Pregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía, Pensamiento Político y Económico

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    El Recibimiento de la Alteridad como Elemento Pedagógico Fundamental para Mejorar la Convivencia
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018) Acevedo Rubio, Wilmer Alonso; López Sánchez, Olga Cecilia; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;
    The reception of otherness confirms the existence of the personal being in relation to other human beings and encourages to live new intersubjective relations that improve the coexistence. The postulates of Emmanuel Lévinas and Pedro Ortega Ruiz reestablish human relations through the acceptance, responsibility and compassion which transform the educational experience. The research process is conducted under a qualitative approach, with a phenomenological perspective, through the action participation type, the selected instruments include: interviews, surveys and field journals. The results are shown in the first instance about the analysis of the concept of otherness and its experience in the classroom, followed by the identification of its recognition and the elementary experiences in which it is based on, concluding that the reception of the otherness improves coexistence.
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    La Flexibilización Curricular en los Procesos de Formación en Ciudadanía
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-03-23) Carrillo Ladino, Javier Orlando; Gutiérrez Alvarado, Erick; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    This investigative process focused on describing the citizenship training processes of the tenth grade students of the I.E Colegio Don Bosco de Villavicencio in the period 2020-2021, based on the curricular flexibility resulting from the COVID-19 health emergency. For this, the methodology was framed from a hermeneutic perspective with a qualitative approach, with an ethnographic design, involving a population of ninth grade in 2020 of 30 women and 15 men, while the tenth grade of 2021 was made up of 28 women. and 14 men. The instruments used were: the semi-structured interview, documentary review matrix and observation records. As a result, it was evidenced that citizen training was characterized by a distance education model with virtual tutorials in which Google tools were implemented from synchronous and asynchronous virtual environments. The investigation allowed us to conclude that the curricular flexibility implemented by the I.E allowed the experience of significant experiences for citizen education due to the problematizing reading of the context from the realities of the pandemic and the theories addressed; as well as the exchange of knowledge with social and political actors at the national and local level.
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    Proyecto de grado filosofía para niños y pedagogía tomista: articulación de las comunidades de indagación y el método tomista en el Colegio Santo Tomás de Aquino de Bogotá.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2023-02-02) Gutiérrez Camargo, Jeferson Steven; Obando Urueña, Wilman Tomás; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Comprender las nuevas formas y manifestaciones religiosas de la modernidad tardía, desde la media vocacional en la ciudad capital religiosa de Colombia, Chiquinquirá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-12-07) Rodríguez Bernal, Juan Carlos; Benítez Cortés, Aliria Edelmira; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    La escuela chocoana, un escenario para la construcción de identidad cultural afro, a partir de la vivencia y resignificación del folclore: Una aproximación histórico-biográfica a las prácticas etnoeducativas de la Normal Superior San Pío X
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-11-25) Asprilla Mosquera, Famer; Nieto Bravo, Johan Andrés; Universidad Santo Tomás
    Popular folklore is an important tool in the construction, promotion and experience of the cultural identity of afro-descendent people who live in Istmina city at Choco Department in Colombia. It is because of it is conceived as a diverse unit that presents systematic relations which are not susceptible to be fractionated, since if it occurs, their own existence is fractionated too. These traditions are always in an existential dynamic towards the encounter with the other. They are rooted in a series of ethnic principles that racially identify chocoanos and at the same time, these traditions differentiate them from other forms of culture. In this way, the Normal Superior Institute San Pío X, becomes a research center that knows, signifies and puts into practice the cultural manifestations of this territory by permeating a community which through its folklore celebrates in a cheerful way life and updates its historical becoming which has to be perpetuated in future generations.
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    Formación de ciudadanos con capacidad crítica y transformadora en el ámbito de la participación política a través del ejercicio del gobierno escolar en el Colegio de la Presentación Ubaté
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-11-25) Ramírez Gavilán, Leidy Jhoana; Benítez Cortés, Aliria Edelmira; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    Didáctica filosófica y lenguaje juvenil
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-11-25) Ordoñez Arcos, Elvis Jonathan; Covaleda Polo, Carlos Fransisco; Universidad Santo Tomás
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    La enseñanza de la filosofía para jóvenes en una sociedad caracterizada por el consumo y las redes digitales.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-09-20) Lorduy Diaz, Jessica Paola; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Dario; Universidad Santo Tomás;;;;;
    Current society privileges the exercise of professions and the modernization of university careers based on their utility for economic profit, this is, a utilitarianism demarcated in the university context and decanted towards profit; the preparation at the level of secondary education has been technified for a more precise proficiency in the future labor tasks, although, in the present century there is a digital revolution that is unstoppable for every human being and that, together with the technification of secondary education, brings as a consequence the distancing of humanistic areas such as philosophy.
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    La educación de la recta conciencia en la comprensión del ruido de fondo de causalidad.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-08-11) Rodríguez Gómez, Brayan Alexander; Huertas Ruiz, Joaquín Darío; Universidad Santo Tomás
    When talking about the daily life of the human being, a large number of possibilities, behaviors, and concerns are present in which the individual usually establishes some routines that, in many cases, lack precision when it comes to resolving daily conflicts. For this reason, this writing arises as a search to improve decision-making in young people through the formation of the right conscience, as well as the stimulation of the ability to discern and the strengthening of rational exercises in daily decision-making. The foregoing, emphasizes the application of dialogic pedagogy, which allows students to be the main actors in their school process, in a classroom transformed into a laboratory of experiences, where the student allows to understand himself and where he achieves an understanding of what has generated in your mind the background noise of causality.
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    La evaluación en Filosofía ¿Cuáles son los aspectos didácticos y políticos de la evaluación en filosofía?
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-04-07) Coral Villota, Winston Santiago; Ortega, Alexander
    The general purpose of this essay is to show which are the main didactic and political aspects of evaluation in philosophy, since, in the teaching of philosophy, evaluation in the school context is a complex task, and involves certain didactic and political aspects that must be recognized and understood by teachers so that they can carry out a more conscious evaluative action of the teaching processes. learning. Didactics in philosophy allows a reflective work that leads to questioning the fundamentals of teaching, educational purposes, methods, training content, forms of evaluation, its fields of application and its limits, facilitating the contact of philosophy with the social reality and the deployment of evaluation in training action. Didactics in philosophy does not seek to adapt teaching to the demands of the educational system, since it certainly intends to turn the philosophy classroom into a space for reflection, dialogue, expression of thought and the free philosophizing of the student, without forgetting the Philosophical rigor, where not only acquired knowledge is evaluated, but also attitudes, creativity, and originality, hence the qualitative nature and the need for self-evaluation processes. What is important is not the grade that was obtained, but what was achieved and how much was learned. On the other hand, regarding the political aspects of the evaluation in philosophy, the question focuses on the institutionalization of education and Philosophy, teachers have to fulfill a double task, on the one hand, that of pedagogues (trainers), and on the other, that of State officials (accreditors of knowledge), and evaluation has been located in this uncomfortable place, that is, as a tool to improve teaching-learning and as a functional instrument of the State.
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    Diagnóstico del nivel de pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes del grado décimo del instituto técnico integrado (iti)
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2022-03-04) Sánchez Guerrero, Luis Yamid; Celón, María Teresa; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The purpose of this research work is to diagnose the level of critical thinking in tenth grade students of the Integrated Technical Institute (ITI) for its further development. This idea was born from my pedagogical practice at ITI, where I observed that in the generality of the students there is an incorrect predisposition towards philosophy.
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    Propuesta pedagógica para implementar buenos hábitos alimenticios y su influencia en el rendimiento escolar en estudiantes de educación media del colegio casilda zafra, santa rosa de viterbo boyacá
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2014) Chaparro Barrera, Miguel; Alvarez Castellanos, Pedro; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The project is proposed due to the increase of the low school performance in the students of average education of the College Casilda Zafra of Santa Rosa de Viterbo, where there detected that the principal problem they are the bad food habits practised by the community; leading the students to diminishing his quality of life what involves unconsciously the school performance. Similarly, in this project takes into account factors that underpin research damage from poor nutrition early in life or else the benefit of learning to follow a proper diet; exposed now possible alternative day programs and supported by the National Government of Colombia. It becomes in turn an invitation to teaching to engage in the search for appropriate and / or favorable to provide optimal quality of life for their student’s school options. The research qualitative type is a based on data collection without numerical measurement and applies to observation, analysis and description of the subject aimed to formulate a pedagogical approach towards healthy eating habits in high school students of the school Casilda Zafra to improve school performance, since this problem that requires action commensurate with the context and needs (as) students is presented.
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    Políticas de juventud en la ciudad de Duitama.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2013) Fajardo López, Edgar Yesid; Álvarez Castellanos, Pedro; Universidad Santo Tomás
    The purpose of this research was to establish the knowledge of youth policies in the city of Duitama and their understanding by a group of young people. the city of Duitama and its comprehension by a group of young people from vulnerable of a group of young people from vulnerable sectors of the city. This research is based on a based on a historical hermeneutic approach and for which the application of a research as a research instrument the application of a survey with the purpose of assessing the degree of the purpose of assessing the degree of knowledge and perception of the future of youth youth policies, through which their perspectives will be evaluated and a and a manual of knowledge and inclusion will be available in order to achieve a better interaction between the parties involved. and inclusion in order to achieve a better interaction between the parties: youth and adults. In this way the lack of knowledge in the youth policies, but in contrast to the expressed need of young the expressed need of young people to establish mechanisms to bring them to the mechanisms to bring them to them in a more spontaneous and therefore more acceptable way. therefore more acceptable.
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    Guía didáctica para el desarrollo del plan de área de ciencias políticas y económicas en la institución educativa técnica de Monguí.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2014) Ladino Quiroz, Wilson Orlando; Álvarez, Pedro; Universidad Santo Tomás
    This work is focused on the realization of a didactic guide to guide the subject of political and economic sciences at the and economic sciences in the Technical Educational Institution of Monguí, in order to carry out the curricular the curricular guidelines set forth by the Ministry of National Education. For the law 115 of February 8, 1994, which in its article 5 states the purposes of Colombian education. Colombian education. Resolution 2343 of June 5, 1996, which establishes the curricular achievement indicators for Social Sciences (Social Sciences). for Social Sciences (History, Geography, Political Constitution and Democracy); Article 41 of the national constitution states that it is compulsory for all educational institutions, both official and private, to study the social sciences. and private educational institutions of the study of the Constitution and civic instruction and the promotion of democratic practices. and civic instruction and the promotion of democratic practices. The curricular guidelines; the standards and competencies in democracy and labor competencies in democracy and labor competencies. Taking into account that there is no specific material, a guide was prepared to orient the work of teachers at the Institución Educativa at the Technical Educational Institution of Monguí, to provide the necessary tools for an economic and political orientation of the educator. and political orientation of the student and to provide didactic support to the teacher, where an adequate structure is broken down in each of the topics addressed, when talking about When talking about politics or economics, it is necessary to take into account not only the criteria that are exposed as sciences, but also the implications and evolution through time, but the implications and evolution through history.
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    Cultura política de los estudiantes de grados décimo y undécimo del colegio maría inmaculada de la ciudad de Ibagué
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2020-11) López Acosta, David Ignacio; González Restrepo, Héctor Guillermo
    Currently, the political culture study of the citizens has gain great importance since the features composing it define, to a certain extend, the future of societies for, the mentioned culture is constructed from the individuals and their relationship with their environment. Several researches are working in finding the political culture from their own particular society under those realities and diverse purposes. Through this particular investigation, the political culture of a group of high school students is characterized, allowing to show not only their traits in politics and with this their position and participation within said social field, but also a part of their citizen political training, recognizing some aspects that need to be improved in this branch of education to fully train better citizens.
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    Aportes del aprendizaje significativo a la enseñanza de la filosofía.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-08-31) Perez, Alvaro; Obando, Tomas
    In this research an analysis of the theory of meaningful learning proposed by Ausubel as a resource for strengthening the teaching of Philosophy is proposed. It is possible to examine the level of correspondence between the theory of learning and the teaching of philosophy within the school training process, articulating each element of the theory of meaningful learning, through documentary research of the main proposals in these research fields. It is determined that philosophical teaching represents a significant contribution to students and is a tool that allows teachers to promote the development of critical and analytical thinking of the individual's social environment.
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    Intervención Social Y Filosófica Como Estrategia Para La Disminución De Pobreza Multidimensional En Jóvenes Del Sur De La Ciudad De Montería
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-09-27) Sena García, Augusto David; Obando, Wilman Tomas
    The purpose of the present script, is to show how the contribution of philosophy, applied outside the classroom, can have an impact which later translates into positive social changes for communities, through “design of life” projects. Therefore, a social intervention was proposed, by teaching philosophic principles, as a strategy to reduce multidimensional poverty in young people from south of the city of Montería in the department of Cordoba. These interventions were carried out in strata land 2 of the (residential) communities of La Gloria 1 between 2014 and 2019, using focus groups with workshops and soft skills and vocational guidance relating to job placement. The intervention (with 1600 families) showed, in the lives of 560 young people, improvement in their income, through work, and their social prospects. In these families (most relocated from rural areas to urban) the development of skills that allowed social mobility and improved quality of life in their surroundings were met. Social intervention, in a community context, through the teaching of philosophy, can minimize the multidimensional poverty index by decreasing school dropout numbers and improving employment prospects.
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    Didáctica para la enseñanza de la filosofía en la educación media en tiempos de pandemia. El caso de dos docentes en diferentes zonas de Cundinamarca.
    (Universidad Santo Tomás, 2021-09-21) Ramírez, Jeimy Daniela; Canchila, Esquelin Manuel
    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, possible difficulties in teaching philosophy in secondary education are analyzed in different areas of the department of Cundinamarca, it is for this reason that it is proposed to interpret the didactics of philosophy teachers in times of pandemic of the Institute of Agro-environmental and Environmental Sciences (ICAM) of the rural area of the municipality of Ubaté, and of the William Mcklain Gym of the city of Bogotá in an urban area, making use of a qualitative descriptive-comparative research carried out thanks to a case study and using a virtual ethnography that resulted in the interview as a data collection tool, finding that despite the inequality gaps in terms of digital coverage, teachers have structured methodologies based on the needs of their context to show the practicality of philosophy in these times of pandemic.