Pregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras

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  • Ítem
    Desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional a través de una Estrategia Didáctica Escritural en Estudiantes de Cuarto de Primaria del Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Paz
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2025) Devia Perdomo, Eduard Guillermo; Vallejo Molina, Rubén Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    From my experience in educational research, a deep interest arises in studying emotional intelligence and its strengthening through writing in the school context. This interest is framed in the search for pedagogical strategies that transcend traditional teaching to address essential aspects of the integral development of students. Recognizing that emotional intelligence is key to personal and social life, I propose to investigate how writing can become an effective didactic tool to foster socioemotional skills, based on Daniel Goleman's approaches and the possibilities offered by pedagogical mediation. Writing, besides being an academic resource, has the potential to serve as a vehicle for self-reflection, emotional expression and internal conflict resolution. In this sense, the design of specific workshops that link this tool with emotional management strategies not only seeks to improve the students' relationship with themselves, but also with others. This project is based on the premise that emotions and their proper management are fundamental in human development, especially at an early age, where the principles for harmonious coexistence and a balanced life are formed.
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    El Bogotazo: Reescritura de la Memoria
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Vargas Sierra, Esteban Alejandro; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    This article reflects upon the findings of the research titled El Bogotazo como reescritura discontinua de la memoria [El Bogotazo as a discontinuous rewriting of memory]. This work involves an archival exploration of documents related to the events of April 9, 1948, in Bogotá, with the main purpose of fictionally reconstructing the memory of some victims of El Bogotazo. This reconstruction, following the method suggested by Michel Foucault in The archaeology of knowledge, relies on the interpretation of an approximate list of registered deceased, providing a concrete context that enables the reconstruction of individual stories in the narrative fabric. The critical perspective of Santiago Castro-Gómez, renowned for his genealogical analysis of power relations and discourses in Latin America, is crucial in understanding how these relations are articulated in the construction of historical memory. Furthermore, elements of Gabriel García Márquez’s work titled Vivir para contarla are incorporated into the reflection on the victims, enriching the fictional recreation process and expanding the possibilities of understanding and representing El Bogotazo.
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    El de Magistro de Santo Tomás de Aquino Como Modelo Pedagógico para la Formación Integral de los Estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Santo Tomás
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08) Toro Gamba, Fray Rodolfo O.P.; Mendoza Rivera O.P, Fray Wilson Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This thesis analyzes the pedagogical model of Thomas Aquinas as presented in De Magistro and its applicability in the integral formation of Philosophy and Letters students at Universidad Santo Tomás. It explores how the Thomistic approach fosters holistic learning, combining intellectual, moral, and spiritual development. Additionally, it develops the concept of pedagogical empathy, emphasizing the importance of understanding and connecting with students' emotional experiences to create an inclusive and enriching learning environment. Finally, the study proposes recommendations for implementing pedagogical empathy in contemporary education, with a focus on training future educators committed to truth, service, and inclusion.
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    Pedagogía Lúdica para la Esperanza
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2012) Hernández Ravelo, Arley Humberto; Rincón, Alberto; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Estado del arte sobre los informes alternativos e independientes para la población en situación de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia durante el periodo de 1995-2009
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2010) Díaz Durán, Andrés Felipe; Ramírez Bautista, Camila Andrea; Zapata Jiménez, Myriam Alba; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    La búsqueda de sí mismo y el mal en los buddenbrook
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2009) Rojas Calderón, Javier; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    El lugar de los modelos ideológicos dentro del discurso histórico : reflexión sobre el discurso en el Museo Nacional de Colombia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2008) Cortés Quevedo, Susana Ximena; Giraldo, Claudia Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Análisis semiológico : ficcionalidad en la obra, En diciembre llegaban las brisas de Marvel Luz Moreno
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2005) Ríos Plazas, Mabel Lilian; González de Díaz, Martha; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Interpretación del Concepto de Amor Intransitivo en el Personaje de “Heathcliff”, Protagonista Masculino de la Novela Cumbres Borrascosas
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-08) Ruiz Villa, Paula Andrea; Cárdenas Sánchez, Ninfa Stella; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    Percepción de los Docentes sobre la Relación Entre las Prácticas Pedagógicas y la Importancia de la Sistematización para el Logro de los Objetivos Educativos
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-15) Bueno Hernández, Sindy Johanna; Jiménez Guevara, Karen Lorena; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    This research, based on the hermeneutic phenomenological approach, explored the perception of teachers about the relationship between their pedagogical practices and systematization with respect to educational objectives. The results highlighted that teachers value systematization as essential to improve the organization and quality of teaching. They recognize its impact on the achievement of educational objectives, as evidenced by the implementation of tools such as lesson plans or Taskchart. Despite recognizing its importance, they face challenges such as lack of time, institutional bureaucracy and resistance to change. As a solution, strategies such as continuous research, the promotion of self-reflection, the search for institutional changes and the promotion of constant learning are proposed. In conclusion, this research underlines the relevance of systematizing pedagogical practices to improve educational quality. It proposes solutions to overcome challenges, promoting teaching practice towards more effective and reflective teaching.
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    Mejoramiento de la Comprensión Lectora en Estudiantes de Grado Quinto del Colegio Miguel Antonio Caro (Bogotá D.C.)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-02-04) Bonilla Orjuela, Ana Milena; Jiménez Guevara, Karen Lorena; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    This teaching internship report arises as a result of an unwavering commitment to improve and strengthen reading skills in fifth grade students at the Miguel Antonio Caro School in Bogotá D.C. The objective of the report will present the way in which the improvement of the reading comprehension of students in the fifth grade of primary school at the School can be promoted; which will be developed, first of all, identifying the teaching approach that encourages reading in the fifth grade; Then, the three reading levels will be developed; literal, inferential and critical, as a strategy to improve the understanding of different textual typologies; and finally, systematize the application of a teaching approach that promotes reading comprehension in academic activities and training practices in said focused group. The report is structured based on the planning, execution and evaluation of the activities developed to improve reading comprehension, the pedagogical strategies applied, the resources used, as well as the results obtained through different evaluation methodologies will be presented in detail. and monitoring; In addition, a critical analysis of the effectiveness of these strategies will be offered, highlighting the achievements achieved and the challenges identified in this improvement process. This report not only represents a detailed account of activities and results of performance as a teacher and coordinator, but also offers recommendations and reflections derived from this experience, with the purpose of enriching future educational processes aimed at strengthening reading comprehension in fifth grade students. degree and ultimately enhance your academic and personal success.
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    La semiótica como guía para la interpretación del sentido de una obra literaria.
    (2022-06-25) Castillo Lozano, Erika Gineth; Pongutá, César Freddy; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This project seeks to explain the concept of semiotics and identify its different theoretical components, carry out an application in literary works, to extract their meaning or significance. For which it will be necessary, not only to approach the fundamentals of the discipline that studies sign in general but also to design schemes that from semiotics guide the interpretation of the meaning of literary narration. Likewise, this project seeks to provide the reader with a series of semiotic instruments or schemes that will help him to carry out his different analyses and to explain the meaning of a text objectively.
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    Las cartas de Sofía: Un análisis del discurso en el contexto del conflicto armado en Colombia
    (2022-06-21) Hernández Mogollón, Nicolás Alfonso; Cárdenas Sánchez, Ninfa Stella; Universidad Santo Tomás;;; 0000-0003-3096-9560
    This monograph constituted a study, based on the discourse analysis proposal of Dr. Teun van Dijk, of eight letters received by a political prisoner (member of the ELN subversive group) from relatives and friends. The work begins with a journey through the epistle from the Ancient Age to the Contemporary Age, which will show its relevance as a means of long-distance communication and as a tool for historical construction; then, a theoretical and conceptual synthesis of van Dijk's discourse analysis proposal, used as a tool in the analysis of the letters and the poem, is configured; on the other hand, to clarify and contribute to the analysis, a synthesis of the context of the armed conflict in Colombia was created; Finally, the discursive study of eight letters and the poem was carried out, with the intention of relating them to the armed conflict in Colombia at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, in order to contribute to the construction of "a thread" of the fabric narrative about the conflict.
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    Sobre la ética del cuerpo en Los dos problemas fundamentales de la ética de Arthur Schopenhauer
    (2021-01-18) Chivatá Quintero, Laura Valentina; Roberto Alba, Nelson Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás;;; 0000-0003-2806-7162
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    Ontología de la Libertad: tras su sentido en la filosofía de la cotidianidad de Humberto Giannini
    (2021-09-15) Peña, Juan David; Jimenez, Myriam; Juan David Peña Mateus
    In everyday life we ​​find that a lot of things happen around us, which, by the way, we omit or put aside, precisely because they are part of our daily life. Philosophizing is an act that must be carried out at every moment of our life, it is thus, that from our Latin American context, we make the invitation to reflect in the midst of our daily life, this in order to highlight the deep problem of the freedom that we live in our day to day but that we ignore either by "our own decision" or because of the impositions that have been presented to us throughout our history.
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    La concepción de signo en Roland Barthes
    (2021-01-23) Colmenares López, Susan Julieth; Pongutá Puerto, César Fredy Noel;;
    The text to be presented is an attendance report to the El Signo y La Virtud en Tomás de Aquino project, FODEIN 2019 project. This report gives a very detailed account of my contribution and activities carried out to the presented project, where my main work is to address the concept of Sign in Roland Barthes, which is detailed in my essay "The significance of culture and history: A reflection around the sign in Roland Barthes", where he realizes how the sign revolves around different spheres, both cultural and historical, which allow observing one of the most important topics in this semiologist that is inscribed in a poststructuralist line, this topic names it signic load where it is the interpreter who provides that value of meaning and the issuer is stopped from side as long as your message is not at all an important part of the significance.
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    Afectos, servidumbre, libertad y felicidad humana en la Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico (1677) de Baruch Spinoza.
    (2020-10-26) González Cifuentes, Ana María; Páez Álvarez, Ciro Alonso;;
    This research examines the treatment that Spinoza gives to the subject of affections and their relationship with ethics: what they are, what is their number, what relationship they have with the power of human action, how their government affects freedom and the happiness of man and what is the power of understanding over them, based on the analysis of the main work of the 17th century rationalist philosopher Baruch Spinoza, the Ethics demonstrated according to the geometric order (1677). In the first place, the historical and philosophical context of Spinoza's thought is established: his time, the foundations of his metaphysics and anthropology; Secondly, the nature of the affects is analyzed, what their number is, and what relationship they have with the power of human action, and, finally, what Spinoza understands by servitude is analyzed, their causes are exits, what is the power of the understanding to moderate the affections, and how his government affects the freedom and happiness of man.
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    Un pilar de la literatura colombiana: la madre Francisca Josefa de la Concepción del Castillo y Guevara
    (2020-09-24) Barreto Prada, Edwin Alfonso; Jiménez Quenguan, Myriam;;;
    The present dissertation is an analysis of the work Vida (1817) of Mother Francisca Josefa de la Concepción de Castillo y Guevara (1671 - 1742) as well as the aspects and elements of the autobiographical genre that we find in it. In addition, its contribution to the awakening of a national literature and the recognition of women in the colonial era. Since to speak of one’s self is to penetrate the person in the deepest part of their being of their essence, their existence is to give vitality to life itself. Francisca Josefa de Castillo is a prototype of that self, and that life, which fill an immense sea that is her work called Vida. Such big drops of her feelings, emotions, experiences and realities that lead us to know, analyze, observe and understand the reality of her time. It also led us to know at the same time, the germination of her words in the cultural, social, and literary dawn of our Nation.
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    Fundamentación filosofica del pensamiento indígena
    (2019-10-01) Rojas Ruiz, María Fernanda; Cepeda Herrera, Juan Carlos;;
    With this research we seek to do justice to indigenous philosophical thinking, since it is valuable that in this context in which the proposal of a research assistant is presented, the bibliographic context and the categories of indigenous thought included as a philosophical commitment are investigated, with the aim of supporting this thesis that has been studied since at least 1927 by academics from different parts of the world: Paul Radin (1927), Miguel León Portilla (1951), Josef Estermann (1998), and Mario Mejía Huamán (2012) , because his research focuses on the fundamental issues of indigenous thought from the horizon of understanding philosophy. In addition, in Latin America this contribution for studies that advances Latin American philosophy is valuable since it could be a first step in the systematization of the advances in this field. The TLAMATINIME research group of the Santo Tomás University leads the research projects in Latin American ontology, which are deeply related to the present research assistance, since their interests for the constitution of a Latin American ontology, allow to appreciate the contributions of indigenous thought, and that the understanding of ancestral wisdom can be made possible as a possible indigenous philosophy. In this group, constituted by philosophers from Argentina, Colombia and Peru, progress has been made in the intercultural dialogue that includes indigenous and popular communities, so having concretized this research assistance is one of the first achievements made possible and made, whose progress will enrich the investigative work of said group.