Pregrado Licenciatura en Literatura y Lengua Castellana

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  • Ítem
    La Declamación Como Propuesta Didáctica Para El Fortalecimiento De La Expresión Oral
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024) Pinilla Pinzón, Jairo de Jesús; Andres Leonardo, Rey Barbosa; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    Language training in Colombia seeks to develop communicative competencies for students to interact effectively in diverse contexts, promoting oral, written and textual interpretation skills. Declamation, recognized for its impact on oral expression, strengthens communication and emotional skills, improving pronunciation, memory and confidence. It also fosters creativity, empathy and critical thinking, contributing to students' personal and social development. This process also favors reading comprehension and teamwork. Declamation integrates verbal and non-verbal language, which enriches communication and allows the expression of emotions. Declamation also has a positive impact on other areas of knowledge and adapts to different contexts and educational levels. It is thus concluded that this pedagogical strategy not only improves communication skills, but also contributes to the emotional, social and academic development of students, promoting a dynamic and collaborative learning environment.
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    La reivindicación de la mujer colombiana contemporánea desde la novela: En Diciembre llegaban las brisas de Marvel Moreno y La Perra de Pilar Quintana.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-06-07) Calderón Lara, Marcela; Casas Chicaeme, Laura Fernanda; Parra Martínez, Juan Camilo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    The struggle, resistance and recognition of women in a country like Colombia, which has historically marginalized them, has made femininity manifest itself through literature and at the same time, it has broken away from the patriarchal shadow. In this context, literature becomes a tool of power to strengthen Colombian women, not only to recover their voice but also their identity. In this order of ideas, and focusing on contemporary Colombian women, the following novels were analyzed In December, the novels En diciembre llegaban las brisas by Marvel Moreno and La perra by Pilar Quintana were analyzed. Marvel Moreno shows a perspective of the identity of the Barranquilla woman, the tradition of the This is due to the fact that Moreno “fictionalizes the space of the Colombian coast, identifying it with the feminine”.
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    Potenciación de las Habilidades de Lectura en Estudiantes de Primaria mediante un Espacio Interactivo en el Colegio Metropolitano del Sur
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-10) Rodríguez Velandia, Nelcy; Rojas Rojas, Andrea; Universisad Santo Tomás;;
    This research titled "Enhancing Reading Skills in Primary Students through an Interactive Space at Colegio Metropolitano del Sur" aims to Create an interactive place as a didactic teaching-learning strategy to enhance the reading processes of primary students at the Metropolitano del Sur school. Specific objectives include examine interactive places that meet reading competencies in the teaching-learning process, characterizing interactive places in the use of digital applications for reading strengthening and teaching-learning and the definition a didactic strategy in reading processes based on the interactive place. This study is grounded in the position of authors Gómez Díaz and García Rodríguez (2016), Gros Salvat (2004), Malagon Plata (2010), Climent Bonilla (2010), and Herrera and Remolina (2016). Their works address topics such as the integration of digital applications and content, the importance of digital literacy, the role of teachers as researchers and designers teaching strategies, and the significance of developing reading competencies in the classroom. The methodology used is qualitative, with a design of analytic archaeology. The archaeological review of interactive places considered the following categories: a) didactic proposal by competencies, b) reading competencies, and c) interactive place "Lee cuento" as a didactic strategy, the results of this analysis revealed that creating enriching environments that promote reading is necessary for active and reflective reading. In conclusion, interactive spaces like "Read a Story" represent a valuable tool to complement teaching and learning processes.
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    Importancia Y Uso Correcto De Las Habilidades Comunicativas Para Lograr Aprendizaje Significativo En La Efa Marie Poussepin
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-27) Almeida Almeida, Rosa Elcida; Rodriguez Gòmez, Rosalba; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This is a investigate project that aims to show the importance and proper use of the Communicative skills (reading, writing, oral and listening) to realize significant learning in the school family farming (EFA) Marie Poussepin Machetá-Cundinamarca, based on the methodology (IAP). It is a pedagogical research in which initially developed a theoretical inquiry on the subject under investigation and sought to link to all the educational community of the Centre, in order to better identify the problem, investigate it and speak it. This purpose was materialized through the introduction of teaching strategies such as: advertising, oral narration, contests of reading, reading comprehension, text production, theatrical auditions, reader plan, meeting with monitors and conclusions on the significant learning in the first half of the year 2012. Thus, the sweet honey, "OLEE ": (reading, writing, oral and listening) advertising adopted to generate impact, began to be a more welcome, dynamic and productive in this institution activity. In this way, monitors, parents and students not only aware about the virtues of this "product", but it recognized their great "nutritional" value for the significant learning. There students could have a better academic performance. Finally the evaluation and projections not only measured the impact, it also allowed to establish that the research project is sustainable, assessable and replicable; because it is work continue, since there are many benefits and results throughout the investigative process.
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    Fortalecimiento de la competencia inferencial y crítica en los estudiantes de quinto grado de las Instituciones Educativas: Príncipe de Paz y Madre Carmen
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023) Henao Garcia, Sonia Mirena; Ruiz Canoles, Karen Paola; Parra Martínez, Juan Camilo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The Evaluar para avanzar tests proposed by the ICFES are designed to assess, develop and enrich the academic formation of students in the levels corresponding to the third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grades; these tests are structured in different sections with the purpose of measuring the educational performance at the institutional level, they also seek to analyze the academic formation of the students. From these results, it is possible to recognize which are the areas to be improved and thus promote the full development of various competencies required by the test. In this specific case: the inferential and critical competence corresponding to Spanish Language.
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    La comunicación Asertiva, una Herramienta Educativa que Mejora la Interacción Social a Través del Desarrollo Sociocognitivo
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-27) Calderín Lopéz, Nohemí Patricia; Huertas-Ruiz, Joaquin Dario; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    Assertive communication plays a fundamental role in the cognitive and social development of children, according to the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. These theorists maintain that assertiveness facilitates the assimilation and accommodation of information, promoting the development of language, the expansion of vocabulary and the ability to argue. This work focused on assertive communication as a catalyst to enrich collaborative learning and improve children's social relationships, directly impacting empowerment, self-concept, and communication. A descriptive qualitative research was carried out that included surveys and educational diagnoses for both children and teachers, with the aim of evaluating the work of the teaching staff and recognizing their influence on the students. In addition, a documentary analysis of similar research was carried out that addresses assertive communication in the training of pedagogical professionals, the development of communication skills in primary education students and the use of cooperative learning in adolescents. In conclusion, assertive communication not only affects children in terms of cognitive and social development, but also involves meaningful teaching by teachers in the educational environment. These, through their direct and indirect praxis, have the power to promote strategies to strengthen assertiveness in the classroom.
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    Círculos de Lectura en Voz Alta para Fomentar los Procesos de Lectura Crítica.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-16) Castañeda Pachón, Luz Mayerly; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    This degree project proposes reading aloud circles as a pedagogical strategy that allows critical reading to be achieved from an early age, based on the possibility of interaction between book, subject and context, where the body, senses and emotions . They are present to create discussions with coherent arguments in everyday situations.
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    Aula Mágica de Letras y Saberes “un Espacio para Promover la Práctica de la Lectura en Estudiantes de Sexto Grado de Bachillerato"
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-01-16) Fresneda Rincón, Diana Patricia; Buitrago Bolívar, Alexander; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    The creation of a magical classroom of letters and knowledge will promote the practice of reading on a voluntary basis; on topics of personal interest to sixth grade high school students. From direct observation and day-to-day teaching work it can be said that the practice of reading is becoming less and less; voluntarily and when it is done it is in response to a work or academic requirement; leading to this process being less significant or edifying in favor of teaching or learning and even the practice of reading itself since it is read out of a responsibility and not out of a need or for the pleasure of reading itself, which leaves as resulting in great disappointment in the reading process.
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    Exploración de la Escritura Colaborativa en Google Drive
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-22) Alvis Lázaro, Jesús Javier; Valero Muñoz, Gladys; Rojas Rojas, Andrea; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The classroom must be a place where people speak, write and learn, although it is true that the uses of the language are acquired naturally at an early age and then strengthened with the study of grammar through classroom practices in different contexts increasingly complex of communication and formal uses of language which allows an improvement of the discursive capacity. In other words, learning environments must be guided by leading the student to maintain conversations, debates, express their own ideas and feelings, exposing points of view in a coherent way to persuade, convince and consequently improve discursive success. For this purpose, a collaborative writing exercise using computer communication technologies through an online drive has been proposed with fifth grade students of primary basic education. The teacher creates the Gmail account or adds an email account to prepare an online document for editing. The student members of the group are expected to contribute to the development of collaborative writing learning. In relation to the characteristics that can be highlighted according to Bustos 2009, collaborative work must be cooperation and mutual development, responsibility for learning and motivation among members of each group, establishing agreements on thematic development, communication and interaction when accessing the document. simultaneously in a file, creation of a check folder, list of attendees, management and characterization of the Drive platform and its tools.
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    Imaginamente Desarrollo de Recursos Didácticos para la Escritura Creativa en Niños
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-21) Laverde Pulido, Viviana Andrea; Parra Martínez, Juan Camilo; Universidad Santo Tomás;;
    This project is developed with the literature reserach group of the Santo Tomás University called " Sincretismos: Voces de infancia" o. This work develops didactic resours in creative writing with childrens from 6 to 11 years old of the Liceo Nuevo Chile and Taller Montessori schools in Bogotá - Colombia. This is through didactic resours that appeal to the imagination and interests of the childrens and promote aesthetic enjoyment around creative writing. These resources are: Board game called Imaginamente, Paracosmos Kit, Story creation cubes, matchbox or magic trunk activity, Invention of characters in plasticine. The didactic resorces have their theoretical support mainly in the works Fantasy Grammar by Gianni Rodari, Tale morphology by Vladimir Propp, Development of the imagination by R. Silvey and S. Mackeith and in the poem matchbox by María Helena Walsh, as an expanded activity based on a creative writing exercise by the workshopper Juliana Muñoz, a colombian writer; in adittion to the MDA method (Mechanical, Dinamic and Aesthetic) and LecBlanc´s Types of Fun applied in the design of educational Board Games.
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    La Religión como Estrategia Pedagógica para el Pensamiento Filosófico de los Estudiantes
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-26) Castillo Cuervo, Adriana Isabel; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    La literatura infantil como medio para el desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico, cuidadoso y creativo en niños de diez años.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-08-26) Rivera Puentes, Sharem Andrea; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Estrategias para el fomento de la escritura creativa
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-18) Torres Polo, Yulieth Paola; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    This research work (W.P) aims to demonstrate how important it is to strengthen creative writing in students, the learning process of creative writing is shown as an act of reflection, creativity and autonomy in children. Strategies for the promotion of creative writing is a pedagogical proposal that has as its main source of teaching the implementation of the use of creativity for the preparation of writings where the student has the freedom to express what he thinks; seeks to strengthen the teaching-learning processes in students without leaving emotions and imagination aside, the direct intention of these proposals is that students develop the ability to interact with their emotions and ideas and thus be able to strengthen their cognitive, affective abilities and social.
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    Propuesta Pedagógica - El Pensamiento Cuidadoso Como Eje de la Elaboración de Artículos de Opinión
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-21) Tirado Baltazar, Angélica María; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Darío; Obando Urueña, Wilman Tomás; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;;
    This research is based on the high need for students from an early age to be able to think for themselves effectively and affectively. As stated by Lipman, for which three dimensions of thought are studied: critical thinking, creative thinking, and careful thinking. In this pedagogical proposal we will focus on the latter, starting from the text "Philosophy for children" with the aim of guiding the student towards the elaboration of opinion articles having careful thought as the axis.
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    Working Paper: El poema: una apertura estratégica al pensamiento creativo y cuidadoso
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-18) Calderin Guerra, Lina Marcela; Obando Urueña, Wilman Tomás; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    In this Working Paper, a pedagogical proposal is proposed in which it is intended to promote careful and creative thinking through the poem in fourth grade students of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Educational Institution in Valencia-Córdoba. For this, firstly the support of the proposal is provided, where the relationship between poetry and the promotion of creative thinking and care is explained, deepening the positions of some authors. Next, a methodology is proposed with which the proposal can be implemented in favor of the established objective. The methodology to be followed must be aimed especially at getting out of the conventional around the teaching of the poem, seeking the poetic game, the enjoyment of its sound and others, so that the student can awaken their creativity, based on interest and enjoyment. of the poetic text.
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    La argumentación oral como papel importante en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes de 5º de la Institución Educativa Los Morales de Tierra Alta Córdoba.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-18) Almanza Alvarez, Luis Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás;
    Oral argumentation can be an important tool for the development of critical thinking in students of the Los Morales de Tierra Alta Córdoba Educational Institution. Through oral argument, students can improve their ability to analyze and evaluate information, as well as develop verbal communication skills. It is essential to provide a safe and respectful environment so that students can express their ideas and argue effectively. To participate in oral argument effectively, students must have skills such as research skills, subject knowledge, and the ability to listen and consider the arguments of others. However, it is important to keep in mind that oral argument is not the only tool available to develop critical thinking in students. It is necessary to consider other tools and techniques, such as critical reading, argumentative writing and written debate, and evaluate their effectiveness in different educational contexts. In short, the development of critical thinking in students is a complex and multifaceted process that requires multiple tools and pedagogical approaches to achieve quality education.
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    La producción textual en estudiantes de grado quinto para el desarrollo del pensamiento cuidadoso.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-21) Duarte Martínez, Karen Yurdley; Huertas Ruis, Joaquín Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    La lectura como estrategia para desarrollar el pensamiento crítico en estudiantes del grado 4°.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-25) Méndez Pertuz, Nora Elena; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Desarrollo del pensamiento creativo como estrategia pedagógica para el estímulo de la socialización de los estudiantes del grado 4°
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-07-24) Solórzano Ortega, María Alejandra; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    La historieta como recurso didáctico para fomentar el pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de 11 años.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-26) Jacquin Guardiola, Andrea; Obando Urueña, Wilman Tomas; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;