Pregrado Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana

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    Didáctica del Pensamiento Creativo y la Escritura
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-26) Rodríguez Suarez, Diana Paola; Obando Ureña, Wilman Tomás; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
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    Material didáctico para favorecer el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lecto escritura en la asignatura de Lengua Castellana, grado primero de la Sede C Institución Camilo Torres Restrepo Barrancabermeja
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-18) Abaunza Rodriguez, Amalia; Fernández Peña, Iliana; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;
    The present work responds to a research with a descriptive approach, which has as general objective: to elaborate didactic material to favor the teaching-learning process of reading and writing in the subject of Spanish Language, first grade of the Institution Camilo Torres Restrepo Sede C. The main didactic materials used by the teachers in the process of teaching and learning of reading and writing were identified, as well as the main deficiencies of the students regarding the learning of reading and writing, which allowed channeling the structure of the didactic materials and elaborating them from the objectives defined in the grade, in the same way, valid orientations were offered to take into account for their implementation by the teachers of the first grade of the Institution where the research was developed. Subsequently, in order to assess the relevance of the didactic materials developed, a questionnaire was applied to the first grade teachers of the subject Spanish Language for the selection of teachers who met the defined characteristics and thus assessed the didactic materials proposed by means of the Checklist instrument. Main results: the proposed didactic materials were evaluated on the scales of pertinent and appropriate, and none of the criteria was evaluated as not appropriate. It is concluded that the evaluation of the didactic materials by the peers selected according to the characteristics defined by the author, allowed determining that they are pertinent and adequate to be applied in the teaching process. Key words: didactic material, teaching and learning process, reading and writing.
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    Literatura regional de autores nariñenses: Una estrategia para fortalecer la lectura inferencial
    (2022-09-22) Delgado Linares, Jeny Andrea; Báez Peñuela, Marcela Carolina; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
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    Propuesta de abordaje creativo y participativo de la lectura desarrollada en estudiantes de grado tercero en la institución educativa la Salle sede bermejal del municipio de Ocaña norte de Santander.
    (2012) Pérez Cáceres, Mirama del Carmen; Navarro Vergel, Miralva; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Knowing the great importance and transcendence that reading has in the development of all the other skills of the learner, the present study, by development of all the other skills of the learner, the present study, being a research work, was This study, being a research work, was carried out with the purpose of analyzing some strategies that could be used to strategies that could be used to teach reading, the significant world that surrounds the child in his or her school years. As it is universally known, reading is one of the most important mechanisms of learning, which is why it is important to teach reading. of learning, which is why it occupies a preponderant place in the school's priorities. school priorities. Although reading is a technique, reading is not only reproducing the sound of words or the is not just reproducing the sound of words or understanding their meanings as individual signs, it is much more than that. reading is much more than that; reading is not an action in and of itself, but involves an action that is itself, but it involves an attitude, which determines that action in an intrinsic way. intrinsically.
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    Diagnostico administrativo oficina Ocaña banco Davivienda s.a. sucursal Ocaña
    (2009) Casadiego Rincón, Astrid; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The administrative diagnosis was carried out following the guidelines and policies of the and policies of research at USTA, which tend to give a humanist sense to the humanistic sense to the formation of its clients. The thematic structure of the study is centered on the realization of an administrative diagnosis of the branch of the of Banco DAVIVIENDA OCAÑA, which is an intermediation and financial services and financial services, oriented fundamentally to individuals and families, and specialized in the and specialized in the promotion of savings and housing financing.
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    La capacidad de escucha y comunicación oral inciden en el rendimiento académico.
    (2014) Vargas Cely, Francy Yadira; Rodríguez, Rosalba; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Immediately by generating and adopting spaces in which the child enjoys comfort, where he/she can express him/herself freely and actively in the process of orality-listening. It is then, a scenario that has as its purpose: to favor the link between orality and listening among 6th grade students. It is a highly effective educational tool to create competent people. It is an attractive, comfortable, bright, serene and fun space where students can live new and exciting experiences through the word, but above all be active and participatory protagonists of their own learning. In this way, it allows, as much as possible, the access and management of resources, since this influences the motivation and frequency on the part of the learner. But at the same time, it suggests meaningful learning through the enjoyment of the facilities, that is why it is proposed to continue with activities that continue to encourage orality and listening to strengthen their attention, which also affects their academic performance.
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    Búsqueda de una alternativa pedagógica interactiva (socio-cultural) para la enseñanza de la escritura en el contexto de la escuela contemporánea
    (2018) Sandoval Moreno, Richard Fernando; Valderrama Vacca, Nubia Angélica; Moreno, Jairo Aníbal
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    Desarrollo de la escritura; tres perspectivas epistemológicas
    Ortíz Gutiérrez, Rocío Del Pilar; Moreno, Jairo Aníbal
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    El arte de crear escribiendo, para fortalecer la producción en los estudiantes del grado tercero del colegio Domingo Savio
    (2021-02-05) Bocachica Pirajan, Nuvia Emilce; Erazo Rico, Liliana
    Creative, expressive or literary writing aims to awaken the enjoyment for writing, for invention, for fiction; ultimately, for literature, for the creation of their own worlds. Writing, therefore, is something that can be learned from models, from a tradition of a job, and it is acquired fundamentally in two ways: reading and writing itself. That said, it is also true that only by writing we learn to write, to tell the stories kept inside, despite the fact that, as J. Marías says, in his speech when joining the Academy (April 27th, 2008): the novelist's work is not only puerile, as Robert Louis Stevenson describes it, but also absurd, a kind of trompe l'oeil, a hoax, an illusion, an entelechy and a soap bubble...I even dared to say that telling, narrating, recounting is impossible, mostly if it is about certain facts, things that indeed happened. And, consequently, Marías later affirms, only the author of fictions can tell the whole story, insofar as he gives them an unalterable and permanent reality. Just like the painter with colors; or the musician with sounds; or the photographer with lights; or the sculptor with wood, stone or bronze; or the potter with clay; etc., the basic tool that a writer works with is language. His art consists of combining words, and just as a still life or a landscape gradually comes out of the tubes of paint, we could say that a story, a novel, always slept in the pages of the dictionary, or in the head of who writes it. Thus, writing is a careful art of combining words. These are the ordinary material: the most immediate, the simplest matter of life. Therefore, it is important to seek naturalness, to wriggle away from the excess of “literature” in the texts. Natural style is persuasive, meanwhile the artificial one leads us to suspect. It requires rich vocabulary, interrelation capability, and verbal association. "THE ART OF CREATING WRITING" is a project aimed at strengthening textual production. The objective is to implement methodological strategies in order to encourage such process in students; so that it can be reflected in the good academic performance of each one; and hence in the development of some of the competences stated in the curricular guidelines of the Spanish language.
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    De la lana voy narrando y el patrimonio conservando
    (2021-02-04) Delgadillo Torres, Jenifer Dayana; Suarez Garzón, Sandra Yomara; Mendez Arroyo, Blanca Nubia
    This research project presents as its main axis to rescue the historical memory of some weaving artisans in the municipality through narratives. That is why, from the proposed objectives, the categories of analysis emerge, such as: historical memory, identity, family, social and cultural aspect, of which the subcategory comprised by educational establishments is broken down, which allow the construction and application of instruments: identikit, ethnographic interview and social cartography that at the same time, generate identity processes with each of them. These artisans will have the opportunity to narrate what the wool trade has consisted of, making known the trajectory and significance of this craft tradition and what this trade has brought to the municipality. To carry out the purpose that was proposed in the work, the qualitative methodological design was used, where characteristics are evidenced that allow grouping those behaviors of the human being. This research is ethnographic in nature, and framed within the proposals of work with communities of the Participatory Research-Action, which allows to identify and problematize a particular daily situation of the community. Finally, it was possible to rescue the historical memory of the artisans of the municipality of Cucunubá using narratives that allowed them to demonstrate their skills and previous knowledge, which are promoted by means of a technological tool (audiovisual and multimedia) where it is evidenced through short reviews, Photographs and videos showing the step by step process with which this trade is developed, showing the techniques and instruments with which these products are made.
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    El audiolibro como estrategia pedagógica para nuevas lecturas y nuevos lectores, revisión del estado del arte.
    (2021-01-25) Celis Méndez, Sandra Marcela; Herrera Escalante, Claudia Edid
    This degree project seeks to identify the contributions of the audio book as a pedagogical strategy in the promotion of curricular processes that encourage reading experiences in basic primary education. To this end, a hermeneutic analysis of advanced academic experiences in Latin America where the audio book was linked to pedagogical processes is being carried out. A descriptive-analytical documentary review was carried out as the basis for a pedagogical reflection on the audio book, in which the experiences found were analyzed in the light of the conceptual categories chosen: the audio book as a pedagogical strategy, reading pedagogy and the role of the teacher in this process. It was identified that the audio book as a pedagogical strategy provides children with reading stimuli thanks to its multimedia resignation, which allows cognitive, intellectual, sensory and communicational developments with greater success than conventional reading. The audio book is a pedagogical strategy that allows to promote the development of competences and reading experiences thanks to the fact that reading becomes a playful and interactive exercise of interpretation of texts in specific social spaces.
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    Experiencias significativas para el desarrollo de competencias cognitivas, comunicativas e interdisciplinares para la construcción de nuevas ciudadanías
    (2020-08-28) Vargas Diaz, Nadia Patricia; Herrera Escalante, Claudia Edid
    The present systematization accounts for the most relevant aspects of the methodological development of three significant experiences carried out within the framework of the development of pedagogical practices, with grades 402 (year 2019) and 502 (year 2020) of the Morning Conference of the IED El Jazmín of the city of Bogotá DC, aimed at generating significant communicative scenarios, in which the use and appropriation of languages typical of the natural, social, cultural and family context of the students, was the guiding and interdisciplinary thread for the consolidation and acquisition of new knowledge, the promotion of the collective sense and social awareness. This systematization addresses the reconstruction of the design, application and result of significant learning routes, which include both the path traveled and the ways in which these were changing according to the vicissitudes that framed the economic, social, technological, historical and cultural context of its protagonists, and that allowed students to enhance their grammatical reading and writing skills, their communicative, cognitive and aesthetic skills through the area of the Spanish language as a transversal and interdisciplinary axis for the construction of new citizenships. Whose result, constitutes the pedagogical practices as a significant experience.
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    Narrativas: memorias de vida e identidad. Aproximación a las experiencias sobre el conflicto armado por los estudiantes del grado 5 del colegio santa bárbara, para la construcción de una cultura paz y convivencia en la escuela.
    (2020-07-02) Cañizárez Pérez, Luz Mery; Méndez, Blanca
    This preliminary project was oriented towards the construction of narratives based on the lived experiences of the students of grade 5 of the Santa Bárbara School about the armed conflict in Catatumbo, to contribute to a culture of peace and prevention in the classroom, which for Being able to carry it out, a qualitative, ethnographic methodology was used, based on the design and implementation of three instruments that sought to explore the spaces of interaction in the daily lives of boys and girls. The first instrument that was implemented is called identikits, which consisted of freely representing through drawings, how they conceive of themselves, secondly, social cartography, which allowed recognizing social space through graphic representation. Later, the autobiographical story, which was formed with characters to recreate the life experience, but subject to a discourse made from personal and contextual conditions. After the application of these instruments, a series of conclusions and recommendations emerged, which constitute an important contribution for the boys and girls, who through this project obtained an experience regarding the stories, give life to other understandings of the armed conflict and building peace.
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    Las narrativas: Construcción social del lenguaje Una mirada a las experiencias significativas de los jóvenes de la Fundación “Luis Amigó”
    Ávila Torres, Lida Marcela; Méndez Arroyo, Blanca Nubia; Méndez Arroyo, Blanca Nubia;
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    Sentido y significado de los desafíos cognitivos como estrategia didáctica para el fortalecimiento de habilidades comunicativas en el Colegio Diocesano San José en el Distrito de Santa Marta
    (2020-03-16) Subero, Silvana; Moreno, Paola
    This project contains an investigative process applied at the Colegio Diocesano San José de Santa Marta, to identify the meaning and meaning that teachers possess of the discipline regarding Castellano with regard to cognitive challenges such as a pedagogical strategy that strengthens communicative skills. This research was extended from the qualitative approach, using ethnography as a guide design. During the research course was applied. During the research tour, multiple instruments were applied: non-participating observation to the teacher and his Spanish class and Critical reading, interviews and analysis of documents, which facilitated the reconstruction of all the information provided participants, as well as the triangulation of techniques with respect to the subject matter of the study.
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    Influencia de las canciones infantiles didácticas en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral
    (2020-01-17) Narváez, Jhon Darío; Méndez, Blanca Nubia
    This research paper summarizes the study carried out on the influence of didactic children's songs on the development of the oral language of children in the second grade of the Rural Educational Institution La Concordia taking as reference the children's songs, which play a role very important in the development of children's oral language, since through them, students develop linguistic and communicative competence.
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    ¿Cómo iniciar procesos de formación de niños y niñas, lectores y productores de texto en tercer grado del colegio pedagógico Sigmund Freud del municipio de Lebrija?
    (2014) Laguado Calderón, Yuranny Andrea; Suárez, María Isabel
    Every day new strategies are developed in pedagogy methodologies that help the construction of society, the teacher as an agent of social transformation responsible for energizing the four fundamental pillars of knowledge: Learn to know, learn to do, learn to live and learn to Being has a preponderant role in the formation of children. Both the home and the school are the places where if it starts to acquire the first academic and social knowledge that contribute to the global development of the human being, taking into account creativity and originality. We talk about "training children", not teaching students; There is talk of a process, in which boys and girls meet real and complete texts to carry out a self-study with guidance, adult orientation, he must take into account the individuality of each of the children, their experience social, their experiences in the habitat that give them tools in their knowledge acquisition process.
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    El papel de la interactividad para enriquecer los procesos de enseñanza de la literatura en estudiantes de grado 9º: una estrategia pedagógica en el aula
    (2018) Rodríguez Ladino, Ángela Andrea; Báez Peñuela, Marcela Carolina;;
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    Le cuento que con el cuento se crea hábitos de lectura y escritura
    (2015) Osorio Jaimes, Elsa Marina; Celis Salazar, Olga Lucia
    The objective is to propose the story as a motivating tool to create reading and writing habits in the primary elementary school students of the North Union Headquarters Education Institution. It is necessary for the teacher to design strategies that allow the child to discover the wonderful world that encloses reading and writing, for which we worked through the story that stimulates the imagination and arouses curiosity. As theoretical support, Jairo Aníbal Niño is taken into account with his work Zoro, where imagination and fantasy are highlighted. Another contribution is given by Frank Smith who guides on how to develop the true process of reading and writing through their integration, and there is Ana María Maqueo who designed strategies for text comprehension. All this was worked through the action research in the classroom resulting in the creation of reading and writing habits.