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Ítem ANÁLISIS DEL IMPACTO SOCIOAMBIENTAL DEL AUMENTO DE LA FRONTERA AGRÍCOLA EN TOCA-BOYACÁ(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-09-19) Vargas Becerra, Edison Fabian; Garcia Burgos, Brayan Felipe; Preciado Trujillo, EdisonThis research analyzes the socio-environmental impact of the increase in the agricultural frontier in Toca-Boyacá through a multi-temporal analysis of land cover between 2004 and 2024 and the application of identification and assessment matrices for environmental, social and economic impacts. It reveals a notable increase in the areas of transitory crops and bare lands, to the detriment of forests, these changes are closely linked to agricultural expansion. In addition, a series of significant impacts are identified, including the loss of biodiversity, soil deterioration and alterations in water resources, along with social impacts such as rural migration and changes in the local economic structure. The results highlighted the need to implement effective mitigation measures to minimize these negative effects, such as reforestation, sustainable water management and environmental education for the community. It is also concluded that it is essential to update the land use planning scheme and include this issue to guide sustainable agricultural development and ensure the balance between economic growth and environmental conservation in Toca.Ítem Análisis del impacto de la virtualidad en el rendimiento académico en los colegios públicos en Tunja (Boyacá) a raíz de la pandemia 2020 – estudio de Caso(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-08-29) Jiménez Guzmán, Iván Mauricio; Bustamante Ruíz, Angela; Sánchez, Hugoberto; Universidad Santo TomásDuring the year 2020, the world was exposed to a health problem that paralyzed all the social scenarios in which the population operates. For the case study, Colombia chose to implement virtuality for the academic sector, unexpectedly generating a great impact on students, teachers and families. A change within society that forced changes and adaptation within communities in the face of the new scenarios they were forced to adopt during the pandemic. This transition from face-to-face to virtuality allowed us to know strengths and deficiencies in the educational sector in relation to the connectivity, implementation and use of information and communication technologies – TIC, in the Official Educational Institutions of Tunja city. According to this, this report analyzes the implications of the transition from face-to-face to virtual learning in relation to the academic performance of the population under study, taking into account that it is important to analyze what was the impact on the student community, for which the results of the State tests for the periods 2018-2019, 2020 y 2021-2022 were taken as a basis. As well as in reports from different government entities that carry out an analysis of the pilot plan of alternation, which allow us to have a vision and a comparison on the subject under investigation. Taking into account the importance of knowing the perspective directly from the official educational institutions under study, interviews are carried out with the academic coordinators, where it can be seen how the pandemic time was experienced in the institutions. As a result, a relatively positive impact is evident in relation to the Saber 11 tests, as the average is maintained, without having a great change in the score in the analyzed periods. However, upon knowing the opinion of the institutions, the impact was negative by generating disinterest on the part of the student community and parents regarding the issue of virtuality, due to the difficulties in accessing and using ICT tools. As well as a temporary dropout and increase in repeat students for the year following the pandemic.Ítem DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS CAUSAS Y CONSECUENCIAS DE LA EVASIÓN FISCAL EN LOS TRIBUTOS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE BOYACÁ DURANTE EL PERIODO 2020-2023(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-25) Morales Millan, Angie Vanessa; Cely García, Fabian Esteban; Monroy, Rubén; Universidad Santo TomasTax evasion constitutes a complex phenomenon that seeks to avoid payment of taxes through various practices, such as the omission of tax returns. income or document manipulation, among other strategies. Therefore, the The objective of this article was to describe the causes and repercussions of evasion fiscal in Boyacá during the period 2020-2023. A methodology was carried out through a documentary review using a qualitative approach, based on the opinions and research of various authors. Among the findings, causes such as ineffective tax policies, a complicated tax system, poor tax culture, economic informality, institutional weakness and corruption. The identified consequences include the decrease in tax revenues, increase in inequality, deterioration of public services and diminished institutional trust. It is concluded that the The main causes of tax evasion in the department of Boyacá are the lack of effective tools on the part of the Government for control tax, the poor tax culture and the prevalence of economic informality. This situation has a negative impact on the ability to invest in projects, increases inequality, discourages investment and damages the reputation of the Department.Ítem EL RIESGO Y EL TURISMO EN VILLA DE LEYVA: SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LIMITADOS(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2024-04-22) Fonseca Vanegas, Cristian Felipe; Barreto López, Deisy LorenaThe objective of this research article is to identify the causes of the shortage of public services in the municipality of Villa de Leyva. The research was carried out under the parameters of a mixed descriptive cross-sectional study. An electronic questionnaire was constructed to collect the information. The population under study were the inhabitants of the municipality of Villa de Leyva who have lived at least one year, the total sample of the population is 37 people with a margin of error of 10.4% and a confidence level of 80%, where A total of 37 valid questionnaires were obtained, the main result shows that the inhabitants of Villa de Leyva consider that tourism has brought with it problems in the shortage of public services but it also tacitly indicates that the government or mayor's office are responsible. Of this problem. From this it follows that the value chain of the tourism sector cannot continue working in isolation without taking into consideration the supply of goods, environmental services and the availability of public services in the territory. Since to date the town of Leyva does not have a sewage system and a garbage disposal system, nor does there exist a wastewater treatment plant, therefore basic problems are not resolved when there are already even more complex problems. That worsen day by day with the massive visit of tourists. One of the consequences of this is that, in some tourist destinations, public services such as water supply, sewage, electricity and sanitation end up covering the tourism sector, and especially the hotel sector, but not the local community (Jiménez, 2017). Just as Jiménez mentions in his research article, according to the investigative investigations that were found through the bibliographic review and surveys, it is found that the impact on access to public services is already a reality in this municipality. Likewise, it is evident that the population sample of this research yields very conclusive results that can be seen first; the responsibility attributed to tourists and the State in the control and organization of the municipality, second; the shortage of water service at least 73% of the total population has been affected, third; 65% of the population attributes these problems to tourism.Ítem Propuesta de declaratoria para el cocido Boyacense como patrimonio cultural e inmaterial de Boyacá.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-10-11) Pedraza Zea, Angie Liliana; Romero Chavarri, Juan Carlos; Alvarez Burgos, Maria Ines; Universidad Santo Tomás TunjaThe Cocido Boyacense has stood out for being one of the typical dishes of the gastronomy of the department of Boyacá; its preparation is based on cooking native tubers such as rubas, turnips, ibias, among others, accompanied by some meats, whose ingredients have multiple nutritional nutrients. Its declaration is necessary in order to safeguard an autochthonous ancestral dish, through which different lines of the economy are promoted and the creation of enterprises around the Boyacense stew is promoted. In this sense, it seeks to promulgate and disseminate it to strengthen the identity of the department in a national and international context. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen regional marketing in which the markets within the department are strengthened and a considerable increase in tourism is reflected.Ítem Análisis del plan de alimentación escolar en el municipio de Duitama-Boyacá.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-10-05) Traslaviña Barbosa, Daniel Alejandro; Robles González, Alba Rocio; Universidad Santo Tomás TunjaThe article analyzes the normativities, the main activities and the contributions of coverage and quality of the School Feeding Program (PAE) of the Official Educational Establishments of the municipality of Duitama-Boyacá in the period 2016 to 2022, in contribution to nutrition, school performance and retention of children and young people. The study examines part of the history and transformation of the program, from the first beginnings of school canteens created by teachers in the department of Boyacá with the intention of contributing to the dropout and feeding, until the Government’s structure and organization, with the aim of making it a public policy for the whole country in the 4,476 official educational institutions. It therefore analyses the activities, agreements and allocation of resources carried out by the national and territorial institutions and the municipal administration of Duitama. Finally, the contributions made around the coverage and quality of some public entities through agreements and projects guaranteed the operation of the program in the municipality of Duitama, Boyacá.Ítem La desinformación del sistema pensional.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-09-25) Castillo Amaya, Oscar Fernando; Andrade Parada, Bryan Mauricio; Pardo Rodríguez, Andrés José; Universidad Santo TomasIt is not convenient for everyone to be affiliated with private funds and neither is it convenient for everyone to be affiliated with the Colpensiones medium premium regime, we must know how to make decisions at the different stages of our working life, which benefit the contributor in the amount to receive the pension, the return of the balances in private funds or the substitute compensation in colpensiones. In a certain way, it has been possible to control this migration from one regime to another, with "double advice", a measure that the government took so that it received advice from the two regimes, and to look in more depth at the situation of each of the regimes. contributor in their particularity, thus ensuring that they do not move without knowledge of their situation in terms of their savings and weeks of contributions.Ítem Análisis del funcionamiento de las asociaciones agropecuarias en las provincias de Sugamuxi y Valderrama.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-04-12) Araque Vargas, Miguel Armando; Cusba Tibaduiza, Juan Yesid; Muñoz, Fernando; Universidad Santo Tomás TunjaThe agricultural vocation in the department of Boyacá has motivated the creation of associations, in order to achieve economic development and well-being for its members and communities within the productive and market context. Allowing the creation of associations with a social objective, focused on agricultural and livestock production, where there are more than 100 associations registered in the provinces of Valderrama and Sugamuxi, dedicated especially to dairy, sheep, cattle, and goat production. vegetables, alfalfa, beekeeping, potatoes and figs. The present descriptive analytical study was developed from instruments such as the survey and the interview, applied to 42 associations and answered by the legal representatives, both urban and rural by municipality, of the agricultural sector and including the existing irrigation districts in the two provinces. The diagnosis allowed to identify the reason for the current state of the associations, active and inactive; Similarly, successful cases and failed cases, the characterization of economic activities, the different processes that are developed, the number of associates since their creation and their current conditions were identified. On the other hand, the economic resources, machinery, equipment, inputs, livestock and environmental protection, received by the associations from the state, the department, the municipalities and private entities, in most cases have not had effective monitoring, control and accompaniment; which leads to the inactivity of the associations, the little project management capacity and the loss of objectivity in the face of the associative processes, which results in the patrimonial detriment of the associates and the contributing agents. It is expected, with this project, to provide alternatives for improvement and enable instruments for good governance and territorial management, resource management and the incentive to promote association, support, market search and efficient investment of the resources allocated for these purposes.Ítem Ferrocarril como medio alternativo de transporte para productos agrícolas e insumos industriales en el Departamento de Boyacá.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-23) Albarracín Vásquez, Christian Gabriel; Albarracin, Christian; Universidad Santo TomasDuitama is classified as the transporter city of the Colombian Middle East, however, throughout its history and when passing from its Rulers it lost the vision of the importance of the railroads in its territory and surroundings. At the end of the 20th century, important advances were made in the department of Boyacá in terms of railway infrastructure, At that time, this type of transport was seen as one that would change the direction of the economy in the Boyacense territory and much of the north, south, east, west and central area of the country. Unfortunately, in the middle of 2022 these roads are in total deterioration and very few are in operation throughout the national territory. In the case of Duitama, some of these are used exclusively for commercial cargo with a limited weight of tons. It would be an enormous task of the current and future rulers to restore part of these railways, and thus achieve boost the internal economy of each territory.Ítem Propuesta para el uso de la inteligencia de negocios en los problemas de movilidad en el municipio de Tunja del departamento de Boyacá(2022-04-30) Moreno, Andres; Castro, Juan sebastian; Preciado, Andres; Universidad Santo TomasGrowing and expanding cities have sought to adapt in recent years to the use of business intelligence to identify different scenarios and possible changes in the behavior of their citizens, generating the possibility of developing multiple recovery plans supported by the correct use of available information. Due to the fact that the city of Tunja is currently experiencing an accelerated growth, timely decision making depends on a greater number of information resources and the adequate use of them. By means of the delivery of this study it is sought to diagnose in a timely manner the current state of the roads of the city of Tunja, to plan new alternative roads and bicycle routes for pedestrians, to collect figures related to mobility and number of accidents, as well as the use of information and comparative analysis to support the future governors of the city of Tunja to assume the correct strategies for decision making.Ítem Marketing Territorial: ¿Motor de desarrollo turístico para Sáchica, Boyacá?.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-01-19) González Silva, Luis Carlos; Preciado Trujillo, Edison Andrés; Universidad Santo TomasIn today's globalized world, tourism is becoming more and more relevant and a decisive element to promote the development of a territory. In the case of the department of Boyacá (Colombia), some municipalities have understood this dynamic by using their comparative advantages to stand out and attract tourists; however, in Sáchica the situation is different, since, although this municipality has such advantages, it has not been able to take advantage of them. As an approach to this problem, this article proposes Territorial Marketing as the concept that can transform the potential into an increase in local tourism. This research investigates, in first instance, through a brief theoretical review, if the concept of Territorial Marketing can be applied in this municipality, secondly, success cases and trials are analyzed, in other places, to find patterns of successes and errors, finally a roadmap is established that includes: phases, strategies and suggestions for the implementation of a Territorial Marketing Plan in Sáchica.Ítem Análisis de la transición del servidor público de la alcaldía de Tunja de la etapa pre pensional a la etapa pensional.(2022-10-07) González Sierra, Karen Gissella; Pardo, AndresIn this age of contemporaneity, thousands of people before retiring feel great pressure for the new directions to take, excitement and joy for a completed stage, uncertainty for not knowing how to face this new lifestyle, and high expectations for future projects. we call this the stress of the pensioner. Faced with the worker's uncertainty about his days as pensioner are going to be, the company should formulate the following questions to take a more active role. How to encourage them to retire? What are the feelings of the person about to retire? What can I do to liven up or accompany this process? Well, all these uncertainties grow when you identify how the pension system operates in Colombia, and we know that our nation is ranked 25th out of only 43 countries according to the ranking of the global pension institute INDEX, this means that We are not even half way to being a decently pensioned society, much less that young people have the possibility of accessing a pension.Ítem Una mirada de la importancia de la cooperación internacional y su posible impacto en las Juntas de Acción Comunal(2022-08-02) Daza Barreto, Ingrith Carolina; Universidad Santo Tomás TunjaRespect to the role of the International Cooperation, establish what is the impact that would generate in the Community Action Boards in relation to the management and satisfaction of the needs of the communities they represent, with the purpose of promoting new alternatives in relation to obtaining resources and supports different to other than can be assigned by the municipal administration.Ítem Estudio de caso: “Reestructuración Organizacional Alcaldía Municipal de Encino, Santander”(2022-04-28) Barón Patiño, Anghie Arleth; Blanco Rangel, Camilo Jose; Universidad Santo TomásThe structure of the Colombian State largely follows Weber's bureaucratic theory, which presents us with an organization based on hierarchy, control and rules and which "seeks to understand society not from the material but from the social and defending the conception that reality could only be understood and interpreted by capturing the function of each of its parts, as well as the meaning of the social actors in the process of social interaction”. Its objective is to propose the Organizational Redesign and Institutional Strengthening of the Municipal Mayor's Office of Encino Santander, based on its economic and organizational capacity, in order to comply with the powers and responsibilities established by the Political Constitution and the other regulations whose final objective is to satisfy the unsatisfied basic needs of the community, which will result in the improvement of the quality of life of all its inhabitants.Ítem Impuesto predial unificado y su incidencia en la asignación de recursos de propósito general por el componente eficiencia fiscal(2022-01-19) Granados Niño, Harllen Janeth; Monroy Becerra, Rubén Darío; Universidad Santo TomásBefore the Political Constitution (19991), the budget distribution was made through the transfer mechanism, later, the budget allocation was implemented through the General Participation System (SGP); Together, a brief description of the regulations in the branch of the public budget is made from the Constitution (1991), Law 60 (1993), the Organic Budget Statute-Decree 111 (1996)-, Law 617 (2000), Law 715 (2001), Law 1176 (2007). It is in the law that modified the allocation of resources of the SGP (Law 1176, 2007), in its article 23 that the distribution of the resources of the participation in General Purpose is established, for the case that concerns this study, particularly for the Fiscal Efficiency component. Based on the criteria established by this standard, a financial analysis of the municipalities of the Province of Gutiérrez is made during the periods 2015-2020, where the importance of the unified property tax as its own income, of free destination, is evidenced. for the municipalities and their impact on the allocation of General Purpose resources by the Fiscal Efficiency component, showing the allocation results made by the DNP during the 2015-2021 period.Ítem Impacto de trasformación social y económica según la ejecución de los planes de desarrollo de puente nacional y guavata santander en el periodo 2016-2019(2021-09-09) Avila Ardila, Sergio Duvan; Sanchez Sanchez, Hugoberto; Universidad Santo TomásThe purpose of this article is to develop an analysis of the development plans of the municipalities of Guavata and Puente Nacional Santander in order to demonstrate their structure and articulation with the National and departmental Development Plans, in addition to their level of execution and compliance with Each of the proposed goals in the social and economic context that would allow evaluating the impacté obtained on the inhabitants against them, for this purpose, from the methodological perspective, a mixed, descriptible and comparative approach was used in which observes, analyzes and records the linking of quantitative and qualitative data from secondary sources to respond to the research sudadas a conclusion of the article, the general objective is answered through an analysis and documentary record of each of the development plans, boards global monitoring and related documents where it was possible to determine what The municipalities developed good management that was reflected in the high level of compliance they had with the socioeconomic dimension, leading to a favorable impact on the transformation and quality of life of the population through an egalitarian, participatory, complete development. and sustainable but with better efficiency in planning and vision in the municipality of Puente Nacional.Ítem Variación de precios de la panela e intervención del gobierno municipio de Santana Boyacá(2021-07-28) Medina Calderón, Carmen Andrea; Quiroga Moreno, Erika Yelitza; Robles González, Alba Rocío; Universidad Santo TomásThis article will show the analysis of the price variation during the last 3 years in the production and commercialization of panela and its effects on the economy of the municipality of Santana Boyacá, which is based on the cultivation of sugar cane for its production, reaching volumes of 40,000 tons per year, which is obtained by 85 mills registered in the municipality. Its industry has been facing economic crises due to various factors, therefore it is vital to investigate the origin and role of the government in these abrupt variations in prices that affect its positioning and valuation. This research is documentary and exploratory, it investigates documents that allow providing information and knowing the context of the object of study; equally descriptive, historical and correlational, it establishes a representation of the panelero sector and its price trajectory, as well as the dynamics of the sector, the factors and effects.Ítem Análisis del conjunto de herramientas de caracterización de grupos de valor que se utilizan en la ciudad de Tunja(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-04-27) Pérez Ayala, Yisseth Ximena; Preciado Trujillo, Edison Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás;;; characterization of value groups in public administration arises from the need to improve the management of public entities in terms of the service they are providing daily to citizens or also called value groups, they need to receive transparent, innovative and effective services capable to generate results and give value to the public. In the first place, this article aims to present a bibliographic review of the most used characterization tools to identify and classify the value groups that exist in the city of Tunja, defining the basic elements that make up these tools and knowing first-hand what information is necessary at the time of generating public policies, plans, strategies and projects that allow the mitigation of unmet needs. This article aims to carry out a descriptive analysis of each of the tools in order to define how the characterization of citizens will be carried out, to achieve this objective the 2020-2023 Development Plan "Tunja la Capital que It unites us ”, figures and data from the previous development plan 2016-2019“ Tunja as a team ”were also taken into account to establish in depth what is to be achieved for this new period, how the tools are going to be used and what programs and Projects will be carried out to solve the problems of citizens, all this in order to see if the guidelines given by the Integrated Planning and Management Manual MIPG are really met.Ítem Estrategia de comunicación de los beneficios que ofrece el nuevo régimen simple de tributación a las personas naturales y jurídicas clasificadas en el grupo I de contribuyentes(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-01-18) Mesa Perez, Angel Diego; Villate Sandoval, Erika Tatiana; Salinas Medina, Martha Isabel;;; tax system in force in Colombia until 2018 is complex, taxpayers who voluntarily formalized their economic activity automatically acquired different tax obligations that had to comply with current regulations, the government identified this situation as a burden for small companies and proposed a reform to the National Tax Statute, through which it included a tax simplification with modifications that are novel for the tax system in Colombia; However, these changes are little known among business entrepreneurs who could benefit, but above all they would have in the new Simple Tax Regime a useful tool for tax formalization, which is why this document seeks to contribute to publicize the benefits of the new law.Ítem Flagelo del trabajo subordinado en Colombia: una obligada referencia al acoso laboral.(Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-02-09) Carrillo Ortegón, Cesar Augusto; Barrera Montañez, Anyinsam Daniel;; legal, political and social order is called to remedy profound differences that arise within the framework of relations in the world of work, to be proactive in adopting legislative measures aimed at mitigating serious problems, including that of workplace harassment. , which manifests itself through multiple facets such as harassment, intimidation or disturbance of coworkers or the hierarchical superior, among others. Knowing the scope of the fundamental rights of workers, the incidence of harmful behaviors to overcome in the social field and the manifestations that attack the being are essential to develop regulations that respond broadly and effectively against the seriousness of harassment. Key Words: Mobbing, Work Ethic, Harassment, Subordination, Workplace Harassment, Discrimination and Victim.