Gestión Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales de Colombia

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    Experiencia Significativa: Implementación de las competencias STEAM (ambientales, tecnológicas y pedagógicas), para cursos de séptimo grado en el Colegio El Carmelo Localidad Teusaquillo, Bogotá D.C. mediante una experiencia de agricultura urbana (VídeoClip)
    (2021-09-29) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Martín, J; Rojas, J; Garibello, B; Universidad Santo Tomas;;;;
    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, new challenges are posed in the learning processes of natural sciences, since presence in elementary schools is completely restricted, which hinders the development of experimental experiences; In response to the above, this project is generated, whose main purpose is the generation of STEAM competencies (environmental, technological and pedagogical and artistic), for fifth grade courses of elementary school in a school in the town of Teusaquillo (El Carmelo ) in the city of Bogotá DC through an urban agricultural experience. For the development of the above, two experimental practices were designed for development at home, using in both cases beans seeds (variety cargamanto), which is easily acquired at times of food supply. The first test evaluates the effect of the controlled pre-germination of seeds in a solid matrix, for which rice husk or coffee residues (cuncho) will be used, evaluating the percentage and time of germination with and without pre-germination; In the second trial, the growth and development of bean seedlings will be evaluated in three different light intensities (full, medium and dark). As a result of the project, it is expected to generate a pedagogical guide for teachers, parents and students that allows the development of STEAM and environmental competencies, which can be incorporated as practice in natural science courses and in the homes of students, as an element of understanding of the transformation of organic matter, food security and sovereignty, clean technologies, urban agriculture and nutrition
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    La educación ambiental, factor de cambio Agricultura Urbana en Teusaquillo, una experiencia educativa en medio de la pandemia
    (2021-04-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Parada Romero, Laura Belkis; Martín Perico, Juana Yaira;;;;;;;;;;;;
    In the context of the transition towards a notion of scientific citizenship in which different actors from academia and society participate, the idea of developing a research project on urban agriculture with social impact and projection arose. The main purpose consisted of raising awareness about STEAM competencies (environmental, technological, pedagogical and artistic), for students in the fifth grade of elementary school. It was done with the participation of teachers and students of the "El Carmelo" school, located in the town of Teusaquillo, in the city of Bogotá D.C. In the development of the project, important reflections arose regarding educational work on STEAM competencies to strengthen the relationship; Sustainability, Technology, learning and the arts, which were translated into specific problems of great importance for our societies such as food security, nutritional culture, prototyping culture and the strengthening of scientific citizenship. For the development of the above, two experimental practices were designed for home development, using in both cases bean seeds (variety cargamanto), which is easily acquired in times of food supply crisis. In this experimentation, sustainability, STEAM and learning skills were worked on. Time of Covid, allowed to take an unexpected turn and work not only with students but with their families. The reflections recorded in this primer are the result of this process.
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    STEAM Una guía de análisis de relaciones entre Sostenibilidad-Tecnologías y Educación: Propuestas para el Siglo XXI
    (2021-04-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Parada Romero, Laura Belkis; Martín Perico, Juana Yadira; Rojas Mesa, Julio Ernesto; Garibello Suan, Bernardo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    In the context of the transition towards a notion of scientific citizenship in which different actors from academia and society participate, the idea of developing a research project on urban agriculture with social impact and projection arose. The main purpose consisted of raising awareness about STEAM competencies (environmental, technological, pedagogical and artistic), for students in the fifth grade of elementary school. It was done with the participation of teachers and students of the "El Carmelo" school, located in the town of Teusaquillo, in the city of Bogotá D.C. In the development of the project, important reflections arose regarding educational work on STEAM competencies to strengthen the relationship; Sustainability, Technology, learning and the arts, which were translated into specific problems of great importance for our societies such as food security, nutritional culture, prototyping culture and the strengthening of scientific citizenship. For the development of the above, two experimental practices were designed for home development, using in both cases bean seeds (variety cargamanto), which is easily acquired in times of food supply crisis. In this experimentation, sustainability, STEAM and learning skills were worked on. Time of Covid, allowed to take an unexpected turn and work not only with students but with their families. The reflections recorded in this primer are the result of this process.
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    Búsqueda de microorganismos con alto potencial antagonista de Botrytis cinerea, procedentes de manantiales termales y salinos colombianos
    (2021-03-21) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Fajardo Gomez, Carlos Andres;;;;;;;
    One of the most limiting problems in the production and postharvest of fruits, vegetables, ornamental, among others, are those produced by the gray mold caused by B. cinerea, which is a phytopathogenic fungus of wide geographic distribution. For the control of this agent, fungicides are used as the first line, some of them causing phenomena of resistance in this phytopathogen and generators of risks to human health and potential risk of environmental contamination. Taking into account this problem, the research and evaluation of halophilic bacteria with B. cinerea antagonistic activity is proposed in this research. The methodology to be developed in this research consists of two stages: (i) selection of a minimum concentration for the manifestation of symptoms and signs of gray mold at 6 ° C and 20 ° C and strawberry fruits; (Ii) isolation and characterization of halophilic microorganisms isolated from saline and thermal springs in Colombia, (iii) evaluation of antagonistic potential of halophilic strains isolated in an in-plant model of tomato fruit, both at 6 ° C In post-harvest conditions) and at temperatures of 20 ° C, (iv) evaluation of the resistance capacity of selected bacteria at different ranges in ultraviolet light, and (v) evaluation in combination with CaCl2 for control of gray mold at temperature Cooling (6 ° C). This study aims to obtain a collection of halophilic microorganisms, characterized phylogenetically and physiologically, that present a high antagonistic activity to be used as biological controllers of B. cinerea.
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    Evaluación de tres sustratos para la producción de Orellana (Pleurotus ostreatus)
    (2021-04-21) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Fajardo Gomez, Carlos Andres;;;;;;;
    One of the most limiting problems in the production and postharvest of fruits, vegetables, ornamental, among others, are those produced by the gray mold caused by B. cinerea, which is a phytopathogenic fungus of wide geographic distribution. For the control of this agent, fungicides are used as the first line, some of them causing phenomena of resistance in this phytopathogen and generators of risks to human health and potential risk of environmental contamination. Taking into account this problem, the research and evaluation of halophilic bacteria with B. cinerea antagonistic activity is proposed in this research. The methodology to be developed in this research consists of two stages: (i) selection of a minimum concentration for the manifestation of symptoms and signs of gray mold at 6 ° C and 20 ° C and strawberry fruits; (Ii) isolation and characterization of halophilic microorganisms isolated from saline and thermal springs in Colombia, (iii) evaluation of antagonistic potential of halophilic strains isolated in an in-plant model of tomato fruit, both at 6 ° C In post-harvest conditions) and at temperatures of 20 ° C, (iv) evaluation of the resistance capacity of selected bacteria at different ranges in ultraviolet light, and (v) evaluation in combination with CaCl2 for control of gray mold at temperature Cooling (6 ° C). This study aims to obtain a collection of halophilic microorganisms, characterized phylogenetically and physiologically, that present a high antagonistic activity to be used as biological controllers of B. cinerea.
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    La Educación Virtual STEM en la nueva normalidad
    (2021-04-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Parada Romero, Laura Belkis; Rojas Mesa, Julio Ernesto; Garibello Suan, Bernardo; 000295612;;;;;;;; 51;;;;;;;
    In the context of the transition towards a notion of scientific citizenship in which different actors from academia and society participate, the idea of developing a research project on urban agriculture with social impact and projection arose. The main purpose consisted of raising awareness about STEAM competencies (environmental, technological, pedagogical and artistic), for students in the fifth grade of elementary school. It was done with the participation of teachers and students of the "El Carmelo" school, located in the town of Teusaquillo, in the city of Bogotá D.C. In the development of the project, important reflections arose regarding educational work on STEAM competencies to strengthen the relationship; Sustainability, Technology, learning and the arts, which were translated into specific problems of great importance for our societies such as food security, nutritional culture, prototyping culture and the strengthening of scientific citizenship. For the development of the above, two experimental practices were designed for home development, using in both cases bean seeds (variety cargamanto), which is easily acquired in times of food supply crisis. In this experimentation, sustainability, STEAM and learning skills were worked on. Time of Covid, allowed to take an unexpected turn and work not only with students but with their families. The reflections recorded in this primer are the result of this process.
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    La educación ambiental, factor de cambio. Implementación de las competencias STEAM (ambientales, tecnológicas y pedagógicas), para cursos de básica primaria en colegios de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. mediante una experiencia agrícola urbana
    (2021-04-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán;;;;
    In the context of the transition towards a notion of scientific citizenship in which different actors from academia and society participate, the idea of developing a research project on urban agriculture with social impact and projection arose. The main purpose consisted of raising awareness about STEAM competencies (environmental, technological, pedagogical and artistic), for students in the fifth grade of elementary school. It was done with the participation of teachers and students of the "El Carmelo" school, located in the town of Teusaquillo, in the city of Bogotá D.C. In the development of the project, important reflections arose regarding educational work on STEAM competencies to strengthen the relationship; Sustainability, Technology, learning and the arts, which were translated into specific problems of great importance for our societies such as food security, nutritional culture, prototyping culture and the strengthening of scientific citizenship. For the development of the above, two experimental practices were designed for home development, using in both cases bean seeds (variety cargamanto), which is easily acquired in times of food supply crisis. In this experimentation, sustainability, STEAM and learning skills were worked on. Time of Covid, allowed to take an unexpected turn and work not only with students but with their families. The reflections recorded in this primer are the result of this process.
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    Introducción a proyectos
    (2021-03-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; 000295612;; 51;
    The academic space of Introduction to projects, is oriented to the formulation of a project proposal, to contribute to the solution of environmental problems at the local or regional level. The structuring of the project proposal is sought, through the use of administrative and environmental methodologies.
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    Cultivo de orellanas
    (2021-03-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; 000295612;; 51;
    The cultivation of the edible fungus Pleutotus ostreatus (orellanas) can be viable in the city of Bogotá, since it generates abundant plant residues rich as a source of nitrogen (legumes) and mainly wood chips and sawdust. This production system requires little space and uses water efficiently, allowing its implementation in all strata in the city of Bogotá; being able to contribute to the food security of its inhabitants. This production scheme allows students of the programs in the environmental areas to understand in a practical way, the potential for the sustainable reuse of organic solid waste of plant origin, as it is incorporated as raw material in a second production process.
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    Botánica económica
    (2021-03-19) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; 000295612;; 51;
    Man has always lived in close relationship with plants since before agriculture emerged as a significant activity for survival. The man-plant relationship was generated at first as a source of food and later as a raw material in the construction of their homes, the manufacture of clothing, obtaining pigments and medicines. When agriculture is established, profound changes in customs, social organization and a symbiotic relationship are established between domesticated plant species and the human species. The human population currently maintains a sustained increase, which increases the nutritional demand and plant raw materials for the industry; which makes scientific knowledge of plant species necessary and obligatory, which allows the use of a sustainable production of food and raw materials for pharmaceutical, industrial and textile use; framed within an adequate environmental administration.
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    Zonificación Ecológica y Socioeconómica como aporte al proceso de planificación y gestión, en el marco del proceso de Ordenamiento, de la Cuenca Grande del Municipio de San Antonio del Tequendama, Departamento de Cundinamarca
    (2020-11-12) Sánchez Espinosa, Jorge Alberto; Mendoza Plazas, Yenny Beatriz; García Murillo, Paulo Germán;;;;;;;;;;
    In order to create a holistic view and generate reliable and useful information for making specific decisions and set on the natural development of the use of space at Basin Gulch Grande, the Vice-Presidency for Open and Distance Education University of Santo Tomas , through studies of biophysical and socio-economic that provide the basic information for the design of policy planning and regulation of land use and resource protection as a contribution to the processes of land management of watersheds , Framed under a systemic approach to the integration where interdisciplinary watershed research facilitates a better understanding of their structure and function in terms you can define elements and relationships . Also allows you to analyze and evaluate factors involved in larger or smaller contexts from different scenarios (technical - scientific, administrative, economic, natural, socio- cultural, etc.). We found that steeplands with greater than 50% slopes are the dominant feature in the watershed area of the Quebrada Grande, present use conflicts because the tendency is to submit to the development of livestock or agricultural activities, without measuring the negative consequences they bring these actions.
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    Evaluación de la eficiencia productiva de peces disco (symphysodon) en la etapa de alevinaje de la empresa mordiscos
    (2020-07-27) Moncaleano Gómez, Erika Marcela.; Riaño Sanchez, Andrea Lorena.;;;
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    Aplicación de los métodos de preferencias declaradas y reveladas para establecer el valor económico de los bienes y servicios ecosistemicos del parque nacional natural Tayrona (PNNT)
    (2020-07-27) Vargas Osorio, Juan José.; Barragán, Rafael.; Valbuena, Nicole Tatiana.; Roncancio, Edgar.; Moreno, María Alejandra.; Vásquez, Natalia.;;;
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    Predicción física y matemática de la presencia de Aedes aegypti y análisis en relación con la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico teniendo en cuenta los extremos de temperatura
    (2019-04-24) Lugo Vargas, Ligia Giorgina; Bello Novoa, Betsy; Rodríguez Velásquez, Javier Oswaldo; Prieto Bohórquez, Signed Esperanza;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    The main vector of urban yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and zika is the Aedes aegypti mosquito, with the geographical distribution of this species in Colombia up to 1800 meters above sea level and in Málaga Santander at 2200 meters above sea level, but it is expected to expand due to global warming and socioeconomic and cultural factors increase its distribution and as indicators we have the housing index that allows us to know the percentage of homes infested with larvae or pupae, which are found in natural or artificial deposits that are maintained by the little or interrupted availability of Drinking water resource in some municipalities of the country that forces the inadequate storage due to the limited supply of the resource in question. This work seeks to develop a new methodology that characterizes the dynamics of the housing index and allows to establish objective predictions of its dynamics, analyzing its fluctuations in analogy with probabilistic random walk, this is a theoretical probabilistic model with representations of random walks, which allows limit the dynamics and find predictive numerical values whitin certain ranges to determine the evolution of its dynamics. This methodology has allowed us to characterize the evolution of the annual dynamics of the number of infected by dengue in Colombia, as well as childhood obesity in the United States, achieving predictions of practical application in public health in both cases. Since the fluctuations of the housing index is an irregular and complex phenomenon, it can be studied from the Brownian movement. A prediction of the behavior of the housing index (IV) will be made from the previously developed methodology Rodríguez et al., And their values will be compared with the real values ​​for specific time periods of records of the National Institute of Health, in order to confirm the predictive ability of the method. The methodology of the present proposal could be useful in the planning of public health interventions for the control of the Aedes aegypti infestation.
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    Impacto sobre la calidad del agua y la fauna béntica de tres criaderos comerciales de trucha arco iris, Oncorhynchus mykiss, en el río Siecha, Guasca, Cundinamarca.
    (2019-12-15) González Acosta, Julio Alberto; Rosado Puccini, Rafael; Lugo Vargas, Ligia Giorgina;;;;;;;;
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    Unidad productiva comunitaria para la elaboración de harinas y frutos deshidratados en la comuna 1 de la ciudad de Cúcuta
    (2019-08) Rubio Parada, Jorge Alexander; Niño Parada, Cindy Lizeth; Flórez Vera, Ceneyda;;;;;;;;;
    Due to the lack of food production alternatives in urban areas and employment opportunities, the implementation of a community production unit for the production of dehydrated flours and fruits using solar energy is intended in Comuna Uno of the city of Cúcuta; To achieve the above, the drying and grinding performance of plantain (Musa. L) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) will be determined for the production of flour, and the drying performance of pineapple (Ananas comosus) and banana will also be determined ( Musa.L) to make dehydrated fruits; Hand in hand with these processes, skills will be developed in the productive, business and organizational fields in the community of the Parroquia San Martín de Porres de los Frailes Dominicos. To this end, the following research question is asked: How does the implementation of a community production unit for the production of banana and cassava flour and dehydrated fruits develop productive, business and organizational skills in the families of Comuna Uno of the Municipality of Cúcuta? The drying process will be carried out by means of solar dehydration, where an outdoor test will be carried out with cover and one without cover, in turn with three types of drying disposition height at 1 cm., 2 cm., And 3 cm., Of the raw material already minced, this in order to evaluate the best system for the dehydration of the raw materials mentioned above and compare these results with the dehydration processes, carried out with industrial and electrical dehydrators, thus comparing the effectiveness of the dehydration process with sunlight, which affects the final costs of the products to be obtained, such as flours and dehydrated fruits. In the elaboration of these processes, the community will have an active participation, at the same time that they will be trained through the development of workshops that seek to generate knowledge and skills in the production of products, entrepreneurship and business training. For the systematization of the primary information, tables will be used with the variables, of weight, loss of humidity and yield of the flour process, in addition the graphs will be used for a better understanding of the data obtained in the field, in turn it will be triangulated with the conceptual framework and state of the art in order to have the analysis of the results.
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    Procesamiento de café en cereza y riesgos ambientales asociados a la contaminación de fuentes hídricas: Estudio de caso Análisis comparativo del proceso de beneficio seco y húmedo tradicional en fincas productoras del municipio de San Gil (Santander)
    (2019-08) Acosta Fernández, Rolando Andrés; Garcia Murcia, Yennifer; sualizador/ 001453788; zador/ 14458; 3- 3835 hl=es&user=QyL4LU4AAAAJ&view _op=list_works&sortby=title#; user=USv_0-kAAAAJ&hl=es;; 7623
    This research proposal focuses on one of the biggest environmental problems that the Colombian coffee agribusiness chain has, such as the generation of water spills contaminated with large organic loads associated with the coffee beneficiation process (pulping and washing) and , aims to identify the environmental risks associated with the contamination of water sources. To this end, analyze the coffee processing procedure using traditional wet pulping systems and BELCOSUB dry pulping systems, in operation and analyzed in the municipality of San Gil, Santander; This will detect the process from the description by mass balances, in addition to identifying the main parameters of contamination and the possible environmental damage associated with untreated wastewater. During the development of the research, the organic load of the process discharges will be quantified using the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD) as main indicators, in addition, an analysis of the effect of its wastewater on the biota using bioindicators such as reference. This proposal needs to interpret the problems of the wastewater of the coffee agro-industry from the point of view of the management of hydrographic basins and visualize the available alternatives of control and treatment, as well as the contribution to the mitigation of environmental sensors of emerging technologies.
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    Estudio del impacto de los factores culturales comunitarios en la competitividad y en la sostenibilidad ambiental del turismo termal en los municipios de Choachí-Chocontá y Tabio
    (2019-08) Duarte Garzón, Omar Eutimio; Ramos Aranda, Susana;;
    The department of Cundinamarca is recognized as the most competitive and developed in Colombia (), however, the advance of thermal tourism in the department is still incipient, characterized by low levels of competitiveness. (). On the other hand, the inclusion of the local community in this type of tourism is reduced to the occupation of jobs generated by the activity, a situation that limits the use of the cultural wealth of the communities as a means to improve the competitiveness of the thermal tourism of the department and facilitate support for environmental sustainability in the use of natural resources in this activity. The main objective is to identify the cultural factors of the local community that have the greatest impact on competitiveness and environmental sustainability in thermal tourism, in the municipalities of Choachí-Tabio and Chocontá. From the perception of the community, thermal companies and tourists, thus contributing to the design of business strategies and public policies for the year 2020. The specific objectives are: a) determine the level of impact of each of the cultural factors of the local community on the competitiveness of thermal tourism in the municipalities of Choachí-Tabio and Chocontá from the perception of the community, thermal companies and tourists b) determine the level of impact of each of the cultural factors of the local community on the environmental sustainability of thermal tourism in the municipalities of Choachí-Tabio and Chocontá from the perception of the community, thermal companies and tourists. The focus of this research is quantitative, based on the literature review, a theoretical framework will be constructed, a representative sample will be determined, a hypothesis will be established and a plan will be drawn up to test it, using statistical methods. (Hernández, Fernández, and Baptista, 2014) .It will have a correlational type scope because an analysis of the behavior of the variables object of this investigation is carried out, to later determine the relationship between them. The expected results are: - A scientific article Q3 - Participation in a scientific event as a speaker - Direction of a master's degree work - Final technical report
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    Evaluación in planta de tres desinfectantes contra el moho gris (Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr.), y de seis fungicidas y tres biofungicidas fungicidas contra mildeo velloso (Peronospora sparsa) en rosa (Rosa spp.): Informe final
    (2017-05-03) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Almenares Aragón, Jennifer Vannesa; Valencia González, Jesika Natali; Serrano, María;;;;;
    Gray mold is a cosmopolitan and limiting disease of the cultivation and postharvest of the rose in Colombia; The objective of this study was to establish an in vitro test to evaluate the compatibility of four fungicides with a Trichoderma isolate (USTA_Tri-004). In order to propose possible rotations of the Trichoderma insulation, with four fungicides based on the active ingredients Fenhexamid, Pyrimethanil, Prochloraz and Fenhexamid + Tebuconazole, which are the most used for the control of Botrytis cinerea in the production of rose in The Savannah of Bogota. On the other hand another limitation of the production of the rose, is the quasar per hairy millet produced by Peronospora sparsa, is one of the most limiting diseases in the production of roses in Colombia; Being the chemical control, the first measure of management of this disease; For this reason, the objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides with the active ingredients Cimoxanil + Mancozeb (Mancyl®_WP dose 2.0g * l-1); Cimoxanil + Famoxadone (Equation®_Pro dose 1.5g * l-1); Cimoxanil + Mancozeb (Curzate®-8-dose 2.0g * 1-1); Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (Ridomil®_Gold_MZ_68_WP dose 2.0 g * l-1); Propamocarb_HCL + Fluopicolide (Infinite® SC dose 1.5 ml * 1-1), Fosetyl-Al (Fosetal®_80_WP dose 2.0g * 1-1); Applied in spray, on leaves of rose (Variety Charlotte) of preventive and curative form. On the other hand, biofungicides Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus brevis (SCD-EM_Agro® dose 1.0ml * l-1) were also evaluated in a preventive way; Bacillus subtilis CM-5 and Bacillus cereus BCE-2 (Defensor® dose 1.0ml * l-1), and Bacillus subtilis QST 713 (Serenade®_ASO dose 5.0 ml * l-1). All fungicides, with the exception of Fosetil aluminum, presented preventive efficacies above 85%; However, of these, Propamocarb_HCL + Fluopicolide and Cimoxanil + Famoxadone, presented curative efficacies of 86 and 81% respectively; For the first case, this can be explained to the interference on the lipid synthesis of the phytopathogenic cell membrane; And for the second, to the interference of the cellular respiration of this microorganism. As for biofungicides, only S. cerevisiae plus L. brevis presented a preventive efficacy greater than 85% against P. sparsa; The above can be explained, because its main interaction with phytopathogens, is based on antibiosis and competition for nutrients, and space; Which generates few risks of environmental contamination.
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    Evaluación in planta de tres desinfectantes contra el moho gris (Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr.), y de seis fungicidas y tres biofungicidas fungicidas contra mildeo velloso (Peronospora sparsa) en rosa (Rosa spp.): Informe de avance
    (2016-10-25) García Murillo, Paulo Germán; Almenares Aragón, Jennifer Vannesa; Valencia González, Jesika Natali; Serrano, María;;;;;
    Gray mold is a cosmopolitan and limiting disease of the cultivation and postharvest of the rose in Colombia; The objective of this study was to establish an in vitro test to evaluate the compatibility of four fungicides with a Trichoderma isolate (USTA_Tri-004). In order to propose possible rotations of the Trichoderma insulation, with four fungicides based on the active ingredients Fenhexamid, Pyrimethanil, Prochloraz and Fenhexamid + Tebuconazole, which are the most used for the control of Botrytis cinerea in the production of rose in The Savannah of Bogota. On the other hand another limitation of the production of the rose, is the quasar per hairy millet produced by Peronospora sparsa, is one of the most limiting diseases in the production of roses in Colombia; Being the chemical control, the first measure of management of this disease; For this reason, the objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides with the active ingredients Cimoxanil + Mancozeb (Mancyl®_WP dose 2.0g * l-1); Cimoxanil + Famoxadone (Equation®_Pro dose 1.5g * l-1); Cimoxanil + Mancozeb (Curzate®-8-dose 2.0g * 1-1); Metalaxyl + Mancozeb (Ridomil®_Gold_MZ_68_WP dose 2.0 g * l-1); Propamocarb_HCL + Fluopicolide (Infinite® SC dose 1.5 ml * 1-1), Fosetyl-Al (Fosetal®_80_WP dose 2.0g * 1-1); Applied in spray, on leaves of rose (Variety Charlotte) of preventive and curative form. On the other hand, biofungicides Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus brevis (SCD-EM_Agro® dose 1.0ml * l-1) were also evaluated in a preventive way; Bacillus subtilis CM-5 and Bacillus cereus BCE-2 (Defensor® dose 1.0ml * l-1), and Bacillus subtilis QST 713 (Serenade®_ASO dose 5.0 ml * l-1). All fungicides, with the exception of Fosetil aluminum, presented preventive efficacies above 85%; However, of these, Propamocarb_HCL + Fluopicolide and Cimoxanil + Famoxadone, presented curative efficacies of 86 and 81% respectively; For the first case, this can be explained to the interference on the lipid synthesis of the phytopathogenic cell membrane; And for the second, to the interference of the cellular respiration of this microorganism. As for biofungicides, only S. cerevisiae plus L. brevis presented a preventive efficacy greater than 85% against P. sparsa; The above can be explained, because its main interaction with phytopathogens, is based on antibiosis and competition for nutrients, and space; Which generates few risks of environmental contamination.