)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-17) Pérez Ferreira, Ingrid Carolina; Larios Parrilla, Jeronimo; Lora Gúzman, Harold Steve
    Colombia has focused on reducing the educational gaps in the country, mainly in recent years. However, this has not produced results, which is why in 2017. The Administrative Department of the Public Service defined the Integrated Planning and Management Model to improve the quality of management in public entities, including the quality of management of education entities, and energizing the management of public organizations to generate goods and services that effectively resolve needs. Considering the above, this research work proposes the development and adoption of an integrated management guide for the Los Laureles Educational Institution of Barrancabermeja under the criteria established in the NTC-ISO 21001:2019 standard and the Integrated Planning and Management Model MIPG, to strengthen the pedagogical processes of the institution and contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of students. The methodology used to carry out this project consists of 3 phases: The first phase includes an external analysis. The second is the design of the guide for the adoption of an integrated system, and finally the validation by experts. It was evident that the educational institution has shortcomings in the standardization and execution of processes, however, a commitment is observed to improve its educational quality through continuous improvement and the use of new methodologies and improvement strategies
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    Propuesta de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión para la IPS AUVIMER salud integral en casa SAS Según Requisitos, de la Resolución 3100 de 2019 sobre los procedimientos y condiciones de habilitación de prestación de servicios de salud y, los requisitos de los estándares NTC-ISO 9001:2015 y NTC-ISO 45001:2018
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-23) Muñoz Avila, Miguel Angel; Amado Forero, Lusvin Javier; Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana Alexandra
    This research proposes an Integrated Management System for IPS AUVIMER Salud Integral en Casa SAS, based on the requirements of Resolution 3100 of 2019 and the standards NTC-ISO 9001:2015 and NTC-ISO 45001:2018. The objective was to ensure compliance with the Health Service Provision Enabling Conditions and the established quality standards. The project was developed in three phases: planning, execution, and improvement proposal, using the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle to achieve the desired results in the integration of standards.The research process lasted 20 months with a budget of $32,840.00. The need for future research to harmonize technical and regulatory standards in the healthcare sector, especially in home care, is emphasized. As a result, the importance of a correlational process analysis and rigorous monitoring through quality committees, led by top management, was identified. A structured work plan under a Gantt chart was implemented to close gaps and improve regulatory compliance. In conclusion, the proposed Integrated Management System is presented as a solution to raise quality standards in the provision of home healthcare services, ensuring regulatory compliance and continuous improvement in IPS AUVIMER Salud Integral en Casa SAS.
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    Manual para creación de un programa de salud especializado, basado en los estándares de la Joint Commission International (JCI) a partir de la Norma Técnica Colombiana ISO 9001:2015
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-03-02) Jerez Hernandez, Anghi Lizeth; Serpa Isaza, Elsa Maria
    Features of an advanced management system structure include the ability to synchronize and ensure compliance assessment of different types and sizes of companies. At the national level, since 2000, legal requirements have been established to improve the quality of health services. These regulatory developments will undoubtedly improve the delivery of specialized health programs by focusing on organizing quality processes for health care providers and the services they provide. This study achieved a degree of harmonization between ISO 9001:2015 and the Joint Commission International (JCI) standards to establish quality specialized clinical care programs. The results of the study revealed that a total of 65 requirements of ISO 9001:2015 can be harmonized with the requirements of the JCI certification manual. These harmonious requirements are divided into the four stages of the DEMING cycle: plan, do, control and act. The homologation and comparison matrix of criteria developed is a valuable tool for organizations that wish to comply with both standards. This tool allows you to identify the requirements that must be met to guarantee the safety and quality of the services provided in specific health programs. To achieve the fourth objective of the study, consideration of updates to both the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation standards manual and the ISO 9001 standard were formulated as a recommendation. Keywords: harmonization, management system, standard, Health institutions, quality management, Specialized health programs, Centers of excellence, High complexity health services, legal requirement, PHVA cycle.
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    Diseño y validación de un sistema integrado de gestión para el proceso de licenciamiento urbanístico del Curador Urbano No.1 de Bucaramanga según lineamientos de ISO 9001:2015, ISO 19650-1/2:2021 y la metodología de modelado de la información de la construcción, para asegurar el debido proceso
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-07) Parra Villalba, Javier Fernando; Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana Alexandra
    This research was conducted in Curaduría Uno de Bucaramanga in relation to due process and how to ensure compliance with the administrative acts issued by the Urban Curator and the need to have control and monitoring of each of the applications filed with him. The problem identified is the lack of a tool to ensure due process and the processes required for the proper development of the mission activity, a diagnosis was made on the current status of the processes against the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, information gathering, the respective analysis and implementation of the requirements of ISO 9001 is developed: 2015 focused on the licensing process through Decree 1077 of 2015 and other current regulations applicable to the construction sector, the BIM (Building information modeling) methodology was also implemented with the licensing process, as an integrating element to the quality management system under ISO 9001:2015. To solve the identified problem, a diagnosis was made of the processes and procedures that are working in the licensing process implemented by Curador Uno de Bucaramanga, a scale was generated to evaluate the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and the evaluation was made and the percentage of implementation of the standard was determined; then each of the requirements for the design and implementation of ISO 9001:2015 and other legal and regulatory requirements and the BIM methodology began to be developed.
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    Necesidades de estandarización del sector agropecuario coherente con la Estrategia 2050 liderada por el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, el DNP y la cancillería considerando el cambio climático como un fenómeno complejo.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-15) Martinez Caballero, Cristina Isabel; Martinez Alayon, Angel Humberto; Castañeda Sanchez, Tatiana Alexandra
    The standardization of guidelines, methodologies and protocols is the path to standardization in the agricultural sector, enabling timely action to be taken in the face of the major challenges that climate change presents us with. Leading climate and standardization experts mentioned at the official COP27 side event that, "Standards are the way the world can move from commitment to action to achieve measurable impact" (Lhuillery, Caroline,, December 2022, accessed November 2023). Climate change is a reality that is latent in the world and concrete actions must be generated in order to mitigate and control its devastating effects. E2050 is a strategy proposed to achieve carbon neutrality. Based on this strategy and taking into account that the agricultural sector is one of the largest contributors of GHGs, the needs for standardization of applicable processes and methodologies must be identified, taking into account their consistency with ISO principles. Through a bibliographic review, methodologies and strategies for the agricultural sector were identified, taking into account national participation criteria, prioritizing sectors between agriculture and livestock, in order to evaluate the existence of standards and mitigation strategies implemented in the sector, identifying gaps in the application of existing standards, research results of entities in the sector and application of methodologies evaluated at international level that can generate a positive impact on the sector.
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    Implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información bajo los lineamientos de la norma NTC ISO/IEC 27001:2022 integrada con NTC ISO 9001:2015 y NTC ISO 14001:2015 para el área TI de la empresa Extrucol S.A.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-12) Albarracín Montaña, Henry Alexander; Arias Cañas, David Fabián; Vivas Calderón, Omar
    In this study, we can see the growth that Extrucol S.A. has experienced. In its 35 years of existence, the organization has undergone exponential growth. Understanding the dynamics of the current context and in pursuit of its strategic objectives, it decided to implement the quality management system eighteen years ago, followed by the environmental management system. These systems have been maintained and are currently certified under NTC ISO 9001:2015 and NTC 14001:2015 standards. Today, there are various management systems, each with different improvement purposes and objectives. The great advantage is that all of them follow a high-level structure, making it easier to potentially integrate multiple systems if the organization chooses to do so. Currently, organizations are digitizing their information, not only to reduce environmental impact but also to ensure information availability in the post-pandemic era. Having accessible information is essential to operate smoothly and without disruptions. This project aimed to design and implement an integrated information security management system based on the NTC ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standards. This integration was achieved with the previously implemented management systems within the organization, following the common requirements methodology. The process began with a preliminary diagnosis through gap analysis, designing the system in accordance with the Deming cycle methodology, and implementing it through documentation and the SIG (Security Information Management System). The verification was validated through an audit exercise, with a report as evidence. The project concluded by fully aligning the management systems with the requirements of all three standards, undeniably increasing the company's confidence and information security.
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    Diseño del proceso de Gestión Académica de una Institución de Educación Superior- IES con base en la norma ISO 9001:2015 y las condiciones de calidad 1,2,3 y 4 del decreto 1330 del MEN, 2019
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-12-12) Rondon Camacho, Amarfy Yolanda; Bayona Porras, Luis Guillermo; Gomez Arenas, Carlos Eduardo; Castañeda, Tatiana Alexandra
    Every day higher education institutions-IES have more demands and face new challenges in search of competitiveness; It must be achieved through the interoperability of the Missionary Academic Management process. As a contribution to this process, a harmonization was created between the NTC ISO 9001 of 2015 and the institutional conditions of Decree 1330 of 2019. IES, it has a constant commitment to continuous improvement, until the harmonization of the guidelines and implementation of norms making more robust integrated systems serving as support for accreditation needs before certifying entities.
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    Propuesta de una ruta y vía Clínica para el mejoramiento de la calidad en el manejo y tratamiento del trauma ocular contuso basada en la evidencia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-11-01) Buitrago Torrado, Manuel Fernando; Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana
    Introduction: Eye trauma is a common reason for a visit to the doctor, it is more frequent in male patients. Depending on the seriousness of the harm, each treatment means a different challenge for the ophthalmologist, because he is facing a comprehensive and complex pathological damage. Objective: To design Clinical Route of Practices Evidence Based to improve the handling and treatment of blunt eye trauma based on evidence in order to facilitate the health professional decision making process and consequently improving the quality of the given service. Method: A transversal descriptive study, with a qualitative approach was conducted. based on a systematic literature review (SLR), which methodology aims to systematically collect data on the obtained evidence from the empirical studies (Pautasso, 2013) related to the same problem, based on the management and treatment for blunt eye trauma, for which it was started with a question raised clearly, with explicit and systemic approach to identify, select and value the relevant research to answer the raised question (Bettany-Saltikov, 2012; Bolderston, 2008). Results: for 1 year, under search equation in reference to ocular trauma, Clinical Management And Practice Route, Clinical Practical Route Or Comprehensive Management, Ocular Trauma And Clinical Practice Route, Diagnostic And Tratamiento Ocular Trauma y Bruised Ocular Trauma And Clinical Practice Guide, available at the online information system for Latin American scientific journals (Kitchenham, et al., 2009) and under the prisma methodology, 35 references were found that allowed the clinical route and pathway to be founded. Conclusion: A Clinical Route and Pathway was designed to improve quality in the management of Blunt Ocular Trauma, allowing the necessary route to be described for its appropriate diagnosis, management and treatment.
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    Implementación de un sistema integrado de gestión en instituciones de educación preescolar, básica y media en Bucaramanga bajo los criterios establecidos en las normas NTC-ISO 9001:2015, 21001:2019, 14001:2015 y 45001:2018: Una mirada desde la revisión sistemática de literatura.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-12) Escudero Jaimes, María Juliana; Pérez Rueda, Leidys Carolina; Lora Guzmán, Harold Steve
    This article intends to analyze previously studied cases on the implementation of an integrated management system in elementary and middle school educational institutions under the criteria established in the standards NTC-ISO 9001:2015, 21001:2019, 14001:2015 and 45001:2018, in addition to other regulations and / or standards specific to the region in which these institutions operate. This qualitative analysis, developed under the SLR methodology, seeks to provide a context and frame of reference that will be useful when implementing the standards in local institutions. An extremely high variance was found in terms of literary and intellectual production related to the different standards and systems, with ISO 9001 being the most studied and analyzed, and 21001 having the least number of published articles, due to its recent creation (2018). These findings are illustrated textually and graphically in order to facilitate their assimilation and use in future projects.
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    Identificación de campos de innovación en la gestión del talento humano en una empresa del sector porcícola colombiano en el marco de un sistema de gestión integral.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-19) Gonzalez Rico, Frank Ronald; Galvis Ballesteros, Paola Cristina; Morales Méndez, Jonathan David
    The purpose of this article is to present the conclusions of a business consulting work in a company in the pork industry. With this analysis, it is possible to establish a strategy to innovate in the management of human talent in the company, with the participation of workers and senior management within the framework of a comprehensive management system as a tool for decision-making at the organizational level. . To prepare this document, the Design Thinking methodology was applied using the Innovation Brief technique to the company's operational staff and relevant information from the occupational health and safety management system was taken into account. It seeks to promote actions to increase job satisfaction and the mitigation of occupational risks inherent to economic activity that can materialize in accidents and illnesses in the working population, affecting the productivity of the organization. It should be considered that no matter how many documents such as policies, manuals, procedures, protocols and instructions implemented the company has, if the workers are not motivated and have the ideal attitude when carrying out the functions and tasks assigned in the role they play, they transfer that feeling of dissatisfaction with the preparation of the product or service provided, which leads to customer dissatisfaction. A satisfied employee transmits a positive attitude that translates into happy and satisfied customers, which contribute to the profitability of the organization (Christopher Lovelock, 2015).
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    Diseño de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión a partir de la integración de los requisitos de las normas NTC-ISO 9001:2015 y NTC-ISO/IEC 27001:2013 para la empresa AMOVIL S.A.S
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-08-25) Guerrero Vega, Clarien Selene; Niño Meza, Natalia; Vivas Calderón, Omar
    Family organizations carry out practices that often do not facilitate their adaptation to globalization. In this context, management systems offer a route to achieve more efficient management. In addition, their high-level structure facilitates their implementation and integration. This study exposes the results achieved in a family-based organization dedicated to the design and development of software. The organization experienced rapid growth in ten years, which did not focus on processes and put management effectiveness at risk due to the centralization of functions in the senior management team and the loss of knowledge due to the lack of documentation practices. Through the present work, the design of an integrated management system (IMS) was proposed that would integrate the requirements of the NTC ISO 9001:2015 and NTC ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards and that would offer the organization the bases for an organized operation, pragmatic and of permanent improvement through three phases: the preliminary diagnosis through the analysis of gaps, the design phase based on the Deming cycle methodology and the relationship of requirements, the execution phase through the documentation and implementation of the IMS, and the validation phase through an expert judgment report. The project resulted in an IMS that fully integrated the requirements of both standards, achieved knowledge management assurance, process-based management, and gave the company greater organizational robustness.
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    Propuesta y evaluación del diseño de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión de Calidad y de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para la PYME Confecciones Magdalena basado en las Normas Técnicas Colombianas NTC ISO 9001:2015 y NTC ISO 45001:2018
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-08-30) Franco Quintero, Laura Andrea; Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana
    The objective of this research is to propose and evaluate the design of an Integrated Quality Management System and Occupational Health and Safety for the SME Confecciones Magdalena based on the Colombian Technical Standards NTC ISO 9001:2015 and NTC ISO 45001:2018. The methodological proposal corresponds to a study with mixed methodogy in which a systematic and critical process was generated where the data analysis was carried out, these being the result of the comparison of ISO 9001:2015 and 45001:2018 standards, also the qualitative analysis of the SME Confecciones Magdalena regarding contents related to quality and occupational health and safety for the design of the integrated management system NTC 9001:2015 and NTC 45001:2018 adapted to the needs of the SME Confecciones Magdalena, this project will serve as a design and evaluation guide where it will be applied for the moment in a strategic process like Strategic Management, in a missionary process like Production and in a support process like Marketing, in the aforementioned SME organization. Finally, the impact of the integrated management system will be validated by evaluating the results of the management process, according to the movement of the company.
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    Diseño y validación de sistemas de gestión ambiental y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, a partir de los requisitos aplicables de Ntc – Iso 14001:2105 y Ntc-Iso 45001:2018 en Industrias Jolvir s.a.s
    (Universidad Santo Tomás) Olejua Mantilla, Karem Melissa; Méndez Márquez, Víctor Manuel
    This article seeks the design and validation of environmental management systems and occupational health and safety, based on the applicable requirements of NTC - ISO 14001:2105 and NTC - ISO 45001:2018 in INDUSTRIAS JOLVIR S.A. S, To carry out this design and validation, the MILAN KUBR methodology will be used, where a preliminary diagnosis of what we have and what we want to achieve will be made, based on the applicable regulatory requirements, then it will be designed and validated through the review by stakeholders at each stage of the production process verifying its orientation to the reduction of occupational accidents and the environmental impact of waste produced in the manufacture of funeral caskets in INDUSTRIAS JOLVIR S.A.S.
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    Diseño y evaluación de una guía para la adopción de un sistema integrado de gestión para la empresa Carbolsas S.A.S bajo las normas NTC 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-27) Patiño Patiño, Karen Liseth; Ramírez Rodríguez, Daniela Alejandra; Angarita Moncada, Diego Andrés
    The design and review of a guidebook for the adoption of the ISO standards (9001:2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018) for Carbolsas SAS started with a diagnosis of their compliance. After that we started elaborating the guidebook and documents that sustain some of the specifications of the ISO standards, for example SWOT matrix, needs and expectations of the stakeholders, forms and matrixes that are specified between the requirement 4 (Context of the organization) and 6 (Planning) of these standards. Finally, a questionnaire was made for the guidebook review.
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    Diseño y evaluación de una guía para la adopción de un sistema integrado de gestión para la empresa Carbolsas S.A.S bajo las normas NTC 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-27) Ramírez Rodríguez, Daniela Alejandra; Patiño Patiño, Karen Liseth; Angarita Moncada, Diego Andres; Universidad Santo Tomas de Aquino
    The design and review of a guidebook for the adoption of the ISO standards (9001:2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018) for Carbolsas SAS started with a diagnosis of their compliance. After that we started elaborating the guidebook and documents that sustain some of the specifications of the ISO standards, for example SWOT matrix, needs and expectations of the stakeholders, forms and matrixes that are specified between the requirement 4 (Context of the organization) and 6 (Planning) of these standards. Finally, a questionnaire was made for the guidebook review.
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    Implementación de una estrategia para la gestión de los riesgos en el proceso de reparación| a partir de la adopción de referentes estandarizados basado en la NTC-ISO 31000: 2018 en la empresa Motoreste Motors S.A
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-06-07) Amortegui Cruz, Tomas Dario; Angarita Moncada, Diego Andrés
    Abstract In the business sector, adverse events often occur that obstruct the normal development of process activities and are usually reflected in economic repercussions for the organization. Obviously, organizations do not have the necessary resources to mitigate and control the risks that may arise until they reach an acceptable residual level; those that represent greater losses for the Motoreste company must be prioritized. For this, in the present work a strategy was designed based on the adoption of standardized references based on the NTC - ISO 31000 for risk management in the repair process. In order to assess, identify and minimize the impact of risks that may materialize. The objectives that were proposed are presented in a four-stage methodology, which are described as follows. In stage 1, a compilation of information about the risks in the automotive sector was carried out and the internal and external context of the organization was identified and the first contact with the company was made in order to schedule the meeting with the manager and the person in charge of the quality area of Motoreste, in stage 2 the consultancy was carried out and in stage 3 the strategy for risk management in the repair process was designed and in the last stage the implementation was developed through the Risksimulator software and a series of procedures that were focused on improving risk management in the activities carried out in the process, said improvement actions, strategies and procedures are part of the result obtained to opt for the title of Specialist in Management and Management of the quality.
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    Plan de mejora para la armonización del sistema integrado de gestión basado en los estándares NTC ISO 9001:2015, NTC ISO 14001:2015, NTC ISO 45001:2018 E NTC ISO 50001:2018 con el Programa Certificación Italcol en Plantas Girón
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-14) Vesga González, Javier Ricardo; Tamayo Rojas, Diana Margoth; Castañeda Sánchez, Tatiana Alexandra
    The implementation of integrated management systems is a process that requires a great commitment on the part of organizations that consider the importance of having quality certifications that strengthen their sustained growth, case Veliz Fernández, A. (2019) and Villamil Avella, P. (2017), promoting the development of management tools as alternatives for competitiveness and globalization of their products and services (Socarrás Moreno, M. C. (2018). (Castañeda, A. L. C. (2018), their "contributions and contributions to the integration of management systems: an international vision of the ISG 2015” promote the development of this type of management model to strengthen the competitiveness of companies. That is why the adoption of certain rigorous international standards around the need to prevent risks associated with the health of workers, customer satisfaction, process management, control of their environmental aspects and impacts, and the management of energy are considered strategic decisions that promote the growth of an organization in a solid and competitive way The requirements of each of the ISO standards susceptible to integration: 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 50001:2018, have the valuable attribute of being part of a high-level structure that favors their integration with each other even when their management approaches meet different needs at the corporate level. Londoño-Castrillón, M.J. (2021). Recognizing the benefits of these standards, the organization under study has the great advantage of having a high commitment from management in the adoption of continuous improvement tools, which has led the company to: • Achieve certification of an integrated management system that seeks compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 50001:2018 standards, and • Continuously develop its own referential where the guidelines of the internal strategic program are consolidated. The reason for this work is the need for a complete harmonization between the integrated management system based on ISO standards already implemented by the company and its methodology "Internal Strategic Program". These two management referents mentioned above that they constitute a strength of the company to facilitate strategic direction and internal control, with the harmonization of this greater efficiency, sought that strengthens this organizational strength. The policy of the organization's integrated management system, Management Review Program, and Internal Control (2021).