Especialización Administración y Gerencia de Sistemas de Calidad

URI permanente para esta colección


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  • Ítem
    Diseño de una propuesta del sistema de gestión de calidad en el área de producción para INDECO ingeniería Ltda. bajo la norma NTC ISO 9001: 2015.
    (2022-12-14) Franco Canaria, Lenys Emel; Universidad Santo Tomas
    INDECO INGENIERIA LTDA has a long history in the grating sector and metallic structures has 15 years of experience offers a good service represented in the good quality of its products and a good treatment towards the customers; however, currently this company does not have the application of the NTC ISO 9001-2015 standard, which presents a great competitive disadvantage in the market, since the implementation of said standard could generate a value added in the company in such a way that it allows an optimal management in the organization, allowing to achieve the objectives, improving the processes and in consequently achieve better results since the NTC ISO 9001-2015 standard It is a very good strategic tool. The company requires the establishment of quality policies that allow it to see its clear objectives, always in search of improvements continuously; of the In the same way, the organization needs to provide evaluation tools for the service, in order to meet the goals and also determine the failures to take the necessary preventive and corrective measures within the organization seeking to be more efficient in the processes of grid and metal structures. The company INDECO INGENIERÍA LTDA requires good operational management and management in its environment in order to continuously improve and satisfy its customers, in order to deliver a good product. With the commitment of its members and a very good strategy, the company seeks to be a pioneer in the metalworking sector, focusing on its process of industrial grid production in which he sees great potential, in which he could support its near future and in which it would be a pioneer in the department of Boyacá. In short, the quality management system can improve good care and relationships with its clients based on a very good quality process, based on in the honesty, trust and commitment that through this management we offer continually.
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad para la empresa L&V ingeniería y soluciones S.A.S bajo la norma NTC ISO 9001:2015.
    (2022-07-01) Cely Gómez, Yoli Milena; Cordoba Ricaurte, Manuela; Camero Alfonso, Camilo; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia; Aguirre Rodríguez, Carlos Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás
    It is immediately displayed; the strategic planning proposed to the company based on the information acquired with the in-depth interview and survey of the collaborators. Subsequently, the process map was prepared, where the mission or operational processes, the strategic processes and the support processes were identified. Finally, the characterization of the operational processes of the organization is presented. In such a way that this research focused on knowing, planning and structuring the quality management system for this company.
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    Planteamiento de un modelo del sistema de gestión de la calidad para la empresa espumados el oriente bajo los lineamientos de la Norma NTC-ISO-9001:2015.
    (2022-07-20) Ochoa Urvino, Juan Esteban; Malaver Rodríguez, Esteban Alejandro; Aguirre, Andres; Striedinger, Martha; Universidad Santo Tomas
    This document presents a problem, with which the entire investigation begins and information is collected, where through the application of the standard different alternatives are obtained for the organization, providing the company's management with a good display of aids and tools that can be put into practice for a better development of the organization and continuous improvement with knowledge of values, planning, process maps, strategies, strategic objectives, etc.
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    Diseño de la propuesta del sistema de gestión de calidad para la Fundación Asprodis en el área del talento humano bajo la normativa NTC ISO 9001:2015
    (2021-12-10) Gonzalez Rodriguez, Silvana Alejandra; Aguirre Rodriguez, Carlos Andres; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Quality management in companies is essential for the efficient and effective development of processes. This project arose as a solution to the need to implement a quality management system in the area of human talent at the Asprodis Foundation, under the standard ISO 9001 version 2015 in order to optimize the processes of recruitment, selection, evaluation and retention of human talent. For this, relevant aspects for the development of the project will be presented, such as the process map of the institution, the identification of the problem, the objectives to be developed and the investigative frameworks that allowed delimiting the project; Subsequently, the methodology was proposed and developed with qualitative and quantitative phases, where it was possible to identify and establish a diagnosis of the states of the processes in the area of human talent of the Asprodis Foundation, with this, a design is proposed for the optimization of processes to guarantee its good management.
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    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la calidad basado en la norma ntc ISO 9001:2015, para la empresa coomproriente.
    (2021-12-13) Valderrama Parra, Darío Alexander; Aguirre Rodríguez, Carlos Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The company COOMPRORIENTE is a cooperative that distributes and markets products farms in the provinces of Sugamuxi, Valderrama and La Libertad in the department of Boyacá. The company is located in the municipality of Tibasosa, and has achieved an excellent positioning in the area thanks to the good relations with its partners and clients, but still They do not have a quality management system that allows them to increase their competitiveness through department level.
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    Planificación del sistema de gestión de la calidad de acuerdo a la norma NTC ISO-9001:2015, en los procesos operativos para la empresa Unión Temporal 'MI RUTA' de la ciudad de Túnja
    (2022-01-18) Velásquez, Juan David; Cucanchón, Jhon Gerardo; Ortega, William Eduardo; Aguirre, Carlos Andres; Universidad Santo Tomás
    'MI RUTA' TEMPORARY UNION is an organization that was born in September 2015, by the unification of the four companies providing transportation services, which are integrated in an operational and technical way. The union is given by the transport service companies Autoboy S.A, Compañía de transportes Hunza, Transportes los Muiscas and Cooperativa Colonial Cootranscol, whose purpose is to provide an urban land transport service in the city of Tunja, providing a service for the citizenship, which meets their needs and stakeholders according to the requirements of the quality systems embodied in the international standard NTC-ISO 9001:2015.
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    Formulación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad acorde a la ntc ISO 9001:2015, para el laboratorio de suelos, concretos y pavimentos Pérez & Asociados
    (2021-12-21) Villar Herrera, Diego Fernando; Robelto Garrido, Yhandy Tatiana; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomás
    In this document several chapters are proposed that seek to respond to the main objective related to a quality management system for the laboratory of soils, concrete and pavements PÉREZ & ASOCIADOS, during the first chapter the problem, subproblems, objectives and the justification it its defined . During the second chapter, a theoretical framework, conceptual framework, legal framework and a referential framework are included. In chapter three the methodological process is defined, where it is decided to go through the qualitative method; For chapter four, the approach to the quality management system model is carried out, complying with the objectives set out in the document
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    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de calidad en la empresa CONECTA Comunicaciones S.A.S, prestadora del servicio de internet, para el proceso de satisfacción del cliente, bajo la NTC ISO 9001:2015
    (2021-12-17) Arias Rojas, Jaime Alfonso; Fuentes Rodríguez, Duvan Felipe; Aguirre Rodríguez, Carlos Andres; Universidad Santo Tomas
    The work that is presented below is to qualify for the title of specialist in administration and management of quality systems, studied at the Santo Tomás Tunja sectional university, in which the design of a quality management system in the company was developed CONECTA Comunicaciones SAS, internet service provider, for the customer satisfaction process, under the NTC ISO 9001: 2015.
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    Planeación del sistema de gestión de calidad basado en la norma NTC-ISO 9001: 2015, para la organización “tuercas tornillos y repuestos ltda.”, comercializadora de repuestos para vehículos de carga pesada en el municipio de Yopal-Casanare.
    (2021-07-12) Medina Saravia, Flaminio Andrés; Pineda Quiroga, Efrén Camilo; Castillo Avella, Diego Alexander; Aguirre, Carlos; Striedinger, Martha; Universidad Santo Tomás
    TUERCAS TORNILLOS Y REPUESTOS LTDA is a trading company of automotive spare parts for heavy duty vehicles, it was founded in July 2005 in the city of Yopal Casanare, as a branch of an organization with the same name located in the city of Sogamoso Boyacá. Thanks to the oil boom, the organization gained strength as one of the first to commercialize spare parts for all ranges of heavy transport vehicles in this region. Two years after its foundation, the partnership with the main branch in Sogamoso was dissolved and it was acquired in its entirety by those who to date are its sole owners. Currently the organization is recognized for its extensive catalog of spare parts for brands such as International, Mack, Fuller, Spicer, Hendrikson, Parker, Timken, Hercules, SKF, among others. In the planning of this quality management system, the missionary processes of the organization will be especially deepened, adapting to the situation in the best way; For this, an IEPD methodology (Implement, Evaluate, Propose and Develop) is proposed, where; Initially, an internal evaluation will be carried out by means of a search for current and current documents, to find out what is currently available on issues of quality systems, in addition to a dialogue with managers about knowledge and management that they are exercising in terms of planning, execution and quality control to know its status and thus be able to propose a unique strategic planning for the organization, emphasizing the commercialization and riveting processes of brake bands. On the other hand, the exhaustive SWOT matrix theory is used for all the processes and procedures covered by the organization, to later link them to a Balance Score-Card where the risks that may arise will be minimized. The foundation is the optimization of the integral operation of the organization and in this way to direct the search for continuous improvement and sustainable development in it. Finally, the methodology to be followed for the planning of the quality management system based on the NTC-ISO 9001: 2015 standard for the organization TUERCAS, TORNILLOS Y REPUESTOS LTDA. heavy load in the municipality of Yopal-Casanare.
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad para la institución educativa paulo freire basados en los requisitos de la norma ntc iso 9001:2015 que busque el fortalecimiento de la calidad educativa
    (2021-07-02) Cortés Sánchez, Nicolás Esteban; Piza Daza, Miguel David; Sáenz Hoyos, Erick Sebastian; Aguirre Rodriguez, Carlos Andres; Universidad Santo Tomas - Tunja
    he Ideando Foundation was created 17 years ago with the aim of generating a social and cultural development from the formative point of view. Its educational pillar is the INSTITUTION EDUCATIVA PAULO FREIRE, an alternative project that uses the technologies of information and an inclusive educational model, where children, youth and adults they expand their knowledge and are formed in ethical, environmental and cultural values. At present, meet the needs of customers and provide a service Optimum is essential for those companies that want to stay in the market, having said that, implement a quality management system (S.G.C.) allow companies an efficient organization of processes, activities and resources, according to individual and / or collective objectives, interests and needs. The educational sector has not been oblivious to this current situation, since when carrying out the quality management in institutions will offer a training model of excellence that leads to a quality education generating loyalty of its customers.
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    Planificación del sistema de gestión de la calidad de acuerdo a la norma NTC-ISO-9001:2015, para la organización fertilizantes y fertilizantes, dedicada a la venta y distribución de Agroinsumos en el departamento de Boyacá.
    (2021-07-13) Castro Castillo, Luisa Fernanda; Lizarazo Garcia, Anderson Sebastian; Porras Acosta, David Felipe; Aguirre Rodríguez, Carlos Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The purpose of this document is the planning of the Quality Management System for the organization FERTILIZANTES Y FERTILIZANTES, under the standards NTC-ISO 9000:2015 (Quality Management Systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary) and NTC-ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems - requirements), with a focus on the processes of sale and distribution of agro-inputs. By carrying out strategic planning and process planning, a correct organizational structure will be obtained, and thus, being able to exercise control of all processes and activities developed within the organization, minimizing risks, taking advantage of opportunities and encouraging continuous improvement, and ensuring the quality of processes, customer and stakeholder satisfaction.
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    Planteamiento de un modelo del sistema de gestión de la calidad para SEPI LTDA, bajo la norma NTC-ISO 9001: 2015
    (2021-07-07) Monroy Niño, Diana María; Fagua Niño, Liseth Natalie; Vanegas Fuentes, Ángela María; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Quality management is a quality that any service must have to obtain greater performance in its operation and durability, complying with standards and rules necessary to satisfy customer needs.
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad con base en la norma NTC-ISO-9001:2015, para ALFALFA DE COLOMBIA S.A.S; empresa productora de concentrados para animales, ubicada en el municipio de Madrid, departamento de Cundinamarca.
    (2021-07-02) Mendivelso Sachica, Pilar Yordary; Cely Rodriguez, David Steven; Aguirre Rodriguez, Carlos Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Quality management systems; they are essential for the growth of organizations; allow improvements in work areas; thus complying with customer satisfaction. This research work was born as a solution to the need to implement a quality management system for the company ALFALFA DE COLOMBIA S.A.S; Based on the ISO-9001: 2015 standard, important aspects were taken into account for the development of the work such as: Process map, characterization for the production process; the identification of the problem, the objectives, the investigative frameworks that allowed delimiting the research work; The development of the methodology was continued with the qualitative and quantitative phases, where it was possible to know the perspective and the level of satisfaction that customers and employees have with respect to the organization.
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    Planificación del sistema de gestión de la calidad de la empresa IMEL LTDA, en cumplimiento a los requisitos de la norma NTC ISO 9001:2015
    (2021-04-27) Acuña Roncancio, Liliana Smith; Morales Rodríguez, Diego Ricardo; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia; Universidad Santo Tomas
    Plan the Quality Management System of the company IMEL LTDA, in compliance with the requirements of the NTC ISO 9001: 2015 standard
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad para la empresa COVAL S.A bajo la norma NTC ISO 9001:2015
    (2020-12-04) Figueroa Galvis, Diego Andres; Lemus Leon, Juan Sebastian; Striedinger Melendez, Martha Patricia
    Quality management in companies is one of the principles for the optimal development of the market today, allowing improvements in working practices and meeting the needs of customers. The project emerged as a solution to the need to implement a quality management system for the marketing and distribution company COVAL S.A under the standard ISO 9001 version 2015, aspects relevant to the development of the project were established such as the map of processes of the company, the identification of the problem, the objectives to be developed, the research frameworks that allowed to delimit the project; then the methodology with qualitative and quantitative phases was proposed and developed, where it was possible to know the perspective and the level of satisfaction that the clients have about the company, with this, we want to standardize the processes, optimize the times, organization and good management. Finally, an external audit was carried out to IMEL LTDA where objective evidence was obtained, and a corresponding evaluation was carried out.
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    Propuesta de diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad bajo la norma NTC-ISO 9001:2015 para el proceso de producción en la empresa Ecological Block Systems
    (2020-12-04) Carreño García, Sergio Alejandro; Guerrero Lozano, Jolman Adrian; Salcedo Parra, Paola Alejandra; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia
    Today it's common to hear about quality seals, quality certifications, quality management systems and so on. For the biggest industries it's vital to have a quality management system, but for smaller industries in most cases it's an unnecessary investment and is beyond the budgets of organizations. It's for the aforementioned that the following document has a proposal for the design of a quality management system for the production process of the Ecological Block Systems organization under the NTC-ISO 9001: 2015 standard, this is because one of the missionary processes of the Santo Tomas Tunja University is the "Social Projection", which is focused on helping society; And what better way to help than by providing knowledge that sometimes for some organizations is not yet within reach.
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    Diseño del sistema gestión de calidad para la Empresa Soluciones en Ingeniería “Intelcon. Ltda”. Bajo la norma NTC ISO 9001: 2015
    (2020-12-02) Acuña Daza, Gloria Stella; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia
    This project aimed to implement the Quality Management System under the NTC ISO 9001: 2015 standard in the Engineering Solutions company INTELCON LTDA in search of improving processes, the efficiency and effectiveness to reach a level of competitiveness that guarantees adequate participation in the market and be reflected in its objectives and profits. The absence of this system shows weaknesses in the processes and organizational structure, which caused difficulties in providing quality services, continuing to grow, achieve the objectives, and obtain the projected level of profitability. The implementation of this system will allow the company to diagnose how the processes are developed, in this way to standardize them and formulate plans for continuous improvement, to ensure better service to customers and be more competitive in the market.
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    Planificación del sistema de gestión de la calidad en Biomedics I.P.S EU, bajo la norma NTC 9001:2015
    (2019-11-30) Suárez Avellaneda, Maria Paula; Neira Robles, Diego Fernando; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia
    La aplicacion de los sistemas de gestión de la calidad se ha convertido en una gran ventaja competitiva dentro de diversos sectores, puesto que brinda a cada organización la mejora y potencialización de sus procesos enfocadose en la satisfacción del cliente, lo cual a su vez brinda una mayor generación de ingresos operacionales. El siguiente proyecto, corresponde a la planificación del sistema de gestion de la calidad, siguiendo los requisitos de la norma NTC ISO 9001:2015, para BIOMEDICS I.P.S EU, con sede en la ciudad de Duitama, consolidada como una institución prestadora de servicios médicos con principios y bases científicas en la homotoxicología, con cerca de 27 años de experiencia y en cabeza del doctor Jaime Octavio Neira Pinzón. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se tuvo en cuenta información secundaria correspondiente a documentación física y digital proporcionada por la empresa, por otro lado el levantamiento de información primaria se realizó a partir de dos métodos, cuantitativo por encuestas de satisfacción a los usuarios, y cualitativo mediante una entrevista de profundidad a la líder del proceso. Se realizó el reconocimiento detallado de la organización y se estructuró la plataforma estratégica para la misma, además de ello se realizó un análisis de la brecha evaluando su situación actual y la proyección de la aplicación de un plan de mejora en los principios o requisitos en donde se contemplan falencias. Se concluye que la aplicación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad para BIOMEDICS I.P.S es un mecanismo útil para mitigar las falencias que se lograron identificar en el transcurso de esta investigación, por lo cual es recomendable su ejecución dentro de la misma.
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    Propuesta de planificación del sistema de gestión de la calidad al Colegio San Viator Tunja bajo la NTC ISO 9001:2015
    (2020-06-27) Pinzón Barreto, Cristian Felipe; Rodríguez Ochoa, Jorge Arturo; Striedinger Meléndez, Martha Patricia
    On January 1, 2017, the clerics of San Viator opened their second College in Colombia, in the city of Tunja. The College has all the characteristics of Viatorian education, that is, based on faith, coeducation, academic level and comprehensive training; Currently the educational institution maintains its quality management system under the EFQM model; It has more than six hundred (600) students and must face the provision of library services, transportation and school route, restaurant, nursing, orientation and psychology. In addition, it must guarantee that the academic curricular contents meet the needs of the sector; This is why the Colegio San Viator Tunja organization needs to evaluate the proposal for a quality management system under the NTC ISO: 9001: 2015 standard as a strategic tool and make a comparison with the current management model, the results of which allow it take actions to position itself in the Boyacense and national education sector, standing out for the quality of the provision and continuous improvement of its services.
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    Planificación del sistema de gestión de calidad según la norma NTC - ISO 9001:2015 aplicado a la organización pasteurizadora Santo Domingo S.A productora de leche y derivados lácteos de Simijaca, Cundinamarca
    (2020-07-27) Puentes Figueroa, Lisseth Bibiana; Sandoval Huertas, Andrea; Sierra Otalora, Daniel Fernando; Striedinger Melendez, Martha Patricia
    This project is developed in order to determine the necessary steps to establish the planning and achieve the correct implementation of a quality management system based on the Colombian technical standard ISO 9001:2015, it includes the development of each of the chapters and the activities for its execution. The planning of the management system is focused for ORGANIZATION PASTEURIZADORA SANTO DOMINGO S.A dedicated to the production and commercialization of dairy products, knowing that this sector of the industry is in a constant growth at the present time it is necessary that the organizations every time center their efforts in obtaining the full satisfaction of the clients and the interested parts, always looking for the improvement of the processes and the different activities, PASTEURIZADORA SANTO DOMINGO S. With more than 30 years of experience in the production and commercialization of dairy products, it is necessary for the organization to generate a quality-based mentality that contributes to the growth of the company, expanding the demands of the applicants. For this reason, not only must the production stages be taken into account, but also efficiency and competitiveness, aspects that are achieved through the implementation of a quality management system based on the parameters established in the Colombian technical standard ISO 9001:2015. The project arises from the need to provide a solution to a problem focused mainly on the fact that the organization does not have a quality management system, but does have a history of implementation, having advanced the fulfillment of some of the regulatory requirements, being that these parameters are taken as a basis to achieve compliance with the overall planning of the management system. Meetings are held with the managers in charge to access the facilities and meet with some of the collaborators, who are interviewed and surveyed to determine their level of knowledge about the progress made in the quality management system, A theoretical investigation of the organization's environment is also carried out, capturing it in the theoretical, legal and referential frameworks. After the analysis of these data, an approximation of the context is made, identifying the needs and expectations of the different interested parties, capturing them in a theoretical and schematic way in a DOFA matrix, a PESTEL graph and a BALANCED SCORECARD (BSC) analysis, With this data, the quality culture (mission, vision, policy and values) is updated, the quality objectives and organizational objectives are approximated, the organizational structure is reviewed and updated, based on which processes are established, generating a relationship scheme that is reflected in a process map, as the mission processes are the most relevant in an organization, the characterization of each one is generated. Based on the PHVA cycle, each activity within the process is described, establishing the responsible parties and the necessary documented information to support its effectiveness. To support in a specific way which is the degree of fulfillment of the quality management system, methodologies of pursuit and measurement through internal audits to the system are established, elaboration of indicators of management and evaluation of risks and opportunities in the implementation and operation of each process. At the end of the project, a comparison of the degree of compliance with the initial requirements and principles with those resulting from the development of the research project is made, from which conclusions and recommendations are drawn so that the organization can achieve the total implementation of the quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015.