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Ítem Capitulo 5: Elaboración de una guía metodológica para la implementación del sistema integrado de gestión y control en la Gobernación de Cundinamarca(2020) López Cabrera, Claudia Patricia; Velásquez Ortiz, Víctor Hugo; Universidad Santo TomasLaw 872 of 2003 establishes a series of requirements that State entities must comply with to improve to improve their performance and satisfy the needs of the community they serve. the needs of the community to which they direct their actions. Likewise, other regulations require the implementation of the Internal Control Standard Model and the Internal Internal Control Standard Model and the Administrative Development System, today supported by the Integrated Planning and Management Model, guiding public sector entities to have comprehensive management and control systems. Due to the characteristics of the sector, the continuousÍtem Capitulo 4: idem: metodología para articular Total Performance Management en un sistema integrado de gestión(2020) Gil Cárdenas, Lorena Maribel; Roa Hayden, Olga Cristina; Universidad Santo TomasOrganizations have been facing a competitive environment in which improving their efficiency is increasingly demanding in order to respond to changes. "In this context, companies must develop capabilities that allow them to be flexible and agile to adapt" (García and Marín, 2009). to adapt" (García and Marín, 2009, p. 184). These capabilities, understood as high-level routines, offer elements for problem solving and elements to solve problems and improve situations that promote the achievement of objectives. These strategies focus the daily work of organizations and are executed through different methodologies, practices, models or management tools.Ítem Capitulo 3: Gestión de la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo en pymes colombianas: una metodología lúdica(2020) Varela Alonso, Clara Teresa; Guarín Montenegro, Guillermo Fernando; Rodríguez-Rojas, Yuber Liliana; Universidad Santo Tomas;;; a long time, occupational safety and health was an issue adjacent to the productive factors of a society with economic projection. adjacent to the productive factors of a society with economic projection. If we look into the past, perhaps long before a concept of remuneration or profit could be before a concept of remuneration or profit could be associated with the proportionality of effort in an the proportionality of effort in a productive activity, it could be seen that the intentionality the intentionality was clearly centered on the supply chain of the realization or achievement of the product, since many of these activities implied labor and of these activities involved field work or the transformation of raw materials derived from it. However, history has shown the intentionality of generating changing conditions with regard to this issue: the Industrial Revolution the Industrial Revolution, demographic growth, the identification of health risks for the the industrial revolution, demographic growth, the identification of health risks for workers, among other and events, have given rise to avant-garde influences associated with constant sociocultural changes associated with constant socio-cultural changes that have an impact on economic models.Ítem Capitulo 2: Propuesta de comunicación interna para promocionar la participación en sistemas de gestión de la calidad en el sector público colombiano(2020) Casas Henao, Adriana del Pilar; Roca Martínez, José Jorge; Universidad Santo TomasSince the issuance of the Political Constitution of 1991, Colombian public sector entities Colombian public sector entities began a process of transformation and consolidation of their management and consolidation of their management and administration models. At As with the Latin American state sector, Colombia took as a reference the experiences of countries such as Japan, the United States, England and Spain, and incorporated initiatives and tools and Spain, and incorporated initiatives and tools such as the adoption of total quality models total quality models, reengineering and administrative development systems to improve the management of state entities.Ítem Capitulo 1: Metodología de direccionamiento estratégico en un grupo empresarial con un enfoque de estructura de alto nivel(2020) Amaral Couto, Boanerges do; Sanabria Torres, Linda Marcela; Casas Henao, Adriana del Pilar; Roca Martínez, José Jorge; Varela Alonso, Clara Teresa; Guarín Montenegro, Guillermo Fernando; Rodríguez-Rojas, Yuber Liliana; Gil Cárdenas, Lorena Maribel; Roa Hayden, Olga Cristina; López Cabrera, Claudia Patricia; Velásquez Ortiz, Víctor Hugo; Universidad Santo Tomas;;;;;;;;; must articulate their strategic direction and processes to and processes to face the consequences that globalization may bring in the economic, financial, economic, financial, social and environmental fields. the consequences of globalization in the economic, financial, political and cultural spheres, and cultural spheres, with the participation of all relevant parties, and under the leadership of top management (Salazar and Zarandona, 2007). In this research, a strategic direction proposal was formulated with an emphasis on hls (hls). (High Level Structure), as proposed by the company's management (Salazar and Zarandona, 2007). proposed by iso (International Organization for Standardization), from the perspective of the for Standardization), from the perspective of the conceptual models applied in organizations that have improved their competitiveness, growth and sustainability, applying bsc (Balanced Scorecard) strategic management and strategic foresight.Ítem Guía metodológica para buenas prácticas de manufactura con ISO 13485:2016(2021-02-16) Cañaveral, Alix Fernanda; Ramos Ramos, Javier; Camacho Camacho, Hernando;;;Ítem Aplicación de la metodología 5S como factor integrador de normas técnicas para instituciones de educación(2020) Camacho Camacho, Hernando; Arrieta Prieto, María Camila; Estupiñán Romero, Nathaly;;;;;Ítem Aprendizaje organizacional: una variable de madurez de la gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo(2021) Rodríguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana;;;Ítem Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Administración 2019, y III Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre MIPYME (FAEDPYME) DISEÑO DE UNA GUÍA METODOLÓGICA PARA LA GESTIÓN DE LA CALIDAD EN MICRO Y PEQUEÑAS EMPRESAS(2019) Barahora Paipilla, David; Ruíz, Julián Leonardo; Moreno, Ingrid Carolina;;; are immersed in dynamic and highly competitive environments as a result of globalization, making the client increasingly demanding and leading organizations to be more competitive to remain in the market, with management systems important tools to leverage their permanence. As a result of the importance of micro and small companies in the economy of the country, research is carried out focused on designing a “Methodological Guide to implement the Colombian Technical Standard 6001 2017 version” in Colombian micro and small companies (Mypes), being a mixed quantitative type investigation, from which consolidated results are obtained to show trends in compliance with requirements against NTC 6001: 2017 and thus, finally present a proposal aimed at visualizing in a practical way the management in Mypes , based on the guidelines of the standard under investigation.Ítem Efectos de la gestión de la calidad en la prestación de los servicios del sector público en Colombia(2015) Peña Guarín, Guillermo;;; quality of the public sector entities greatly impacts the performance of the economy and affects the citizen ́s quality of life. To improve the quality of public entities, the Colombian government ordered in 2004 the implementation of the quality management system under the technical standard NTCGP 1000, which is based on the international model ISO 9001. This research is aimed at determining the effects that this decision has had on the quality of the services provided by public entities viewed from two perspectives, that of public entity workers who have experienced the implementation of the quality management system and that of users who use the services of public entities. From the principles and requirements of the technical standard NTCGP 1000 categories and variables that subsequently lead to surveys are set, these are applied to a random sample of public workers and users. Once the data has been processed, the capabilities that the system of quality management has developed in the entities and the effects it has had on the quality of the services provided by public entities are identified.Ítem INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO ADMINISTRATIVO Capítulo 7. Integración de la gestión del conocimiento con el sistema de gestión de la calidad ISO 9001:2015(2017) Peña Guarín, Guillermo;;;Ítem Análisis del desarrollo sustentable en el municipio de Santa María Atzompa, Oaxaca(2018) Martínez Jiménez, Rosendo; Moreno Rodríguez, Ingrid Carolina; Trejo Carvajal, Guillermo; Ramos Soto, Ana Luz;;;;;;;;Ítem Diagnóstico para gobiernos locales desde los lineamientos de la ISO 18091(2019-06) Moreno Rodríguez, Ingrid Carolina; Martínez Jiménez, Rosendo;;;;;Ítem Herramienta diagnóstica de la gestión y madurez de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo en organizaciones colombianas(2020) Rodríguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana; Hernández Cruz, Harold Wilson;;;;;; health and safety management is essential for the development of organizations. As of Law 1562 of 2012 in Colombia, the occupational health programs were transferred to the OSHMS, which is applicable to all types of organizations. In this sense and considering the importance of the performance evaluation processes of the management systems, this book chapter presents the results of a multi-stage research in which a diagnostic tool for the management and maturity of the management was designed and validated. Occupational health and safety (OSH) in Colombian organizations. The designed tool considers three components: 1) proposal for measuring the structure, process, result and minimum indicators of the OSHMS, 2) minimum standards of the OSHMS and, 3) an instrument and a scale to identify the maturity level of OSH management. This tool has been applied in three moments in different sectors. First, it was applied in 30 organizations, from the Commerce (2), construction (1), industry (3), services (10) and public sector (14) sectors and a positive and statistically significant relationship was found between the instruments minimum standards of the OSHMS and the maturity scale. For processing, statistical packages such as STATA (descriptive processing and analysis of the information collected in the field) and SPSS Statistics (development of regression models to assess the dependence of two or more variables) were used. Second, it was applied to 50 district public entities in Bogotá, an experience that allowed improving the tool, since it was created as a web module developed in Java 8.0, SQL Server 2017 database, in order to boost management in OSH inside the public entities of the district. In addition to the three components listed, in this new version of the tool, two components related the accident report and the occupational disease report were incorporated, thereby optimizing the management of the information associated with the OSHMS in these entities. Thirdly, in order to demonstrate the maturity component applicability in representative population samples of the same organization, public servants from seven offices of a public entity of the national order were applied in 1729 and in 77 teleworkers of an organization with a model of autonomous teleworking. For instance, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out through the R-Studio statistical package. The results obtained at each stage allow us to conclude that the applicability of the diagnostic tool in different organizational contexts was successful, regardless of its typology (understood such as public or private), the size of the organization and its geographical location. Likewise, an excellent internal consistency and a high correlation between the items of the maturity instrument were obtained. The results obtained with this tool will be successful to generate actions to improve the system and promote its maturity, an aspect that will strengthen the creation of a positive culture of safety and health.Ítem Memorias del Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Tepic 2018 Responsabilidad Social en las PyMEs estudio de caso: México(2018) Ramos Soto, Ana Luz; Londoño Restrepo, Diana Catalina; Peña Guarín, Guillermo;;;;;;;Ítem Herramienta para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la gestión de las instituciones dedicadas a la investigación(2020) Díaz Echeverry, Aura del Carmen; Camacho Camacho, Hernando; Chaviano, Orlando Gregorio;;;;;; research presented the proposal of a tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of the strategic and investigative management of the institutions dedicated to research, based on bibliometric indicators, the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, the guidelines for the measurement and recognition of researchers and Colciencias research groups, in order to establish the minimum indicators and elements of process management that facilitate decision-making based on the analysis of results. The investigation was developed in two phases; The first consisted of a documentary review to determine the aspects of evaluation of the research quality, the most relevant bibliometric indicators, the Colciencias guidelines and the project management maturity scales; for its part, in the second phase the design of the diagnostic tool was carried out.Ítem Información para la toma de decisiones en la gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo(2020) Rodríguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana; Carvajal Montealegre, Diana Milena;;;; assumed the challenge of moving from the paradigm of occupational health to safety and health at work. This document presents the partial results of a research project that sought to design evaluation methods for decision making in the management of occupational safety and health. A mixed multiple integration research was conducted. A diagnosis of OHS management was carried out with multiple instruments to measure its performance and the level of maturity in a public entity of the Bogota health sector. The triangulation of the information collected through these methods reoriented the decision making regarding the approach of intervention of the safety and health in the work advanced by the studied entity. It is concluded that for decision making it is necessary to incorporate different sources of information in order to identify the existing gaps and to be able to establish concrete strategies for the improvement of OSH.Ítem Integración de la responsabilidad social con el modelo ISO 9001 en Pymes colombianas certificadas(2020) Peña Guarín, Guillermo; Martínez Díaz, Luis Gerardo;;;;; recent years the pressure of the customers and or- ganized communities to discuss the ethical behavior of companies, or promote veto to the products of controversial companies for their performances in the social, economic or environmental, as well as the fact that investors and insurers consider and additional risk factor that a company ends questioned by these issues, have created additional reasons for a company to act responsibly. Moreover, both globally and in Colombia, many SMEs have implemented and certificate a qua- lity management system in response to internal needs or market conditions; organizational knowledge and experiences in managing a quality system could be utilized to facilitate the insertion of the practice of So- cial Responsibility in SMEs to improve their competi- tive position. This research explores the possibilities of integrating to the quality system in certified SMEs, the principles and practices of social responsibility as raised in the standards: Guidance on Social Respon- sibility ISO 26000 (WD 4.2) and Social Accountabi- lity SA 8000:2001. We used a participant observation methodology, selecting three SMEs and by means of consulting implement the above standards, to make clear the advantages or difficulties of integrating Social Responsibility with a quality system.Ítem La Gestión de la Calidad, una mirada desde los Gobiernos Locales de México - Colombia.(2020) Moreno Rodríguez, Ingrid Carolina; Camacho Camacho, Hernando;;;;;;Ítem Libro AVANCES Y RETOS DE LA GESTIÓN INTEGRAL 2020 Investigación en Sistemas de Gestión Avances y retos de la gestión integral(2020) Rodríguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana; Rodríguez González, Liliana Yamile; Peña Guarín, Guillermo;;;;;;;;;